
446 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/// Entities
/// --------
// Slot count for unique .BOS files associated with CBossEntity instances.
// *Not* CBossEntity instances themselves!
// An individual entity rendered with sprites from a .BOS file. May or may not
// be animated, and may or may not have a hitbox for collision with the Orb.
class CBossEntity {
screen_x_t cur_left;
screen_y_t cur_top;
screen_x_t prev_left;
screen_y_t prev_top;
vram_byte_amount_t vram_w;
pixel_t h;
Area<screen_x_t, screen_y_t> move_clamp; // Relative to VRAM
Area<pixel_t, pixel_t> hitbox_orb; // Relative to [cur_left] and [cur_top]
// Never actually read outside of the functions that set them...
pixel_t prev_delta_y;
pixel_t prev_delta_x;
int bos_image_count;
int zero_1;
int bos_image;
int unknown;
bool16 hitbox_orb_inactive;
bool16 loading;
// Locks both movement and rendering via the locked_*() methods if nonzero.
int lock_frame;
int zero_2;
char zero_3;
unsigned char bos_slot;
CBossEntity() {
loading = false;
zero_3 = 0;
// Even Turbo C++ 4.0J implements copy constructors for trivially
// constructible types via an equivalent of memcpy() by default. This
// constructor downgrades that to dumb single-member assignment, and is
// undeniably worse. MODDERS: Delete.
CBossEntity(const CBossEntity near &other) {
cur_left = other.cur_left;
cur_top = other.cur_top;
prev_left = other.prev_left;
prev_top = other.prev_top;
vram_w = other.vram_w;
h = other.h;
move_clamp.left = other.move_clamp.left;
move_clamp.right = other.move_clamp.right; =;
move_clamp.bottom = other.move_clamp.bottom;
hitbox_orb.left = other.hitbox_orb.left;
hitbox_orb.right = other.hitbox_orb.right; =;
hitbox_orb.bottom = other.hitbox_orb.bottom;
prev_delta_y = other.prev_delta_y;
prev_delta_x = other.prev_delta_x;
bos_image_count = other.bos_image_count;
zero_1 = other.zero_1;
bos_image = other.bos_image;
unknown = other.unknown;
hitbox_orb_inactive = other.hitbox_orb_inactive;
loading = other.loading;
lock_frame = other.lock_frame;
zero_2 = other.zero_2;
zero_3 = other.zero_3;
bos_slot = other.bos_slot;
// Loads all images from the .BOS file with the given [fn] inside the
// currently active packfile into the given CBossEntity .BOS [slot], and
// keeps the .BOS metadata in this CBossEntity instance. Always returns 0.
void load(const char fn[PF_FN_LEN], int slot) {
loading = true;
load_inner(fn, slot);
loading = false;
int load_inner(const char fn[PF_FN_LEN], int slot);
// Copies the .BOS header data of this instance to the given variables. In
// practice, only used to copy these values from one CBossEntity to
// another, via metadata_assign().
void metadata_get(
int &image_count,
unsigned char &slot,
vram_byte_amount_t &vram_w,
pixel_t &h
) const;
// Copies the .BOS header data of [src] to this instance.
void metadata_assign(const CBossEntity near &src) {
// MODDERS: Delete this unnecessary and wasteful temporary copy.
CBossEntity tmp(src);
tmp.metadata_get(bos_image_count, bos_slot, vram_w, h);
int image(void) const {
return bos_image;
void set_image(int image) {
bos_image = image;
pixel_t w_aligned(void) const {
return ((vram_w * BYTE_DOTS) + 16);
/// Blitting
/// --------
// All functions with an [image] parameter use that image from [bos_slot],
// *not* the [bos_image] of this instance.
// Well, OK, except for the next one, with...
// Sets [bos_image] and blits the image to the entity's current position.
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void set_image_unput_and_put_8(int image) {
bos_image = image;
unput_and_put_8(cur_left, cur_top, bos_image);
// Like CPlayerAnim, all of these also make an attempt at clipping the
// sprite at the left and right edges of VRAM. This only really works if
// [left] is a multiple of 16 and inside the [-RES_X, RES_X[ range,
// though, and is pretty much broken otherwise.
// Blits [image] to the entity's current position. Additionally clips at
// the bottom edge of VRAM.
// (This function really shouldn't exist, as it can introduce a disparity
// between [bos_image] and the one on screen.)
void put_8(int image) const {
put_8(cur_left, cur_top, image);
// Blits [bos_image] to the entity's current position.
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_8(void) const {
put_8(cur_left, cur_top, bos_image);
// Blits [image] to (⌊left/8⌋*8, top).
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_8(screen_x_t left, vram_y_t top, int image) const;
// Precisely restores pixels according to the alpha mask of [image] from
// VRAM page 1, starting at (⌊left/8⌋*8, top).
// Additionally clips at the top and bottom edges of VRAM.
void unput_8(screen_x_t left, vram_y_t top, int image) const;
// Like put_8(), but restores all pixels in the blitted sprite
// rectangle from VRAM page 1 prior to blitting.
// Additionally clips at the top and bottom edges of VRAM.
void unput_and_put_8(screen_x_t left, vram_y_t top, int image) const;
// Blits line #[row] of [image] to (left, top).
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_1line(screen_x_t left, vram_y_t y, int image, pixel_t row) const;
// Like put_1line(), but restores all pixels along the line from VRAM page
// 1 prior to blitting the line.
void unput_and_put_1line(
screen_x_t left, vram_y_t y, int image, pixel_t row
) const;
// Blits [image] with a wave function applied to the starting X coordinate
// for each row, based at the given (left, top) point. Used for Elis'
// entrance animation.
// Calls put_1line() for each row, and clips the sprite accordingly.
void wave_put(
screen_x_t left,
vram_y_t top,
int image,
int len,
pixel_t amp,
int phase
) const;
// Like wave_put(), but calls unput_and_put_1line() for each line instead.
// For a sloppy, EGC-accelerated unblitter function, see egc_wave_unput().
void wave_unput_and_put(
screen_x_t left,
vram_y_t top,
int image,
int len,
pixel_t amp,
int phase
) const;
// Tries to unblit the two sprites at (left_1, top) and (left_2, top) that
// were previously blitted with the given wave function using the EGC, but
// fails.
void egc_sloppy_wave_unput_double_broken(
screen_x_t left_1, vram_y_t top, int unused,
int len_1, pixel_t amp_1, int phase_1,
screen_x_t left_2,
int len_2, pixel_t amp_2, int phase_2
) const;
// Blits the 16×8 pixels of [bos_image] in [bos_slot] starting at
// (bos_left, bos_top), relative to the top-left corner of the sprite, to
// ((⌊cur_left/8⌋ + bos_left/8⌋) * 8, (cur_top + bos_top))
// after precisely restoring pixels according to the alpha mask of the
// pixels to be blitted from VRAM page 1.
// Additionally clips at the top and bottom edges of VRAM.
void unput_and_put_16x8_8(pixel_t bos_left, pixel_t bos_top) const;
// Restores the pixels inside the entire ([vram_w]*8)×[h] rectangle
// starting at (cur_left, cur_top) from VRAM page 1.
void sloppy_unput(void) const;
/// --------
/// Movement
/// --------
void move(const pixel_t &delta_x, const pixel_t &delta_y) {
prev_delta_x = delta_x;
prev_delta_y = delta_y;
prev_left = cur_left;
prev_top = cur_top;
cur_left += prev_delta_x;
if(move_clamp.left > cur_left) {
cur_left = move_clamp.left;
if(move_clamp.right < cur_left) {
cur_left = move_clamp.right;
cur_top += prev_delta_y;
if(cur_top < {
cur_top =;
if(cur_top > move_clamp.bottom) {
cur_top = move_clamp.bottom;
void pos_cur_set(screen_x_t left, screen_x_t top) {
cur_left = left;
cur_top = top;
// Sets [cur_left], [cur_top], [unknown], and the [move_clamp] area.
// Kikuri is the only boss who relies on move clamping. All others ignore
// the feature by just directly partying on [cur_left] and [cur_top], and
// can ignore the last 4 parameters. ZUN is very likely to just have
// copy-pasted their [move_clamp_right] and [move_clamp_bottom] values from
// SinGyoku, as they don't make a lot of sense in context of the entity
// widths of other bosses.
void pos_set(
screen_x_t left,
screen_y_t top,
int unknown = 48,
screen_x_t move_clamp_left = PLAYFIELD_LEFT,
screen_x_t move_clamp_right = (PLAYFIELD_RIGHT + SINGYOKU_W),
screen_y_t move_clamp_top = PLAYFIELD_TOP,
screen_y_t move_clamp_bottom = (PLAYFIELD_BOTTOM - SINGYOKU_H)
// (Just read the actual function code, it's impossible to summarize these
// without spelling out every single line here. Most notably though, it
// only actually moves or renders the entity if [lock_frame] is 0.)
void locked_move_and_put_8(
int unused, pixel_t delta_x, pixel_t delta_y, int lock_frames
void locked_move_unput_and_put_8(
int unused, pixel_t delta_x, pixel_t delta_y, int lock_frames
// ZUN bug: The lock concept should really not apply to blitting. Only
// unblitting and reblitting an entity every 3 frames allows other
// overlapping sprites (i.e., bullets, player shots, or the Orb) to rip
// holes into it as part of their respective unblitting calls during these
// 3 frames. That's what causes the flickering during most of YuugenMagan's
// attack phases. This method can only be interpreted as a desperate
// attempt at improving performance, pointing out how much this game would
// have benefitted from a proper sprite system.
void locked_unput_and_put_8(void) {
locked_move_unput_and_put_8(0, 0, 0, 3);
void unlock_put_lock_8(void) {
lock_frame = 0;
locked_move_and_put_8(0, 0, 0, 3);
void unlock_put_image_lock_8(int image) {
lock_frame = 0;
bos_image = image;
locked_move_and_put_8(0, 0, 0, 3);
void unlock_unput_put_image_lock_8(int image) {
lock_frame = 0;
bos_image = image;
/// --------
/// Collision detection
/// -------------------
// Sets [hitbox_orb] to the given coordinates, relative to the top-left
// corner of the image. The area corresponds to the one that the Orb's
// centered hitbox has to fully overlap. Relative to the entity's sprite:
// [this->cur_top]
// ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ Orb top │
// │ ┌─────────┐ │
// │ │ [top] │
// │ Orb left │ ╔═══════════════╗ │
// │ │ ║ ║ │
// │ └─║ ║ [right] │
// [this->cur_left] │ ║ ║ │
// │ [left] ║ ║─┐ │
// │ ║ ║ │ │
// │ ╚═══════════════╝ │ Orb right │
// │ [bottom] │ │
// │ └─────────┘ │
// │ Orb bottom │
// └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
void hitbox_orb_set(
pixel_t left, pixel_t top, pixel_t right, pixel_t bottom
) {
hitbox_orb.left = (left + ORB_HITBOX_W);
hitbox_orb.right = (right - ORB_HITBOX_W); = (top + ORB_HITBOX_H);
hitbox_orb.bottom = (bottom - ORB_HITBOX_H);
void hitbox_orb_activate() {
hitbox_orb_inactive = false;
void hitbox_orb_deactivate() {
hitbox_orb_inactive = true;
// Simply returns whether the orb collided with this entity on the last
// frame. (TODO: Last frame???)
bool16 hittest_orb(void) const;
/// -------------------
// Despite CBossEntity's own width and height fields, ZUN still likes to
// statically hardcode the intended sprite sizes when calculating offsets
// within a .BOS sprite. Since bosses #define more readable names for each
// instance of [boss_entities], we might as well use the opportunity to lift up
// these static sizes into the type system, and avoid the need for per-boss
// boilerplate coordinate functions.
// (Due to CBossEntity unfortunately having a non-inlined default constructor,
// we can't ever directly declare instance of this template without emitting
// another constructor for this class.)
template <pixel_t W, pixel_t H> struct CBossEntitySized : public CBossEntity {
pixel_t w_static() const {
return W;
pixel_t h_static() const {
return H;
screen_x_t cur_center_x(void) const {
return (cur_left + (W / 2));
screen_x_t cur_center_y(void) const {
return (cur_top + (H / 2));
screen_x_t cur_right(void) const {
return (cur_left + W);
// Frees all images in the given [slot].
void bos_entity_free(int slot);
// MODDERS: The static initialization code in the original game proves that ZUN
// declared these as 5 individual variables rather than a single 5-element
// array. This fact explains why especially YuugenMagan and Elis ended up with
// highly redundant code. There are definitely better and cleaner ways of
// handling these entities.
extern CBossEntity boss_entity_0;
extern CBossEntity boss_entity_1;
extern CBossEntity boss_entity_2;
extern CBossEntity boss_entity_3;
extern CBossEntity boss_entity_4;
/// --------
/// Non-entity animations
/// ---------------------
// Slot count for unique .BOS files associated with CBossAnim instances.
// *Not* CBossAnim instances themselves!
// Stripped-down version of CBossEntity, with just animation support. These
// only have functions for direct byte-aligned blitting onto page 0, in
// exchange for the alpha plane being pre-negated at load time? No idea why.
// That 1-instruction negation is certainly not what makes the original code
// slow.
class CBossAnim {
screen_x_t left;
screen_y_t top;
vram_byte_amount_t vram_w;
pixel_t h;
unsigned char bos_image_count;
unsigned char bos_image;
unsigned char bos_slot;
// Loads all images from the .BOS file with the given [fn] inside the
// currently active packfile into the given CBossAnim .BOS [slot], and
// keeps the .BOS metadata in this CBossEntity instance. Always returns 0.
// Identical to CBossEntity::load() with an added alpha negation loop.
int load(const char fn[PF_FN_LEN], int slot);
// Blits [bos_image] to (⌊left/8⌋*8, top).
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_8(void) const;
// Frees all images in the given [slot].
void bos_anim_free(int slot);
extern CBossAnim boss_anims[2];
/// ---------------------