mirror of https://github.com/nmlgc/ReC98.git
[Decompilation] [th01] Boss entities: Unaligned 1-line blitting
"Oh wait, actually, I *do* want to blit 8 pixels at a time in some cases" :zunpet: First time in a long while that the VRAM access macros couldn't do the job, because code generation wants *both* pointer arithmetic *and* subscripts within the same expression. But *come on*, just blit the 16 pixels for the byte-aligned case! Part of P0107, funded by Yanga.
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ typedef union {
struct {
int8_t lo, hi;
} byte;
uint8_t u[2];
int16_t v;
} twobyte_t;
@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "pc98.h"
#include "planar.h"
#include "ReC98.h"
#include "th01/hardware/graph.h"
#include "th01/formats/sprfmt_h.hpp"
#include "th01/formats/pf.hpp"
@ -129,4 +126,70 @@ void CBossEntity::put_8(int left, int top, int image) const
void CBossEntity::put_1line(int left, int y, int image, int row) const
int16_t vram_offset_row = vram_offset_shift(left, y);
int bos_word_x;
size_t bos_p = 0;
int16_t intended_y;
char first_bit = (left & (BYTE_DOTS - 1));
char other_shift = ((1 * BYTE_DOTS) - first_bit);
bos_image_t &bos = bos_images[bos_slot].image[image];
if(bos_image_count <= image) {
int16_t vram_offset = vram_offset_row;
intended_y = vram_intended_y_for(vram_offset_row, left);
bos_p = ((vram_w / 2) * row);
for(bos_word_x = 0; (vram_w / 2) > bos_word_x; bos_word_x++) {
if((vram_offset / ROW_SIZE) == intended_y) {
struct {
twobyte_t alpha, B, R, G, E;
} cur;
cur.alpha.v = ~bos.alpha[bos_p];
cur.B.v = bos.planes.B[bos_p];
cur.R.v = bos.planes.R[bos_p];
cur.G.v = bos.planes.G[bos_p];
cur.E.v = bos.planes.E[bos_p];
#define vram_byte(plane, byte) \
(VRAM_PLANE_##plane + vram_offset)[byte]
if(first_bit == 0) {
for(register int byte = 0; byte < sizeof(dots16_t); byte++) {
vram_byte(B, byte) = cur.alpha.u[byte];
vram_byte(B, byte) |= cur.B.u[byte];
vram_byte(R, byte) |= cur.R.u[byte];
vram_byte(G, byte) |= cur.G.u[byte];
vram_byte(E, byte) |= cur.E.u[byte];
} else {
for(register int byte = 0; byte < sizeof(dots16_t); byte++) {
vram_byte(B, byte + 0) = (cur.alpha.u[byte] >> first_bit);
vram_byte(B, byte + 1) = (cur.alpha.u[byte] << other_shift);
vram_byte(B, byte + 0) |= (cur.B.u[byte] >> first_bit);
vram_byte(R, byte + 0) |= (cur.R.u[byte] >> first_bit);
vram_byte(G, byte + 0) |= (cur.G.u[byte] >> first_bit);
vram_byte(E, byte + 0) |= (cur.E.u[byte] >> first_bit);
vram_byte(B, byte + 1) |= (cur.B.u[byte] << other_shift);
vram_byte(R, byte + 1) |= (cur.R.u[byte] << other_shift);
vram_byte(G, byte + 1) |= (cur.G.u[byte] << other_shift);
vram_byte(E, byte + 1) |= (cur.E.u[byte] << other_shift);
#undef vram_byte
vram_offset += 2;
/// --------
@ -54,5 +54,9 @@ public:
// Blits [image] to (⌊left/8⌋*8, top).
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_8(int left, int top, int image) const;
// Blits line #[row] of [image] to (left, top).
// Additionally clips at the bottom edge of VRAM.
void put_1line(int left, int y, int image, int row) const;
/// --------
@ -8876,6 +8876,7 @@ main_21_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern @CBossEntity@bos_load$qxnxci:proc
extern @CBossEntity@bos_metadata_get$xqmimuct1t1:proc
extern @CBossEntity@put_8$xqiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@put_1line$xqiiii:proc
main_21_TEXT ends
main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@ -8883,269 +8884,6 @@ main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
;org 4
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_15A37 proc far
var_18 = word ptr -18h
var_16 = word ptr -16h
var_14 = word ptr -14h
var_12 = word ptr -12h
var_10 = word ptr -10h
@@bos = dword ptr -0Eh
var_A = byte ptr -0Ah
var_9 = byte ptr -9
var_8 = word ptr -8
var_6 = word ptr -6
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = dword ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 0Ah
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ch
@@image = word ptr 0Eh
arg_A = word ptr 10h
enter 18h, 0
push si
push di
mov ax, [bp+arg_4]
sar ax, 3
mov dx, [bp+arg_6]
shl dx, 6
add ax, dx
mov dx, [bp+arg_6]
shl dx, 4
add ax, dx
mov [bp+var_2], ax
mov [bp+var_6], 0
mov al, byte ptr [bp+arg_4]
and al, 7
mov [bp+var_9], al
mov al, 8
sub al, [bp+var_9]
mov [bp+var_A], al
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov al, es:[bx+31h]
mov ah, 0
imul ax, size bos_t
mov dx, [bp+@@image]
imul dx, size bos_image_t
add ax, dx
add ax, offset _bos_images
mov word ptr [bp+@@bos+2], ds
mov word ptr [bp+@@bos], ax
mov ax, es:[bx+20h]
cmp ax, [bp+@@image]
jle loc_15C7C
mov di, [bp+var_2]
cmp [bp+arg_4], 0
jge short loc_15AA9
mov ax, [bp+var_2]
mov bx, 50h ; 'P'
idiv bx
inc ax
jmp short loc_15AB2
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, [bp+var_2]
mov bx, 50h ; 'P'
idiv bx
mov [bp+var_8], ax
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+8]
sub ax, dx
sar ax, 1
imul [bp+arg_A]
mov [bp+var_6], ax
mov [bp+var_4], 0
jmp loc_15C69
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ax, di
mov bx, 50h ; 'P'
idiv bx
cmp ax, [bp+var_8]
jnz loc_15C60
les bx, [bp+@@bos]
les bx, es:[bx+bos_image_t.BOS_alpha]
mov ax, [bp+var_6]
add ax, ax
add bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx]
not ax
mov [bp+var_18], ax
les bx, [bp+@@bos]
les bx, es:[bx+bos_image_t.BOS_B]
mov ax, [bp+var_6]
add ax, ax
add bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov [bp+var_16], ax
les bx, [bp+@@bos]
les bx, es:[bx+bos_image_t.BOS_R]
mov ax, [bp+var_6]
add ax, ax
add bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov [bp+var_14], ax
les bx, [bp+@@bos]
les bx, es:[bx+bos_image_t.BOS_G]
mov ax, [bp+var_6]
add ax, ax
add bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov [bp+var_12], ax
les bx, [bp+@@bos]
les bx, es:[bx+bos_image_t.BOS_E]
mov ax, [bp+var_6]
add ax, ax
add bx, ax
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov [bp+var_10], ax
cmp [bp+var_9], 0
jnz short loc_15B9F
xor si, si
jmp short loc_15B97
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _grcg_setcolor_rmw stdcall, 0
pop cx
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_18]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
mov es:[bx+si], al
call _grcg_off_func
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_16]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_14]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_R
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_12]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_G
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_10]
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_E
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
inc si
cmp si, 2
jl short loc_15B4D
jmp loc_15C60
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor si, si
jmp loc_15C59
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
call _grcg_setcolor_rmw stdcall, 0
pop cx
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_18]
mov ah, 0
mov cl, [bp+var_9]
sar ax, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
mov es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_18]
mov cl, [bp+var_A]
shl al, cl
mov bx, word ptr _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
mov es:[bx+si+1], al
call _grcg_off_func
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_16]
mov ah, 0
mov cl, [bp+var_9]
sar ax, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_14]
mov ah, 0
sar ax, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_R
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_12]
mov ah, 0
sar ax, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_G
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_10]
mov ah, 0
sar ax, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_E
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_16]
mov cl, [bp+var_A]
shl al, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_B
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si+1], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_14]
shl al, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_R
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si+1], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_12]
shl al, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_G
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si+1], al
mov al, byte ptr [bp+si+var_10]
shl al, cl
les bx, _VRAM_PLANE_E
add bx, di
or es:[bx+si+1], al
inc si
cmp si, 2
jl loc_15BA4
add di, 2
inc [bp+var_6]
inc [bp+var_4]
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+8]
sub ax, dx
sar ax, 1
cmp ax, [bp+var_4]
jg loc_15ACF
pop di
pop si
sub_15A37 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@ -9976,11 +9714,11 @@ sub_1612E endp
sub_16344 proc far
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = dword ptr 6
@@left = word ptr -2
@@CBossEntity = dword ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 0Ah
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ch
arg_8 = word ptr 0Eh
@@top = word ptr 0Ch
@@image = word ptr 0Eh
arg_A = word ptr 10h
arg_C = word ptr 12h
arg_E = word ptr 14h
@ -10004,19 +9742,19 @@ loc_16351:
idiv ebx
add ax, [bp+arg_4]
mov [bp+var_2], ax
mov [bp+@@left], ax
mov ax, 256
idiv [bp+arg_A]
add di, ax
push si
push [bp+arg_8]
mov ax, [bp+arg_6]
push [bp+@@image]
mov ax, [bp+@@top]
add ax, si
push ax
push [bp+var_2]
pushd [bp+arg_0]
call sub_15A37
push [bp+@@left]
pushd [bp+@@CBossEntity]
call @CBossEntity@put_1line$xqiiii
add sp, 0Ch
inc si
Reference in New Issue