[Decompilation] [th01] Boss entities: Clamped movement + unblitting + blitting

A function which does so many individual things that I can't even
summarize it in a comment without spelling out each line of code. And
then, this entire clamped movement system is only used for Kikuri's
soul sprites. The usage code for every other entity just parties on
the [cur_left] and [cur_top] members, and passes a delta of (0, 0) to
this function. 🤷

Part of P0108, funded by Yanga.
This commit is contained in:
nmlgc 2020-08-09 12:23:29 +02:00
parent 2a091eed3b
commit 52def53fd3
4 changed files with 131 additions and 373 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ where the scalar-type variable is declared in relation to them.
| `ADD [m8], imm8` | Only achievable through a C++ method operating on a member? |
| `MOV AL, [m8]`<br />`ADD AL, imm8`<br />`MOV [m8], AL` | Opposite; *not* an inlined function |
| `CWD`<br />`SUB AX, DX`<br />`SAR AX, 1` | `AX / 2`, `AX` is *int* |
| `MOV [new_var], AX`<br />`CWD`<br />`XOR AX, DX`<br />`SUB AX, DX` | `abs(AX)`, defined in `<stdlib.h>`. `AX` is *int* |
### Arithmetic on a register *after* assigning it to a variable?

View File

@ -528,3 +528,32 @@ void CBossEntity::sloppy_unput() const
egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(cur_left, cur_top, (vram_w * BYTE_DOTS), h);
void CBossEntity::move_lock_unput_and_put_8(
int, int delta_x, int delta_y, int lock_frames
if(move_lock_frame == 0) {
move(delta_x, delta_y);
int unput_left = (prev_delta_x > 0)
? ((prev_left / BYTE_DOTS) * BYTE_DOTS)
: (((cur_left / BYTE_DOTS) * BYTE_DOTS) + (vram_w * BYTE_DOTS));
egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(unput_left, prev_top, 8, h);
int unput_top = (cur_top > prev_top)
? prev_top
: (cur_top + h);
prev_left, unput_top, (vram_w << 3), abs(cur_top - prev_top)
unput_and_put_8(cur_left, cur_top, bos_image);
move_lock_frame = 1;
} else if(move_lock_frame >= lock_frames) {
move_lock_frame = 0;
} else {

View File

@ -112,6 +112,31 @@ public:
/// Movement
/// --------
void move(const int &delta_x, const int &delta_y) {
prev_delta_x = delta_x;
prev_delta_y = delta_y;
prev_left = cur_left;
prev_top = cur_top;
cur_left += prev_delta_x;
if(move_clamp.left > cur_left) {
cur_left = move_clamp.left;
if(move_clamp.right < cur_left) {
cur_left = move_clamp.right;
cur_top += prev_delta_y;
if(cur_top < move_clamp.top) {
cur_top = move_clamp.top;
if(cur_top > move_clamp.bottom) {
cur_top = move_clamp.bottom;
// Sets [cur_left], [cur_top], [unknown], and the [move_clamp] area.
void pos_set(
int left,
@ -122,5 +147,11 @@ public:
int move_clamp_top,
int move_clamp_bottom
// (Just read the actual function code, it's impossible to summarize
// without spelling every single line here.)
void move_lock_unput_and_put_8(
int unused, int delta_x, int delta_y, int lock_frames
/// --------

View File

@ -8880,6 +8880,7 @@ main_21_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern @CBossEntity@unput_and_put_8$xqiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@wave_put$xqiiiiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@pos_set$qiiiiiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii:proc
main_21_TEXT ends
main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@ -8887,158 +8888,6 @@ main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
;org 4
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_16733 proc far
var_6 = word ptr -6
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = dword ptr 6
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ch
arg_8 = word ptr 0Eh
arg_A = word ptr 10h
enter 6, 0
push si
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
cmp word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 0
jnz loc_1687F
mov ax, [bp+arg_6]
mov es:[bx+1Eh], ax
mov ax, [bp+arg_8]
mov es:[bx+1Ch], ax
push es
mov si, word ptr [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[si]
pop es
mov es:[bx+4], ax
mov es, word ptr [bp+arg_0+2]
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
mov es:[bx+6], ax
mov ax, es:[bx+1Eh]
add es:[bx], ax
mov ax, es:[bx+0Ch]
cmp ax, es:[bx]
jle short loc_1677E
mov es:[bx], ax
jmp short $+2
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+0Eh]
cmp ax, es:[bx]
jge short loc_1678F
mov es:[bx], ax
jmp short $+2
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+1Ch]
add es:[bx+2], ax
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
cmp ax, es:[bx+10h]
jge short loc_167AE
mov ax, es:[bx+10h]
mov es:[bx+2], ax
jmp short $+2
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
cmp ax, es:[bx+12h]
jle short loc_167C5
mov ax, es:[bx+12h]
mov es:[bx+2], ax
jmp short $+2
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Eh], 0
jle short loc_167DE
mov ax, es:[bx+4]
mov bx, 8
idiv bx
shl ax, 3
jmp short loc_167F9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx]
mov bx, 8
idiv bx
shl ax, 3
mov bx, word ptr [bp+arg_0]
mov dx, es:[bx+8]
shl dx, 3
add ax, dx
mov [bp+var_2], ax
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, ax, word ptr es:[bx+6], 8, word ptr es:[bx+0Ah]
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
cmp ax, es:[bx+6]
jle short loc_16825
mov ax, es:[bx+6]
jmp short loc_16830
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
add ax, es:[bx+0Ah]
mov [bp+var_4], ax
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
sub ax, es:[bx+6]
mov [bp+var_6], ax
xor ax, dx
sub ax, dx
push ax
mov ax, es:[bx+8]
shl ax, 3
push ax
push [bp+var_4]
push word ptr es:[bx+4]
call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
call @CBossEntity@unput_and_put_8$xqiii stdcall, bx, word ptr [bp+arg_0+2], word ptr es:[bx], word ptr es:[bx+2], word ptr es:[bx+24h]
add sp, 12h
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 1
jmp short loc_1689A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
mov ax, es:[bx+2Ch]
cmp ax, [bp+arg_A]
jl short loc_16893
mov word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 0
jmp short loc_1689A
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
les bx, [bp+arg_0]
inc word ptr es:[bx+2Ch]
pop si
sub_16733 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@ -15200,33 +15049,12 @@ var_2 = word ptr -2
inc word_3A6CA
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_0
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_1
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_2
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_3
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_0, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_1, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_2, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_3, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 30h
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_4
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_4, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call sub_1B58F
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 28h ; '('
@ -15567,16 +15395,8 @@ loc_1BEC0:
jnz loc_1C02D
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_west
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_east
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@ -15780,16 +15600,8 @@ loc_1C0CA:
jnz loc_1C3EB
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southwest
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southeast
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_southwest.BE_cur_left.x
add ax, 32
@ -16169,16 +15981,8 @@ loc_1C493:
inc word_39E04
inc x_39E06
dec angle_39E16
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_west
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_east
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@ -16499,16 +16303,8 @@ loc_1C7E4:
jnz loc_1CB08
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southwest
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southeast
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_southwest.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@ -16843,12 +16639,7 @@ loc_1CB3E:
jnz loc_1D036
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_north
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
cmp word_3A6CA, 1Eh
jl short loc_1CB88
cmp word_39E08, 0
@ -17291,33 +17082,12 @@ loc_1D08C:
jnz loc_1D852
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_west
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_east
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southwest
call sub_16733
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southeast
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 30h
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_north
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
sub ax, _player_left
@ -18126,12 +17896,7 @@ loc_1D8D5:
and ax, 1
cmp ax, 1
jnz short loc_1D90D
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_west
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@ -18139,12 +17904,7 @@ loc_1D90D:
and ax, 2
cmp ax, 2
jnz short loc_1D92E
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_east
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@ -18152,12 +17912,7 @@ loc_1D92E:
and ax, 4
cmp ax, 4
jnz short loc_1D94F
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southwest
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@ -18165,12 +17920,7 @@ loc_1D94F:
and ax, 8
cmp ax, 8
jnz short loc_1D970
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southeast
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@ -18178,12 +17928,7 @@ loc_1D970:
and ax, 10h
cmp ax, 10h
jnz short loc_1D991
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_north
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
cmp word_35B54, 0
@ -18764,12 +18509,7 @@ arg_8 = dword ptr 0Eh
jnz short loc_1E037
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_west
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@ -18784,12 +18524,7 @@ loc_1E037:
jnz short loc_1E064
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_east
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@ -18804,12 +18539,7 @@ loc_1E064:
jnz short loc_1E091
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southwest
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@ -18824,12 +18554,7 @@ loc_1E091:
jnz short loc_1E0BE
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_southeast
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@ -18844,12 +18569,7 @@ loc_1E0BE:
jnz short loc_1E0EB
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset eye_north
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
les bx, [bp+arg_8]
@ -28029,12 +27749,7 @@ var_2 = byte ptr -2
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset singyoku_sphere
call sub_16733
add sp, 0Ch
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset singyoku_sphere, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
inc word_3A37F
mov ax, word_3A37F
@ -28678,26 +28393,26 @@ sub_235FD endp
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_23629 proc near
_kikuri_soul_move_and_render proc near
@@image_new = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
@@delta_y = word ptr 4
@@delta_x = word ptr 6
@@soul = word ptr 8
enter 2, 0
push si
mov si, [bp+@@soul]
push 1
push [bp+arg_0]
push [bp+arg_2]
push 0
push 1 ; lock_frames
push [bp+@@delta_y] ; delta_y
push [bp+@@delta_x] ; delta_x
push 0 ; unused
mov ax, si
imul ax, size CBossEntity
add ax, offset _kikuri_souls
push ds
push ax
call sub_16733
push ds ; this (segment)
push ax ; this (offset)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 0Ch
@ -28729,7 +28444,7 @@ loc_23689:
pop si
retn 6
sub_23629 endp
_kikuri_soul_move_and_render endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@ -28835,17 +28550,17 @@ loc_2371D:
cmp byte ptr [si+5A1Fh], 0
jz short loc_23764
mov bx, si
imul bx, 32h
imul bx, size CBossEntity
cmp _kikuri_tears[bx].BE_cur_top, 384
jg short loc_2374E
push 10008h
pushd 0
push 8 or (1 shl 16) ; (delta_y) or (lock_frames)
pushd 0 or (0 shl 16) ; (unused) or (delta_x)
mov ax, si
imul ax, size CBossEntity
add ax, offset _kikuri_tears
push ds
push ax
call sub_16733
push ds ; this (segment)
push ax ; this (offset)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
jmp short loc_23764
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -29698,12 +29413,8 @@ loc_23F62:
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_23F99
pushd 0FFFCh
push 0FFFDh
call sub_23629
push 10004h
push 0FFFDh
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, -3, large (-4 and 0FFFFh) or (0 shl 16)
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, -3, large ( 4 and 0FFFFh) or (1 shl 16)
cmp kikuri_soul_0.BE_cur_top, 96
jge short loc_23F99
mov ax, 1
@ -29731,12 +29442,8 @@ var_6 = byte ptr -6
enter 8, 0
push si
pushd 0
push 0
call sub_23629
push 10000h
push 0
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, 0, large 0 or (0 shl 16)
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, 0, large 0 or (1 shl 16)
push 3C0046h
push 500064h
push ss
@ -29851,16 +29558,13 @@ loc_24092:
sar eax, 8
mov di, ax
call sub_23715
push 0
push si
push di
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, di, si, 0
push 1
mov ax, si
neg ax
push ax
push di
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render
pop di
pop si
pop bp
@ -29966,16 +29670,13 @@ loc_2419B:
sar eax, 8
mov di, ax
call sub_23715
push 0
push si
push di
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, di, si, 0
push 1
mov ax, si
neg ax
push ax
push di
call sub_23629
call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render
pop di
pop si
pop bp
@ -36585,11 +36286,7 @@ loc_280D6:
call _egc_wave_unput
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_bos_image, 0
push 30000h
pushd 0
push ds
push offset elis_still_or_wave
call sub_16733
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset elis_still_or_wave, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 1Ah
jmp short loc_28158
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -36921,9 +36618,9 @@ loc_2846F:
mov word_35D4C, 1
push 1
push ds
push offset word_3A77B
push offset elis_bat_move_delta_y
push ds
push offset word_3A77D
push offset elis_bat_move_delta_x
push ds
push offset word_35D4C
call sub_27B67
@ -36947,13 +36644,13 @@ loc_284B3:
mov elis_attack.BE_cur_top, ax
cmp word_35D4C, 0
jz short loc_28539
push 2
push word_3A77B
push word_3A77D
push 0
push ds
push offset elis_bat
call sub_16733
push 2 ; lock_frames
push elis_bat_move_delta_y ; delta_y
push elis_bat_move_delta_x ; delta_x
push 0 ; unused
push ds ; this (segment)
push offset elis_bat ; this (offset)
call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 9
@ -36988,9 +36685,9 @@ loc_28525:
push 0
push ds
push offset word_3A77B
push offset elis_bat_move_delta_y
push ds
push offset word_3A77D
push offset elis_bat_move_delta_x
push ds
push offset word_35D4C
call sub_27B67
@ -50355,8 +50052,8 @@ word_3A773 dw ?
word_3A775 dw ?
word_3A777 dw ?
word_3A779 dw ?
word_3A77B dw ?
word_3A77D dw ?
elis_bat_move_delta_y dw ?
elis_bat_move_delta_x dw ?
byte_3A77F db ?
word_3A780 dw ?
db 1050 dup (?)