mirror of https://github.com/explosion/spaCy.git
* Work on greedy parser
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"""Create a term-document matrix"""
cimport cython
from libc.string cimport memmove
from cymem.cymem cimport Address
from .lexeme cimport Lexeme, get_attr
from .tokens cimport TokenC
from .typedefs cimport hash_t
from preshed.maps cimport MapStruct, Cell, map_get, map_set, map_init
cdef class Index:
def __init__(self, attr_id_t attr_id):
self.attr_id = attr_id
self.max_value = 0
cpdef int count(self, Tokens tokens) except -1:
cdef PreshCounter counts = PreshCounter(2 ** 8)
cdef attr_id_t attr_id = self.attr_id
cdef attr_t term
cdef int i
for i in range(tokens.length):
term = get_attr(tokens.data[i].lex, attr_id)
counts.inc(term, 1)
if term > self.max_value:
self.max_value = term
cdef count_t count
cdef count_vector_t doc_counts
for term, count in counts:
doc_counts.push_back(pair[id_t, count_t](term, count))
cdef class PosMemory:
def __init__(self, tag_names):
self.tag_names = tag_names
self.nr_tags = len(tag_names)
self.mem = Pool()
self._counts = PreshCounter()
self._pos_counts = PreshCounter()
def __getitem__(self, ids):
cdef id_t[2] ngram
ngram[0] = ids[0]
ngram[1] = ids[1]
cdef hash_t ngram_key = hash64(ngram, 2 * sizeof(id_t), 0)
cdef hash_t[2] pos_context
pos_context[0] = ngram_key
counts = {}
cdef id_t i
for i, tag in enumerate(self.tag_names):
pos_context[1] = <hash_t>i
key = hash64(pos_context, sizeof(hash_t) * 2, 0)
count = self._pos_counts[key]
counts[tag] = count
return counts
def iter_ngrams(self, float min_acc=0.99, count_t min_freq=10):
cdef Address counts_addr = Address(self.nr_tags, sizeof(count_t))
cdef count_t* counts = <count_t*>counts_addr.ptr
cdef MapStruct* ngram_counts = self._counts.c_map
cdef hash_t ngram_key
cdef count_t ngram_freq
cdef int best_pos
cdef float acc
cdef int i
for i in range(ngram_counts.length):
ngram_key = ngram_counts.cells[i].key
ngram_freq = <count_t>ngram_counts.cells[i].value
if ngram_key != 0 and ngram_freq >= min_freq:
best_pos = self.find_best_pos(counts, ngram_key)
acc = counts[best_pos] / ngram_freq
if acc >= min_acc:
yield counts[best_pos], ngram_key, best_pos
cpdef int count(self, Tokens tokens) except -1:
cdef int i
cdef TokenC* t
for i in range(tokens.length):
t = &tokens.data[i]
if t.lex.prob != 0 and t.lex.prob >= -14:
self.inc(t, 1)
cdef int inc(self, TokenC* word, count_t inc) except -1:
cdef hash_t[2] ngram_pos_context
cdef hash_t ngram_key = self._ngram_key(word)
ngram_pos_context[0] = ngram_key
ngram_pos_context[1] = <hash_t>word.pos
ngram_pos_key = hash64(ngram_pos_context, 2 * sizeof(hash_t), 0)
self._counts.inc(ngram_key, inc)
self._pos_counts.inc(ngram_pos_key, inc)
cdef int find_best_pos(self, count_t* counts, hash_t ngram_key) except -1:
cdef hash_t[2] unhashed_key
unhashed_key[0] = ngram_key
cdef count_t total = 0
cdef hash_t key
cdef int pos
cdef int best
cdef int mode = 0
for pos in range(self.nr_tags):
unhashed_key[1] = <hash_t>pos
key = hash64(unhashed_key, sizeof(hash_t) * 2, 0)
count = self._pos_counts[key]
counts[pos] = count
if count >= mode:
mode = count
best = pos
total += count
return best
cdef count_t ngram_count(self, TokenC* word) except -1:
cdef hash_t ngram_key = self._ngram_key(word)
return self._counts[ngram_key]
cdef hash_t _ngram_key(self, TokenC* word) except 0:
cdef id_t[2] context
context[0] = word.lex.sic
context[1] = word[-1].lex.sic
return hash64(context, sizeof(id_t) * 2, 0)
@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ cdef class Language:
self.pos_tagger = None
self.morphologizer = None
def load(self):
def load(self, pos_dir=None):
self.lexicon.load(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'lexemes'))
self.lexicon.strings.load(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'strings'))
if path.exists(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'pos')):
self.pos_tagger = Tagger(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'pos'))
self.morphologizer = Morphologizer(self.lexicon.strings,
path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name))
self.load_pos_cache(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'pos', 'bigram_cache_2m'))
if pos_dir is None:
pos_dir = path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'pos')
if path.exists(pos_dir):
self.pos_tagger = Tagger(pos_dir)
self.morphologizer = Morphologizer(self.lexicon.strings, pos_dir)
#self.load_pos_cache(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, self.name, 'pos', 'bigram_cache_2m'))
cpdef Tokens tokens_from_list(self, list strings):
cdef int length = sum([len(s) for s in strings])
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import json
from .lemmatizer import Lemmatizer
from .typedefs cimport id_t
from . import util
@ -35,10 +37,10 @@ cdef class Morphologizer:
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, data_dir):
self.mem = Pool()
self.strings = strings
cfg = json.load(open(path.join(data_dir, 'pos', 'config.json')))
cfg = json.load(open(path.join(data_dir, 'config.json')))
tag_map = cfg['tag_map']
self.tag_names = cfg['tag_names']
self.lemmatizer = Lemmatizer(path.join(data_dir, '..', 'wordnet'))
self.lemmatizer = Lemmatizer(path.join(util.DATA_DIR, 'wordnet'))
self._cache = PreshMapArray(len(self.tag_names))
self.tags = <PosTag*>self.mem.alloc(len(self.tag_names), sizeof(PosTag))
for i, tag in enumerate(self.tag_names):
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
cdef struct Subtree:
int[5] kids
int[5] labels
int length
cdef struct State:
double score
size_t i
size_t n
size_t stack_len
size_t top
size_t* stack
Subtree* lefts
Subtree* rights
int* heads
int* labels
cdef int add_dep(const State *s, size_t head, size_t child, size_t label) except -1
cdef size_t pop_stack(State *s) except 0
cdef int push_stack(State *s) except -1
cdef inline size_t get_s1(const State *s) nogil:
if s.stack_len < 2:
return 0
return s.stack[s.stack_len - 2]
cdef inline size_t get_l(const State *s, size_t head) nogil:
cdef const Subtree* subtree = &s.lefts[head]
if subtree.length == 0:
return 0
return subtree.kids[subtree.length - 1]
cdef inline size_t get_l2(const State *s, size_t head) nogil:
cdef const Subtree* subtree = &s.lefts[head]
if subtree.length < 2:
return 0
return subtree.kids[subtree.length - 2]
cdef inline size_t get_r(const State *s, size_t head) nogil:
cdef const Subtree* subtree = &s.rights[head]
if subtree.length == 0:
return 0
return subtree.kids[subtree.length - 1]
cdef inline size_t get_r2(const State *s, size_t head) nogil:
cdef const Subtree* subtree = &s.rights[head]
if subtree.length < 2:
return 0
return subtree.kids[subtree.length - 2]
cdef inline bint at_eol(const State *s) nogil:
return s.i >= (s.n - 1)
cdef inline bint is_final(State *s) nogil:
return at_eol(s) and s.stack_len == 0
cdef int has_child_in_buffer(State *s, size_t word, int* gold) except -1
cdef int has_head_in_buffer(State *s, size_t word, int* gold) except -1
cdef int has_child_in_stack(State *s, size_t word, int* gold) except -1
cdef int has_head_in_stack(State *s, size_t word, int* gold) except -1
cdef State* init_state(Pool mem, const int sent_length) except NULL
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
# cython: profile=True
from libc.string cimport memmove
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
cdef int add_dep(State *s, size_t head, size_t child, size_t label) except -1:
s.heads[child] = head
s.labels[child] = label
cdef Subtree* subtree = &s.lefts[head] if child < head else &s.rights[head]
if subtree.length == 5:
memmove(subtree.kids, &subtree.kids[1], 4 * sizeof(int))
memmove(subtree.labels, &subtree.labels[1], 4 * sizeof(int))
subtree.kids[4] = child
subtree.labels[4] = label
subtree.kids[subtree.length - 1] = child
subtree.kids[subtree.length - 1] = label
subtree.length += 1
cdef size_t pop_stack(State *s) except 0:
cdef size_t popped
assert s.stack_len >= 1
popped = s.top
s.top = get_s1(s)
s.stack_len -= 1
assert s.top <= s.n, s.top
assert popped != 0
return popped
cdef int push_stack(State *s) except -1:
s.top = s.i
s.stack[s.stack_len] = s.i
s.stack_len += 1
assert s.top <= s.n
s.i += 1
cdef int has_child_in_buffer(State *s, size_t word, int* gold_heads) except -1:
assert word != 0
cdef size_t buff_i
cdef int n = 0
for buff_i in range(s.i, s.n):
if s.heads[buff_i] == 0 and gold_heads[buff_i] == word:
n += 1
return n
cdef int has_head_in_buffer(State *s, size_t word, int* gold_heads) except -1:
assert word != 0
cdef size_t buff_i
for buff_i in range(s.i, s.n):
if s.heads[buff_i] == 0 and gold_heads[word] == buff_i:
return 1
return 0
cdef int has_child_in_stack(State *s, size_t word, int* gold_heads) except -1:
assert word != 0
cdef size_t i, stack_i
cdef int n = 0
for i in range(s.stack_len):
stack_i = s.stack[i]
# Should this be sensitive to whether the word has a head already?
if gold_heads[stack_i] == word:
n += 1
return n
cdef int has_head_in_stack(State *s, size_t word, int* gold_heads) except -1:
assert word != 0
cdef size_t i, stack_i
for i in range(s.stack_len):
stack_i = s.stack[i]
if gold_heads[word] == stack_i:
return 1
return 0
cdef State* init_state(Pool mem, const int sent_length) except NULL:
cdef size_t i
cdef State* s = <State*>mem.alloc(1, sizeof(State))
s.n = sent_length
s.i = 1
s.top = 0
s.stack_len = 0
n = s.n + PADDING
s.stack = <size_t*>mem.alloc(n, sizeof(size_t))
s.heads = <int*>mem.alloc(n, sizeof(int))
s.labels = <int*>mem.alloc(n, sizeof(int))
s.lefts = <Subtree*>mem.alloc(n, sizeof(Subtree))
s.rights = <Subtree*>mem.alloc(n, sizeof(Subtree))
return s
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
# cython: profile=True
from ._state cimport State
from ._state cimport at_eol, pop_stack, push_stack, add_dep
from ._state cimport has_head_in_buffer, has_child_in_buffer
from ._state cimport has_head_in_stack, has_child_in_stack
import index.hashes
cdef enum:
cdef inline bint _can_shift(const State* s) nogil:
return not at_eol(s)
cdef inline bint _can_right(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 1 and not at_eol(s)
cdef inline bint _can_left(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 1 and s.heads[s.top] == 0
cdef inline bint _can_reduce(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 2 and s.heads[s.top] != 0
cdef int _shift_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert not at_eol(s)
cost = 0
cost += has_head_in_stack(s, s.i, gold)
cost += has_child_in_stack(s, s.i, gold)
return cost
cdef int _right_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert s.stack_len >= 1
cost = 0
if gold[s.i] == s.top:
return cost
cost += has_head_in_buffer(s, s.i, gold)
cost += has_child_in_stack(s, s.i, gold)
cost += has_head_in_stack(s, s.i, gold)
return cost
cdef int _left_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert s.stack_len >= 1
cost = 0
if gold[s.top] == s.i:
return cost
cost += has_head_in_buffer(s, s.top, gold)
cost += has_child_in_buffer(s, s.top, gold)
return cost
cdef int _reduce_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert s.stack_len >= 2
cost = 0
cost += has_child_in_buffer(s, s.top, gold)
return cost
cdef class TransitionSystem:
def __init__(self, list left_labels, list right_labels):
self.mem = Pool()
self.n_moves = 2 + len(left_labels) + len(right_labels)
moves = <Transition*>self.mem.alloc(self.n_moves, sizeof(Transition))
cdef int i = 0
moves[i].move = SHIFT
moves[i].label = 0
i += 1
moves[i].move = REDUCE
moves[i].label = 0
i += 1
cdef int label
for label in left_labels:
moves[i].move = LEFT
moves[i].label = label
i += 1
for label in right_labels:
moves[i].move = RIGHT
moves[i].label = label
i += 1
self._moves = moves
cdef int transition(self, State *s, const int clas) except -1:
cdef const Transition* t = &self._moves[clas]
if t.move == SHIFT:
elif t.move == LEFT:
add_dep(s, s.i, s.top, t.label)
elif t.move == RIGHT:
add_dep(s, s.top, s.i, t.label)
elif t.move == REDUCE:
raise StandardError(t.move)
cdef int best_valid(self, const weight_t* scores, const State* s) except -1:
cdef bint[N_MOVES] valid
valid[SHIFT] = _can_shift(s)
valid[LEFT] = _can_left(s)
valid[RIGHT] = _can_right(s)
valid[REDUCE] = _can_reduce(s)
cdef int best = -1
cdef weight_t score
cdef int i
for i in range(self.n_moves):
if valid[self._moves[i].move] and scores[i] > score:
best = i
score = scores[i]
assert best >= -1, "No valid moves found"
return best
cdef int best_gold(self, const weight_t* scores, const State* s,
list gold_heads, list gold_labels) except -1:
cdef int[N_MOVES] unl_costs
unl_costs[SHIFT] = _shift_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_shift(s) else -1
unl_costs[LEFT] = _left_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_left(s) else -1
unl_costs[RIGHT] = _right_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_right(s) else -1
unl_costs[REDUCE] = _reduce_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_reduce(s) else -1
cdef int cost
cdef int label_cost
cdef int move
cdef int label
cdef int best = -1
cdef weight_t score
cdef int i
for i in range(self.n_moves):
move = self._moves[i].move
label = self._moves[i].label
if unl_costs[move] == 0:
if move == SHIFT or move == REDUCE:
label_cost = 0
elif move == LEFT:
if gold_heads[s.top] == s.i:
label_cost = label != gold_labels[s.top]
label_cost = 0
elif move == RIGHT:
if gold_heads[s.i] == s.top:
label_cost = label != gold_labels[s.i]
label_cost = 0
raise StandardError("Unknown Move")
if label_cost == 0 and scores[i] > score:
best = i
score = scores[i]
assert best >= -1, "No gold moves found"
return best
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
# cython: profile=True
MALT-style dependency parser
cimport cython
import random
import os.path
from os.path import join as pjoin
import shutil
import json
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool, Address
from thinc.typedefs cimport weight_t, class_t, feat_t, atom_t
from util import Config
from thinc.features cimport Extractor
from thinc.features cimport Feature
from thinc.features cimport count_feats
from thinc.learner cimport LinearModel
from ..tokens cimport Tokens, TokenC
from .arc_eager cimport TransitionSystem
from ._state cimport init_state, State, is_final, get_s1
DEBUG = False
def set_debug(val):
global DEBUG
DEBUG = val
cdef str print_state(State* s, list words):
top = words[s.top]
second = words[get_s1(s)]
n0 = words[s.i]
n1 = words[s.i + 1]
return ' '.join((second, top, '|', n0, n1))
def train(sents, golds, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic', seed=0):
if os.path.exists(model_dir):
left_labels, right_labels, dfl_labels = get_labels(golds)
Config.write(model_dir, 'config', features=feat_set, seed=seed,
left_labels=left_labels, right_labels=right_labels)
parser = Parser(model_dir)
indices = list(range(len(sents)))
for n in range(n_iter):
for i in indices:
parser.train_sent(sents[i], *golds[i])
#parser.tagger.train_sent(py_sent) # TODO
acc = float(parser.guide.n_corr) / parser.guide.total
print(parser.guide.end_train_iter(n) + '\t' +
parser.guide.dump(pjoin(model_dir, 'model'), freq_thresh=0)
parser.tagger.guide.dump(pjoin(model_dir, 'tagger'))
return acc
def get_labels(sents):
'''Get alphabetically-sorted lists of left, right and disfluency labels that
occur in a sample of sentences. Used to determine the set of legal transitions
from the training set.
sentences (list[Input]): A list of Input objects, usually the training set.
labels (tuple[list, list, list]): Sorted lists of left, right and disfluency
left_labels = set()
right_labels = set()
return list(sorted(left_labels)), list(sorted(right_labels))
def get_templates(feats_str):
'''Interpret feats_str, returning a list of template tuples. Each template
is a tuple of numeric indices, referring to positions in the context
array. See _parse_features.pyx for examples. The templates are applied by
thinc.features.Extractor, which picks out the appointed values and hashes
the resulting array, to produce a single feature code.
return tuple()
cdef class Parser:
def __init__(self, model_dir):
assert os.path.exists(model_dir) and os.path.isdir(model_dir)
self.cfg = Config.read(model_dir, 'config')
self.extractor = Extractor(get_templates(self.cfg.features))
self.moves = TransitionSystem(self.cfg.left_labels, self.cfg.right_labels)
self.model = LinearModel(self.moves.n_moves, self.extractor.n_templ)
if os.path.exists(pjoin(model_dir, 'model')):
self.model.load(pjoin(model_dir, 'model'))
cpdef int parse(self, Tokens tokens) except -1:
Feature* feats
weight_t* scores
cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] context
cdef int n_feats
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef State* state = init_state(mem, tokens.length)
while not is_final(state):
fill_context(context, state, tokens.data) # TODO
feats = self.extractor.get_feats(context, &n_feats)
scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_feats)
guess = self.moves.best_valid(scores, state)
self.moves.transition(state, guess)
# TODO output
def train_sent(self, Tokens tokens, list gold_heads, list gold_labels):
Feature* feats
weight_t* scores
cdef int n_feats
cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] context
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef State* state = init_state(mem, tokens.length)
while not is_final(state):
fill_context(context, state, tokens.data) # TODO
feats = self.extractor.get_feats(context, &n_feats)
scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_feats)
guess = self.moves.best_valid(scores, state)
best = self.moves.best_gold(scores, state, gold_heads, gold_labels)
counts = {guess: {}, best: {}}
if guess != best:
count_feats(counts[guess], feats, n_feats, -1)
count_feats(counts[best], feats, n_feats, 1)
self.moves.transition(state, guess)
cdef int fill_context(atom_t* context, State* s, TokenC* sent) except -1:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
from thinc.typedefs cimport atom_t
from ._state cimport State
cdef int fill_context(atom_t* context, State* state) except -1
# Context elements
# Ensure each token's attributes are listed: w, p, c, c6, c4. The order
# is referenced by incrementing the enum...
# Tokens are listed in left-to-right order.
#cdef size_t* SLOTS = [
# S2w, S1w,
# S0l0w, S0l2w, S0lw,
# S0w,
# S0r0w, S0r2w, S0rw,
# N0l0w, N0l2w, N0lw,
# N0w, N1w, N2w, N3w, 0
# NB: The order of the enum is _NOT_ arbitrary!!
cpdef enum:
# Misc features at the end
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
# cython: profile=True
Fill an array, context, with every _atomic_ value our features reference.
We then write the _actual features_ as tuples of the atoms. The machinery
that translates from the tuples to feature-extractors (which pick the values
out of "context") is in features/extractor.pyx
The atomic feature names are listed in a big enum, so that the feature tuples
can refer to them.
from itertools import combinations
from ..tokens cimport TokenC
from ._state cimport State
from ._state cimport get_s2, get_s1, get_s0, get_n0, get_n1, get_n2
from ._state cimport get_left, get_right
cdef inline void fill_token(atom_t* context, const TokenC* token) nogil:
context[0] = token.lex.sic
context[1] = token.pos
context[2] = token.lex.cluster
# We've read in the string little-endian, so now we can take & (2**n)-1
# to get the first n bits of the cluster.
# e.g. s = "1110010101"
# s = ''.join(reversed(s))
# first_4_bits = int(s, 2)
# print first_4_bits
# 5
# print "{0:b}".format(prefix).ljust(4, '0')
# 1110
# What we're doing here is picking a number where all bits are 1, e.g.
# 15 is 1111, 63 is 111111 and doing bitwise AND, so getting all bits in
# the source that are set to 1.
context[3] = token.lex.cluster & 63
context[4] = token.lex.cluster & 15
context[5] = token.dep_tag
cdef int fill_context(atom_t* context, State* state) except -1:
# This fills in the basic properties of each of our "slot" tokens, e.g.
# word on top of the stack, word at the front of the buffer, etc.
cdef TokenC* n1 = get_n1(state)
fill_token(&context[S2w], get_s2(state))
fill_token(&context[S1w], get_s1(state))
#fill_token(&context[S1rw], get_right(state, get_s1(state), 0))
fill_token(&context[S0lw], get_left(state, get_s0(state), 0))
fill_token(&context[S0l2w], get_left(state, get_s0(state), 1))
fill_token(&context[S0w], get_s0(state))
#fill_token(&context[S0r2w], get_right(state, get_s0(state), 1))
fill_token(&context[S0rw], get_right(state, get_s0(state), 0))
#fill_token(&context[N0lw], get_left(state, get_n0(state), 0))
#fill_token(&context[N0l2w], get_left(state, get_n0(state), 1))
fill_token(&context[N0w], get_n0(state))
#fill_token(&context[N1w], get_n1(state))
#fill_token(&context[N2w], get_n2(state))
#if state.stack_len >= 1:
# context[dist] = state.stack[0] - state.sent
# context[dist] = 0
#context[N0lv] = 0
#context[S0lv] = 0
#context[S0rv] = 0
#context[S1lv] = 0
#context[S1rv] = 0
arc_eager = (
(S0w, S0p),
(N0w, N0p),
(N1w, N1p),
(N2w, N2p),
(S0w, S0p, N0w, N0p),
(S0w, S0p, N0w),
(S0w, N0w, N0p),
(S0w, S0p, N0p),
(S0p, N0w, N0p),
(S0w, N0w),
(S0p, N0p),
(N0p, N1p),
(N0p, N1p, N2p),
(S0p, N0p, N1p),
(S1p, S0p, N0p),
(S0p, S0lp, N0p),
(S0p, S0rp, N0p),
(S0p, N0p, N0lp),
(dist, S0w),
(dist, S0p),
(dist, N0w),
(dist, N0p),
(dist, S0w, N0w),
(dist, S0p, N0p),
(S0w, S0rv),
(S0p, S0rv),
(S0w, S0lv),
(S0p, S0lv),
(N0w, N0lv),
(N0p, N0lv),
(S0p, S0lp, S0l2p),
(S0p, S0rp, S0r2p),
(S0p, S1p, S2p),
(N0p, N0lp, N0l2p),
(S0w, S0rL, S0r2L),
(S0p, S0rL, S0r2L),
(S0w, S0lL, S0l2L),
(S0p, S0lL, S0l2L),
(N0w, N0lL, N0l2L),
(N0p, N0lL, N0l2L),
label_sets = (
(S0w, S0lL, S0l2L),
(S0p, S0rL, S0r2L),
(S0p, S0lL, S0l2L),
(S0p, S0rL, S0r2L),
(N0w, N0lL, N0l2L),
(N0p, N0lL, N0l2L),
extra_labels = (
(S0p, S0lL, S0lp),
(S0p, S0lL, S0l2L),
(S0p, S0rL, S0rp),
(S0p, S0rL, S0r2L),
(S0p, S0lL, S0rL),
(S1p, S0L, S0rL),
(S1p, S0L, S0lL),
# Koo et al (2008) dependency features, using Brown clusters.
clusters = (
# Koo et al have (head, child) --- we have S0, N0 for both.
(S0c4, N0c4),
(S0c6, N0c6),
(S0c, N0c),
(S0p, N0c4),
(S0p, N0c6),
(S0p, N0c),
(S0c4, N0p),
(S0c6, N0p),
(S0c, N0p),
# Siblings --- right arc
(S0c4, S0rc4, N0c4),
(S0c6, S0rc6, N0c6),
(S0p, S0rc4, N0c4),
(S0c4, S0rp, N0c4),
(S0c4, S0rc4, N0p),
# Siblings --- left arc
(S0c4, N0lc4, N0c4),
(S0c6, N0c6, N0c6),
(S0c4, N0lc4, N0p),
(S0c4, N0lp, N0c4),
(S0p, N0lc4, N0c4),
# Grand-child, right-arc
(S1c4, S0c4, N0c4),
(S1c6, S0c6, N0c6),
(S1p, S0c4, N0c4),
(S1c4, S0p, N0c4),
(S1c4, S0c4, N0p),
# Grand-child, left-arc
(S0lc4, S0c4, N0c4),
(S0lc6, S0c6, N0c6),
(S0lp, S0c4, N0c4),
(S0lc4, S0p, N0c4),
(S0lc4, S0c4, N0p)
def pos_bigrams():
kernels = [S2w, S1w, S0w, S0lw, S0rw, N0w, N0lw, N1w]
bitags = []
for t1, t2 in combinations(kernels, 2):
feat = (t1 + 1, t2 + 1)
print "Adding %d bitags" % len(bitags)
return tuple(bitags)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from ..tokens cimport TokenC
cdef struct State:
TokenC* sent
int i
int sent_len
int stack_len
cdef int add_dep(State *s, TokenC* head, TokenC* child, int label) except -1
cdef TokenC* pop_stack(State *s) except NULL
cdef int push_stack(State *s) except -1
cdef inline bint has_head(const TokenC* t) nogil:
return t.head != 0
cdef inline int get_idx(const State* s, const TokenC* t) nogil:
return t - s.sent
cdef inline TokenC* get_n0(const State* s) nogil:
return &s.sent[s.i]
cdef inline TokenC* get_n1(const State* s) nogil:
if s.i < (s.sent_len - 1):
return &s.sent[s.i+1]
return s.sent - 1
cdef inline TokenC* get_n2(const State* s) nogil:
return &s.sent[s.i+2]
cdef inline TokenC* get_s0(const State *s) nogil:
return s.stack[0]
cdef inline TokenC* get_s1(const State *s) nogil:
# Rely on our padding to ensure we don't go out of bounds here
cdef TokenC** s1 = s.stack - 1
return s1[0]
cdef inline TokenC* get_s2(const State *s) nogil:
# Rely on our padding to ensure we don't go out of bounds here
cdef TokenC** s2 = s.stack - 2
return s2[0]
cdef TokenC* get_right(State* s, TokenC* head, int idx) nogil
cdef TokenC* get_left(State* s, TokenC* head, int idx) nogil
cdef inline bint at_eol(const State *s) nogil:
return s.i >= s.sent_len
cdef inline bint is_final(const State *s) nogil:
return at_eol(s) # The stack will be attached to root anyway
cdef int children_in_buffer(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1
cdef int head_in_buffer(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1
cdef int children_in_stack(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1
cdef int head_in_stack(const State *s, const TokenC*, list gold) except -1
cdef State* init_state(Pool mem, TokenC* sent, const int sent_length) except NULL
cdef inline uint32_t _nth_significant_bit(uint32_t bits, int n) nogil:
cdef int i
for i in range(32):
if bits & (1 << i):
return i
return 0
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# cython: profile=True
from libc.string cimport memmove
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from ..lexeme cimport EMPTY_LEXEME
cdef int add_dep(State *s, TokenC* head, TokenC* child, int label) except -1:
child.head = head - child
child.dep_tag = label
# Keep a bit-vector tracking child dependencies. If a word has a child at
# offset i from it, set that bit (tracking left and right separately)
if child > head:
head.r_kids |= 1 << child.head
head.l_kids |= 1 << (-child.head)
cdef TokenC* pop_stack(State *s) except NULL:
assert s.stack_len >= 1
cdef TokenC* top = s.stack[0]
s.stack -= 1
s.stack_len -= 1
return top
cdef int push_stack(State *s) except -1:
assert s.i < s.sent_len
s.stack += 1
s.stack[0] = &s.sent[s.i]
s.stack_len += 1
s.i += 1
cdef int children_in_buffer(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1:
# Golds holds an array of head offsets --- the head of word i is i - golds[i]
# Iterate over the tokens of the queue, and check whether their gold head is
# our target
cdef int i
cdef int n = 0
cdef TokenC* buff_word
cdef TokenC* buff_head
cdef int buff_word_head_offset
for i in range(s.i, s.sent_len):
buff_word = &s.sent[i]
buff_word_head_offset = gold[i]
buff_head = buff_word + buff_word_head_offset
if buff_head == target:
n += 1
return n
cdef int head_in_buffer(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1:
cdef int target_idx = get_idx(s, target)
cdef int target_head_idx = target_idx + gold[target_idx]
return target_head_idx >= s.i
cdef int children_in_stack(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1:
if s.stack_len == 0:
return 0
cdef int i
cdef int n = 0
cdef const TokenC* stack_word
cdef const TokenC* stack_word_head
cdef int stack_word_head_offset
for i in range(s.stack_len):
stack_word = (s.stack - i)[0]
stack_word_head_offset = gold[get_idx(s, stack_word)]
stack_word_head = (s.stack + stack_word_head_offset)[0]
if stack_word_head == target:
n += 1
return n
cdef int head_in_stack(const State *s, const TokenC* target, list gold) except -1:
if s.stack_len == 0:
return 0
cdef int head_offset = gold[get_idx(s, target)]
cdef const TokenC* target_head = target + head_offset
cdef int i
for i in range(s.stack_len):
if target_head == (s.stack - i)[0]:
return 1
return 0
cdef TokenC* get_left(State* s, TokenC* head, int idx) nogil:
cdef uint32_t kids = head.l_kids
if kids == 0:
return s.sent - 1
cdef int offset = _nth_significant_bit(kids, idx)
cdef TokenC* child = head - offset
if child >= s.sent:
return child
return s.sent - 1
cdef TokenC* get_right(State* s, TokenC* head, int idx) nogil:
cdef uint32_t kids = head.r_kids
if kids == 0:
return s.sent - 1
cdef int offset = _nth_significant_bit(kids, idx)
cdef TokenC* child = head + offset
if child < (s.sent + s.sent_len):
return child
return s.sent - 1
cdef State* init_state(Pool mem, TokenC* sent, const int sent_length) except NULL:
cdef int padded_len = sent_length + PADDING + PADDING
cdef State* s = <State*>mem.alloc(1, sizeof(State))
s.stack = <TokenC**>mem.alloc(padded_len, sizeof(TokenC*))
cdef TokenC* eol_token = sent - 1
for i in range(PADDING):
# sent should be padded, with a suitable sentinel token here
s.stack[0] = eol_token
s.stack += 1
s.stack[0] = eol_token
s.sent = sent
s.stack_len = 0
s.i = 0
s.sent_len = sent_length
return s
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ cdef struct Transition:
cdef class TransitionSystem:
cdef Pool mem
cdef readonly int n_moves
cdef dict label_ids
cdef const Transition* _moves
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
# cython: profile=True
from ._state cimport State
from ._state cimport has_head, get_idx, get_s0, get_n0
from ._state cimport is_final, at_eol, pop_stack, push_stack, add_dep
from ._state cimport head_in_buffer, children_in_buffer
from ._state cimport head_in_stack, children_in_stack
from ..tokens cimport TokenC
cdef enum:
cdef inline bint _can_shift(const State* s) nogil:
return not at_eol(s)
cdef inline bint _can_right(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 1 and not at_eol(s)
cdef inline bint _can_left(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 1 and not has_head(get_s0(s))
cdef inline bint _can_reduce(const State* s) nogil:
return s.stack_len >= 2 and has_head(get_s0(s))
cdef int _shift_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert not at_eol(s)
cost = 0
cost += head_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold)
cost += children_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold)
return cost
cdef int _right_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert s.stack_len >= 1
cdef int s0_idx = get_idx(s, get_s0(s))
cost = 0
if _gold_dep(s, get_s0(s), get_n0(s), gold):
return cost
cost += head_in_buffer(s, get_n0(s), gold)
cost += children_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold)
cost += head_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold)
return cost
cdef int _left_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
assert s.stack_len >= 1
cost = 0
if _gold_dep(s, get_n0(s), get_s0(s), gold):
return cost
cost += head_in_buffer(s, get_s0(s), gold)
cost += children_in_buffer(s, get_s0(s), gold)
return cost
cdef int _reduce_cost(const State* s, list gold) except -1:
return children_in_buffer(s, get_s0(s), gold)
cdef int _gold_dep(const State* s, const TokenC* head, const TokenC* child,
list gold_offsets) except -1:
cdef int head_idx = get_idx(s, head)
cdef int child_idx = get_idx(s, child)
return child_idx + gold_offsets[child_idx] == head_idx
cdef class TransitionSystem:
def __init__(self, list left_labels, list right_labels):
self.mem = Pool()
if 'ROOT' in right_labels:
if 'ROOT' in left_labels:
self.n_moves = 2 + len(left_labels) + len(right_labels)
moves = <Transition*>self.mem.alloc(self.n_moves, sizeof(Transition))
cdef int i = 0
moves[i].move = SHIFT
moves[i].label = 0
i += 1
moves[i].move = REDUCE
moves[i].label = 0
i += 1
self.label_ids = {'ROOT': 0}
cdef int label_id
for label_str in left_labels:
label_id = self.label_ids.setdefault(label_str, len(self.label_ids))
moves[i].move = LEFT
moves[i].label = label_id
i += 1
for label_str in right_labels:
label_id = self.label_ids.setdefault(label_str, len(self.label_ids))
moves[i].move = RIGHT
moves[i].label = label_id
i += 1
self._moves = moves
cdef int transition(self, State *s, const int clas) except -1:
cdef const Transition* t = &self._moves[clas]
if t.move == SHIFT:
elif t.move == LEFT:
add_dep(s, get_n0(s), get_s0(s), t.label)
elif t.move == RIGHT:
add_dep(s, get_s0(s), get_n0(s), t.label)
elif t.move == REDUCE:
raise StandardError(t.move)
cdef int best_valid(self, const weight_t* scores, const State* s) except -1:
cdef bint[N_MOVES] valid
valid[SHIFT] = _can_shift(s)
valid[LEFT] = _can_left(s)
valid[RIGHT] = _can_right(s)
valid[REDUCE] = _can_reduce(s)
cdef int best = -1
cdef weight_t score = -90000
cdef int i
for i in range(self.n_moves):
if valid[self._moves[i].move] and scores[i] > score:
best = i
score = scores[i]
return best
cdef int best_gold(self, const weight_t* scores, const State* s,
list gold_heads, list label_strings) except -1:
gold_labels = [self.label_ids[label_str] for label_str in label_strings]
cdef int[N_MOVES] unl_costs
unl_costs[SHIFT] = _shift_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_shift(s) else -1
unl_costs[LEFT] = _left_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_left(s) else -1
unl_costs[RIGHT] = _right_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_right(s) else -1
unl_costs[REDUCE] = _reduce_cost(s, gold_heads) if _can_reduce(s) else -1
cdef int cost
cdef int move
cdef int label
cdef int best = -1
cdef weight_t score = -9000
cdef int i
for i in range(self.n_moves):
move = self._moves[i].move
label = self._moves[i].label
if unl_costs[move] == 0:
if move == SHIFT or move == REDUCE:
cost = 0
elif move == LEFT:
if _gold_dep(s, get_n0(s), get_s0(s), gold_heads):
cost = label != gold_labels[get_idx(s, get_s0(s))]
cost = 0
elif move == RIGHT:
if _gold_dep(s, get_s0(s), get_n0(s), gold_heads):
cost = label != gold_labels[s.i]
cost = 0
raise StandardError("Unknown Move")
if cost == 0 and (best == -1 or scores[i] > score):
best = i
score = scores[i]
if best < 0:
for i in range(self.n_moves):
if self._moves[i].move == LEFT:
print self._moves[i].label,
print _gold_dep(s, get_n0(s), get_s0(s), gold_heads)
print gold_labels[get_idx(s, get_s0(s))]
print unl_costs[LEFT]
print "S0:"
print "Head:", gold_heads[get_idx(s, get_s0(s))]
print "h. in b.", head_in_buffer(s, get_s0(s), gold_heads)
print "c. in b.", children_in_buffer(s, get_s0(s), gold_heads)
print "h. in s.", head_in_stack(s, get_s0(s), gold_heads)
print "c. in s.", children_in_stack(s, get_s0(s), gold_heads)
print "N0:"
print "Head:", gold_heads[get_idx(s, get_n0(s))]
print "h. in b.", head_in_buffer(s, get_n0(s), gold_heads)
print "c. in b.", children_in_buffer(s, get_n0(s), gold_heads)
print "h. in s.", head_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold_heads)
print "c. in s.", children_in_stack(s, get_n0(s), gold_heads)
raise StandardError
return best
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ from .arc_eager cimport TransitionSystem
from ..tokens cimport Tokens, TokenC
cdef class Parser:
cdef class GreedyParser:
cdef object cfg
cdef Extractor extractor
cdef LinearModel model
cdef readonly LinearModel model
cdef TransitionSystem moves
cpdef int parse(self, Tokens tokens) except -1
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# cython: profile=True
MALT-style dependency parser
from __future__ import unicode_literals
cimport cython
import random
import os.path
from os.path import join as pjoin
import shutil
import json
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool, Address
from thinc.typedefs cimport weight_t, class_t, feat_t, atom_t
from util import Config
from thinc.features cimport Extractor
from thinc.features cimport Feature
from thinc.features cimport count_feats
from thinc.learner cimport LinearModel
from ..tokens cimport Tokens, TokenC
from .arc_eager cimport TransitionSystem
from ._state cimport init_state, State, is_final, get_idx, get_s0, get_s1
from . import _parse_features
from ._parse_features cimport fill_context, CONTEXT_SIZE
DEBUG = False
def set_debug(val):
global DEBUG
DEBUG = val
cdef unicode print_state(State* s, list words):
words = list(words) + ['EOL']
top = words[get_idx(s, get_s0(s))]
second = words[get_idx(s, get_s1(s))]
n0 = words[s.i]
n1 = words[s.i + 1]
return ' '.join((second, top, '|', n0, n1))
def get_templates(name):
return _parse_features.arc_eager
cdef class GreedyParser:
def __init__(self, model_dir):
assert os.path.exists(model_dir) and os.path.isdir(model_dir)
self.cfg = Config.read(model_dir, 'config')
self.extractor = Extractor(get_templates(self.cfg.features))
self.moves = TransitionSystem(self.cfg.left_labels, self.cfg.right_labels)
self.model = LinearModel(self.moves.n_moves, self.extractor.n_templ)
if os.path.exists(pjoin(model_dir, 'model')):
self.model.load(pjoin(model_dir, 'model'))
cpdef int parse(self, Tokens tokens) except -1:
Feature* feats
const weight_t* scores
cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] context
cdef int n_feats
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef State* state = init_state(mem, tokens.data, tokens.length)
while not is_final(state):
fill_context(context, state) # TODO
feats = self.extractor.get_feats(context, &n_feats)
scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_feats)
guess = self.moves.best_valid(scores, state)
self.moves.transition(state, guess)
# TODO output
def train_sent(self, Tokens tokens, list gold_heads, list gold_labels):
Feature* feats
weight_t* scores
cdef int n_feats
cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] context
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef State* state = init_state(mem, tokens.data, tokens.length)
words = [t.string for t in tokens]
while not is_final(state):
fill_context(context, state)
feats = self.extractor.get_feats(context, &n_feats)
scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_feats)
guess = self.moves.best_valid(scores, state)
best = self.moves.best_gold(scores, state, gold_heads, gold_labels)
counts = {guess: {}, best: {}}
if guess != best:
count_feats(counts[guess], feats, n_feats, -1)
count_feats(counts[best], feats, n_feats, 1)
self.moves.transition(state, guess)
cdef int i
n_corr = 0
for i in range(tokens.length):
n_corr += state.sent[i].head == gold_heads[i]
return n_corr
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from os import path
import json
class Config(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def write(cls, model_dir, name, **kwargs):
open(path.join(model_dir, '%s.json' % name), 'w').write(json.dumps(kwargs))
def read(cls, model_dir, name):
return cls(**json.load(open(path.join(model_dir, '%s.json' % name))))
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
@ -19,6 +21,10 @@ cdef struct TokenC:
int pos
int lemma
int sense
int head
int dep_tag
uint32_t l_kids
uint32_t r_kids
ctypedef const Lexeme* const_Lexeme_ptr
Reference in New Issue