To use, replace:
from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection
from carrot.messaging import Publisher, Consumer
from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection
from kombu.compat import Publisher, Consumer
No longer have to specify the channel for each operation,
but instead do:
>>> exchange = Exchange("foo", "direct", channel=channel)
>>> exchange.declare()
instead of:
>>> exchange.declare(channel)
As the Exchange/Binding classes is also the specification of an
exchange/binding these instances can be unbound, meaning they
are not associated with a channel. An entity can be bound
the a channel at any time, usually this means creating a copy
of the instance so the original is not affected::
>>> exchange = Exchange("foo", "direct")
>>> bound_exchange = exchange.bind(channel)
>>> bound_exchange.declare()
>>> bound_exchange.delete()
>>> assert exchange is not bound_exchange