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Working with Python threads inside a Kivy application
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Working with Python threads inside a Kivy application
Armin Sebastian edited this page 2018-10-03 16:45:44 +03:00
Table of Contents
- author: dessant
- kivy: >= 1.8.0
OpenGL related operations (widget, canvas, property manipulation etc.) should be done only in the main thread. This example shows us how to use Clock
or the mainthread
decorator to perform these actions, and how to use threading events to stop hanging threads when the app is about to close.
python main.py
import threading
import time
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.clock import Clock, mainthread
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
rgba: 0.7, 0.3, 0.9, 1
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
size_hint: None, None
size: 400, 30
cols: 1
rgba: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
anim_box: anim_box
but_1: but_1
lab_1: lab_1
lab_2: lab_2
id: but_1
font_size: 20
text: 'Start second thread'
on_press: root.start_second_thread(lab_2.text)
id: lab_1
font_size: 30
color: 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1
text_size: self.width, None
halign: 'center'
id: anim_box
id: lab_2
font_size: 100
color: 0.8, 0, 0, 1
text: '3'
class RootWidget(GridLayout):
stop = threading.Event()
def start_second_thread(self, l_text):
threading.Thread(target=self.second_thread, args=(l_text,)).start()
def second_thread(self, label_text):
# Remove a widget, update a widget property, create a new widget,
# add it and animate it in the main thread by scheduling a function
# call with Clock.
Clock.schedule_once(self.start_test, 0)
# Do some thread blocking operations.
l_text = str(int(label_text) * 3000)
# Update a widget property in the main thread by decorating the
# called function with @mainthread.
# Do some more blocking operations.
# Remove some widgets and update some properties in the main thread
# by decorating the called function with @mainthread.
# Start a new thread with an infinite loop and stop the current one.
def start_test(self, *args):
# Remove the button.
# Update a widget property.
self.lab_1.text = ('The UI remains responsive while the '
'second thread is running.')
# Create and add a new widget.
anim_bar = Factory.AnimWidget()
# Animate the added widget.
anim = Animation(opacity=0.3, width=100, duration=0.6)
anim += Animation(opacity=1, width=400, duration=0.8)
anim.repeat = True
def update_label_text(self, new_text):
self.lab_2.text = new_text
def stop_test(self):
self.lab_1.text = ('Second thread exited, a new thread has started. '
'Close the app to exit the new thread and stop '
'the main process.')
self.lab_2.text = str(int(self.lab_2.text) + 1)
def infinite_loop(self):
iteration = 0
while True:
if self.stop.is_set():
# Stop running this thread so the main Python process can exit.
iteration += 1
print('Infinite loop, iteration {}.'.format(iteration))
class ThreadedApp(App):
def on_stop(self):
# The Kivy event loop is about to stop, set a stop signal;
# otherwise the app window will close, but the Python process will
# keep running until all secondary threads exit.
def build(self):
return RootWidget()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Section for user comments
Why must OpenGL operations be done in the main thread? Is it possible to have a main control/adapter thread that opens a thread for kivy and a thread for model operations?
The @mainthread is not necessarily the main thread but the thread that creates the kivy app to run. Despite this unfavorable limitation, a companion thread would suffice for other non-kivy event processing and interacts with kivy UI through @mainthread or clock scheduling.