mirror of https://github.com/kivy/kivy.git
Talks and tutorials
A draggable scrollbar using a slider
AdBuddiz Android advertisements integration for Kivy apps
Advanced Graphics: In Progress
An example of background Twisted server running on Android
Android Background Services
Android SDK NDK Information
Android SDK NDK Informations
Android native embedded browser
Android style menu app skeleton
Background Service using P4A android.service
Batch installer for windows(KivyInstaller)
Breaking changes in Kivy
Building Portable Package
Button(s) in settings panel
Buttons in Settings panel
Community Guidelines
Connecting Kivy with Anaconda (OSX)
Contextual Menus
Contextual menus
Control alpha of all the children
Create source distribution release on PyPI
Creating a Release APK
Data driven variables with kivy properties
Debugging widget sizes
Deep Linking with iOS and Android
Delayed Work using Clock
Drag and Drop Widgets
Dragable Widget
Draggable Scalable Button
Editable ComboBox
Editable Label
Embedding a Carousel inside a TabbedPanel
Implementing Android Adaptive Icons
KEP001: Instantiate things other than widgets from kv
Kivy 2.0 api breaks
Kivy Blogs and Blog Posts
Kivy Python 2 Support Timeline
Kivy Technical FAQ
Kv language preprocessing
Linking ScreenManager to a different Widget
List of Kivy Projects
Markup Summary
Menu on long touch
Migration guide from legacy garden packages
Moving kivy.garden.xxx to kivy_garden.xxx and kivy.deps.xxx to kivy_deps.xxx
On touch current widget
On touch on current widget
Packaging Kivy apps written in Python 3, targeting Windows using Nuitka
Pyjnius Vibrator Example
Release Checklist
Release notes for 1.10.0
Release notes for 1.11.0
Sample Gestures
Scaler for Retina screen
Scollable Options in Settings panel
Scrollable Label
Setting Up Kivy with various popular IDE's
Setting up Pycharm on OSX (older versions)
Setting up garden with Mac Ports
Setting up kivy with various popular IDE
Simple slider with value in label
Snippet template
Snippets awaiting moderation
Starting Kivy App and Service on bootup on Android
Styling a Spinner and SpinnerOption in KV
Talks and tutorials
Theming Kivy
Tiled Maps & Tile Based Movement
Tiling the background of a widget with an image, pixel perfect
Ubuntu Touch
Updating widget content from a items list
User Snippets
Using Asynchronous programming inside a Kivy application
Using Buildozer on windows 10 using WSL
Viewport with fixed resolution autofit to window
Windows RT
Working with Python threads inside a Kivy application
rand0m app
Talks and tutorials
Gabriel Pettier edited this page 2019-04-09 00:41:02 +02:00
Table of Contents
Kivy Video Tutorials
- iOS app with kivy (friendly fitness) by Erik Sandberg (2019)
- Kivy basics by Amanda Hogan (2017)
- Making a Mobile Game App - Mancala (24 episode series, from planning to coding to distribution) by needless process, 2017
- tutorial by Zogg at PyCon Lithuania
- tutorial by Jorge at PyCon India
- talks given by the Kivy Team
- Creating Desktop and Mobile Apps with Python by brousch at PyOhio 2013
- Kivy crash course by Alexander Taylor (inclement), a series of youtube video tutorials.
- Building a Math Tutor with kivy By Daniel Gopar, mini kivy series on youtube
- Kivy Application Series by sentdex, mini kivy series on youtube
- Kivy Mobil Programlama by Mustafa Başer, A Free book on Kivy Mobile Programming in Turkish.
- Game Development with Kivy by Richard Jones. Pycon 2015 Tutorial session.
- 3D with Kivy by Peter Badida (KeyWeeUsr), a series of video tutorials.
- Kivy Tutorial by Derek Banas
- KivyTips by Peter Badida (KeyWeeUsr), a series of video tutorials highlighting less visible features and tricks.
More Kivy Talks
- Engaging call for help about Kivy in Guido's Keynote by Guido Van Rossum for PyCon US 2014
- Quick Multitouch apps using Kivy and Python by Karan Singh at at Pycon 2011 India
- Kivy - Spass mit Natural User Interfaces und Python by Ernesto Rico-Schmidt at PyCon DE 2011
- Programming Mobile Apps with Python by Andreas Schreiber for EuroPython 2012
- Erfahrungen mit Py4A sowohl mit SL4A als auch Kivy by Nik Klever at PyCon DE 2012
- An Introduction to Kivy: The KV Language and Common Mistakes by Jacob Kovac for Utah Python August 2013 Meeting. (github of presentation code)
- Developing with Kivy and Python by Andreas Schreiber at DroidCon 2013
- Our Journey to Kivy by Richard Larkin at PyConZA, 2013
- A mention in The Future of Python Keynote by Jessica McKellar at Kiwi PyCon, 2013
- Kivy, versatile framework for mobile and desktop by Mathieu Virbel at EuroPython 2013 Florence
- Kivy: Building GUI and Mobile apps with Python by Thomas Hansen and Mathieu Virbel at PyCon US 2013
- Developing with Kivy and Python by Andreas Schreiber at DroidCon DE 2013
- Desenvolvendo Aplicativos Mobile com Python by Diego Moreira Guimarães at PythonBrasil 2013 Plone Conference
- Desenvolvimento Ágil de Apps Cross Plataform com Python usando Kivy by Daniel de Melo Pimentel at PythonBrasil 2013 Plone Conference
- KivyHome - Home Automation mit Kivy, MQTT und Tellstick DUO by Ferit Cubukcuoglu, Alexander Laws, Marc-Andre Lemburg at PyDDF Sprint 2013
- Getting Python All Up in Your Mobile with Kivy by brousch at PyOhio 2014
- Kivy Showcase: a short exploration of how Kivy is changing the world by Richard Larkin at PyConZA, 2015
- Saving the world with Python and Kivy Lightning talk by Kjell Wooding at Pycon 2016
- Exploring Kivy in the classroom - GUI and App development for Python by Amanda Hogan at PyCon Australia, 2016
- Kivyによるアプリケーション開発のすすめ by Jun okazaki at PyCon JP, 2017
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