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HellPot is an endless honeypot that sends bots to hell. Based on Heffalump.

It finishes the work of Heffalump with a few improvements and the addition of a toml configuration file and JSON logging. It is built off of CokePlate.

The source of the honeypot data is The Birth of Tragedy (Hellenism and Pessimism) by Friedrich Nietzsche

Exploding Heffalump

Live example: Do not follow this link. It will flood your browser's memory and likely cause a crash.

Example Web Server Config (nginx)

location '/robots.txt' {
	proxy_set_header Host $host;
	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

location '/wp-login.php' {
	proxy_set_header Host $host;
	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Example Program Config (toml)

If the configuration file is missing, the default settings will automatically drop itself in the current working directory as config.toml.

  server_name = "nginx"

  bind_addr = ""
  bind_port = "8080"
  paths = ["wp-login.php","wp-login"]
  unix_socket = "/var/run/hellpot"
  use_unix_socket = false

  debug = true
  directory = "/home/kayos/.config/HellPot/logs/"
  nocolor = false
  use_date_filename = true

  # max_workers is only valid if restrict_concurrency is true
  restrict_concurrency = false
  max_workers = 256