mirror of https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm.git
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Instantly make your loops show a progress meter - just wrap any iterable with "tqdm(iterable)", and you're done !
tqdm (read taqadum, تقدّم) means "progress" in arabic.
You can also use trange(N) as a shortcut for tqdm(xrange(N))
pip install tqdm
# or
pip install -e git+https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm.git#egg=master
def tqdm(iterable, desc='', total=None,
leave=False, file=sys.stderr,
min_interval=0.5, miniters=1):
"""Get an iterable object, and return an iterator which acts exactly like
the iterable, but prints a progress meter and updates it every time a
value is requested.
desc: str
A short string, describing the progress, that is added in the beginning
of the line.
total : int
The number of expected iterations. If not given, len(iterable) is used
if it is defined.
file : `io.TextIOWrapper` or `io.StringIO`
A file-like object to output the progress message to.
leave : bool
If it is False, tqdm deletes its traces from screen after it has
finished iterating over all elements.
min_interval : float
If less than min_interval seconds or miniters iterations have passed
since the last progress meter update, it is not updated again.
def trange(*args, **kwargs):
"""A shortcut for writing tqdm(xrange)"""
return tqdm(xrange(*args), **kwargs)
During development you may want to use these commands :
$ make help
Please use make <target> where <target> is one of
test : run tests
flake8 : run flake8 to check PEP8
coverage : run tests and check code coverage
clean : clean current repository
- noamraph (original author)