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Building from Source




  1. Download and install Go for Windows
  2. Download and extract MinGW64 (scroll down and select x86_64-posix-seh, don't use the autoinstaller, it doesn't work)
  3. Search for "Advanced System Settings" and open the System Properties dialog.
    1. Click the Environment Variables button
    2. Under System Variables find Path. Edit and add C:\MinGW\bin (replace with the correct path to where you extracted MingW64).

NOTE: The make command in Windows will be mingw32-make with MinGW. For example, make pre-ui will be mingw32-make pre-ui.


  1. If you don't have it already, install the Homebrew package manager.
  2. Install dependencies: brew install go git yarn gcc make node ffmpeg


Arch Linux

  1. Install dependencies: sudo pacman -S go git yarn gcc make nodejs ffmpeg --needed


  1. Install dependencies: sudo apt-get install golang git gcc nodejs ffmpeg -y
  2. Enable corepack in Node.js: corepack enable
  3. Install yarn: corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate


  1. Install dependencies doas pkg_add gmake go git yarn node cmake
  2. Compile a custom ffmpeg from ports. The default ffmpeg in OpenBSD's packages is not compiled with WebP support, which is required by Stash.
    • If you've already installed ffmpeg, uninstall it: doas pkg_delete ffmpeg
    • If you haven't already, fetch the ports tree and verify.
    • Find the ffmpeg port in /usr/ports/graphics/ffmpeg, and patch the Makefile to include libwebp
      • Add webp to WANTLIB
      • Add graphics/libwebp to the list in LIB_DEPENDS
      • Add -lwebp -lwebpdecoder -lwebpdemux -lwebpmux to LIBavcodec_EXTRALIBS
      • Add --enable-libweb to the list in CONFIGURE_ARGS
      • If you've already built ffmpeg from ports before, you may need to also increment REVISION
      • Run doas make install
    • Follow the instructions below to build a release, but replace the final step make build-release with gmake flags-release stash, to avoid the PIE buildmode.

NOTE: The make command in OpenBSD will be gmake. For example, make pre-ui will be gmake pre-ui.


  • make pre-ui - Installs the UI dependencies. This only needs to be run once after cloning the repository, or if the dependencies are updated.
  • make generate - Generates Go and UI GraphQL files. Requires make pre-ui to have been run.
  • make generate-stash-box-client - Generate Go files for the Stash-box client code.
  • make ui - Builds the UI. Requires make pre-ui to have been run.
  • make stash - Builds the stash binary (make sure to build the UI as well... see below)
  • make stash-release - Builds a release version the stash binary, with debug information removed
  • make phasher - Builds the phasher binary
  • make phasher-release - Builds a release version the phasher binary, with debug information removed
  • make build - Builds both the stash and phasher binaries
  • make build-release - Builds release versions of both the stash and phasher binaries
  • make docker-build - Locally builds and tags a complete 'stash/build' docker image
  • make docker-cuda-build - Locally builds and tags a complete 'stash/cuda-build' docker image
  • make validate - Runs all of the tests and checks required to submit a PR
  • make lint - Runs golangci-lint on the backend
  • make it - Runs all unit and integration tests
  • make fmt - Formats the Go source code
  • make fmt-ui - Formats the UI source code
  • make server-start - Runs a development stash server in the .local directory
  • make server-clean - Removes the .local directory and all of its contents
  • make ui-start - Runs the UI in development mode. Requires a running Stash server to connect to - the server URL can be changed from the default of http://localhost:9999 using the environment variable VITE_APP_PLATFORM_URL, but keep in mind that authentication cannot be used since the session authorization cookie cannot be sent cross-origin. The UI runs on port 3000 or the next available port.

Local development quickstart

  1. Run make pre-ui to install UI dependencies
  2. Run make generate to create generated files
  3. In one terminal, run make server-start to run the server code
  4. In a separate terminal, run make ui-start to run the UI in development mode
  5. Open the UI in a browser: http://localhost:3000/

Changes to the UI code can be seen by reloading the browser page.

Changes to the backend code require a server restart (CTRL-C in the server terminal, followed by make server-start again) to be seen.

On first launch:

  1. On the "Stash Setup Wizard" screen, choose a directory with some files to test with
  2. Press "Next" to use the default locations for the database and generated content
  3. Press the "Confirm" and "Finish" buttons to get into the UI
  4. On the side menu, navigate to "Tasks -> Library -> Scan" and press the "Scan" button
  5. You're all set! Set any other configurations you'd like and test your code changes.

To start fresh with new configuration:

  1. Stop the server (CTRL-C in the server terminal)
  2. Run make server-clean to clear all config, database, and generated files (under .local)
  3. Run make server-start to restart the server
  4. Follow the "On first launch" steps above

Building a release

Simply run make or make release, or equivalently:

  1. Run make pre-ui to install UI dependencies
  2. Run make generate to create generated files
  3. Run make ui to build the frontend
  4. Run make build-release to build a release executable for your current platform

Cross compiling

This project uses a modification of the CI-GoReleaser docker container to create an environment where the app can be cross-compiled. This process is kicked off by CI via the scripts/ script. Run the following command to open a bash shell to the container to poke around:

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/stash -w /stash -i -t stashapp/compiler:latest /bin/bash


Stash can be profiled using the --cpuprofile <output profile filename> command line flag.

The resulting file can then be used with pprof as follows:

go tool pprof <path to binary> <path to profile filename>

With graphviz installed and in the path, a call graph can be generated with:

go tool pprof -svg <path to binary> <path to profile filename> > <output svg file>