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Stash is a Go app which organizes and serves your porn.

See a demo here (password is stashapp).

TODO: This does not match the features of the Rails project quite yet and is still a little buggy. Fall back to the Rails project if you run into issues as an existing user.


Stash supports macOS, Windows, and Linux. Download the latest release here.

Simply run the executable and navigate to either https://localhost:9999 or http://localhost:9998 to get started.

Note for Windows users: Running the app might present a security prompt since the binary isn't signed yet. Just click more info and then the run anyway button.


If stash is unable to find or download FFMPEG then download it yourself from the link for your platform:

The ffmpeg(.exe) and ffprobe(.exe) files should be placed in ~/.stash on macOS / Linux or C:\Users\YourUsername\.stash on Windows.


Does stash support multiple folders?

Not yet, but this will come in the future.






  1. Download and install Go for Windows
  2. Download and install MingW
  3. Search for "advanced system settings" and open the system properties dialog.
    1. Click the Environment Variables button
    2. Add GO111MODULE=on
    3. Under system variables find the Path. Edit and add C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\*\mingw64\bin (replace * with the correct path).


  • make build - Builds the binary
  • make gqlgen - Regenerate Go GraphQL files

Building a release

  1. cd into the UI directory and run ng build --prod
  2. cd back to the root directory and run make build to build the executable

Notes for the dev

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/stash -w /stash -i -t bepsays/ci-goreleaser:1.11-2 /bin/bash