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Starlette includes an exception handling middleware that you can use in order to dispatch different classes of exceptions to different handlers.

To see how this works, we'll start by with this small ASGI application:

from starlette.exceptions import ExceptionMiddleware, HTTPException

class App:
    def __init__(self, scope):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=403)

app = ExceptionMiddleware(App)

If you run the app and make an HTTP request to it, you'll get a plain text response with a "403 Permission Denied" response. This is the behaviour that the default handler responds with when an HTTPException class or subclass is raised.

Let's change the exception handling, so that we get JSON error responses instead:

from starlette.exceptions import ExceptionMiddleware, HTTPException
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse

class App:
    def __init__(self, scope):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=403)

def handler(request, exc):
    return JSONResponse({"detail": exc.detail}, status_code=exc.status_code)

app = ExceptionMiddleware(App)
app.add_exception_handler(HTTPException, handler)

Now if we make a request to the application, we'll get back a JSON encoded HTTP response.

By default two types of exceptions are caught and dealt with:

  • HTTPException - Used to raise standard HTTP error codes.
  • Exception - Used as a catch-all handler to deal with any 500 Internal Server Error responses. The Exception case also wraps any other exception handling.

The catch-all Exception case is used to return simple 500 Internal Server Error responses. During development you might want to switch the behaviour so that it displays an error traceback in the browser:

app = ExceptionMiddleware(App, debug=True)

This uses the same error tracebacks as the more minimal DebugMiddleware.

The exception handler currently only catches and deals with exceptions within HTTP requests. Any websocket exceptions will simply be raised to the server and result in an error log.


The exception middleware catches and handles the exceptions, returning appropriate HTTP responses.

  • ExceptionMiddleware(app, debug=False) - Instantiate the exception handler, wrapping up it around an inner ASGI application.

Adding handlers:

  • .add_exception_handler(exc_class, handler) - Set a handler function to run for the given exception class.

Enabling debug mode:

  • .debug - If set to True, then the catch-all handler for Exception will not be used, and error tracebacks will be sent as responses instead.


The HTTPException class provides a base class that you can use for any standard HTTP error conditions. The ExceptionMiddleware implementation defaults to returning plain-text HTTP responses for any HTTPException.

  • HTTPException(status_code, detail=None)