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KnowledgeBase A storage class for entities and aliases of a specific knowledge base (ontology) class spacy/kb/kb.pyx 2.2

The KnowledgeBase object is an abstract class providing a method to generate Candidate objects, which are plausible external identifiers given a certain textual mention. Each such Candidate holds information from the relevant KB entities, such as its frequency in text and possible aliases. Each entity in the knowledge base also has a pretrained entity vector of a fixed size.

Beyond that, KnowledgeBase classes have to implement a number of utility functions called by the EntityLinker component.

This class was not abstract up to spaCy version 3.5. The KnowledgeBase implementation up to that point is available as InMemoryLookupKB from 3.5 onwards.


KnowledgeBase is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. Its child classes should call __init__() to set up some necessary attributes.


from spacy.kb import KnowledgeBase
from spacy.vocab import Vocab

class FullyImplementedKB(KnowledgeBase):
  def __init__(self, vocab: Vocab, entity_vector_length: int):
      super().__init__(vocab, entity_vector_length)
vocab = nlp.vocab
kb = FullyImplementedKB(vocab=vocab, entity_vector_length=64)
Name Description
vocab The shared vocabulary. Vocab
entity_vector_length Length of the fixed-size entity vectors. int


The length of the fixed-size entity vectors in the knowledge base.

Name Description
RETURNS Length of the fixed-size entity vectors. int


Given a certain textual mention as input, retrieve a list of candidate entities of type Candidate.


from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
doc = nlp("Douglas Adams wrote 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.")
candidates = kb.get_candidates(doc[0:2])
Name Description
mention The textual mention or alias. Span
RETURNS An iterable of relevant Candidate objects. Iterable[Candidate]


Same as get_candidates(), but for an arbitrary number of mentions. The EntityLinker component will call get_candidates_batch() instead of get_candidates(), if the config parameter candidates_batch_size is greater or equal than 1.

The default implementation of get_candidates_batch() executes get_candidates() in a loop. We recommend implementing a more efficient way to retrieve candidates for multiple mentions at once, if performance is of concern to you.


from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
doc = nlp("Douglas Adams wrote 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.")
candidates = kb.get_candidates((doc[0:2], doc[3:]))
Name Description
mentions The textual mention or alias. Iterable[Span]
RETURNS An iterable of iterable with relevant Candidate objects. Iterable[Iterable[Candidate]]


This method is _not_ available from spaCy 3.5 onwards.

From spaCy 3.5 on KnowledgeBase is an abstract class (with InMemoryLookupKB being a drop-in replacement) to allow more flexibility in customizing knowledge bases. Some of its methods were moved to InMemoryLookupKB during this refactoring, one of those being get_alias_candidates(). This method is now available as InMemoryLookupKB.get_alias_candidates(). Note: InMemoryLookupKB.get_candidates() defaults to InMemoryLookupKB.get_alias_candidates().


Given a certain entity ID, retrieve its pretrained entity vector.


vector = kb.get_vector("Q42")
Name Description
entity The entity ID. str
RETURNS The entity vector. Iterable[float]


Same as get_vector(), but for an arbitrary number of entity IDs.

The default implementation of get_vectors() executes get_vector() in a loop. We recommend implementing a more efficient way to retrieve vectors for multiple entities at once, if performance is of concern to you.


vectors = kb.get_vectors(("Q42", "Q3107329"))
Name Description
entities The entity IDs. Iterable[str]
RETURNS The entity vectors. Iterable[Iterable[numpy.ndarray]]


Save the current state of the knowledge base to a directory.


Name Description
path A path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]
exclude List of components to exclude. Iterable[str]


Restore the state of the knowledge base from a given directory. Note that the Vocab should also be the same as the one used to create the KB.


from spacy.vocab import Vocab
vocab = Vocab().from_disk("/path/to/vocab")
kb = FullyImplementedKB(vocab=vocab, entity_vector_length=64)
Name Description
loc A path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str, Path]
exclude List of components to exclude. Iterable[str]
RETURNS The modified KnowledgeBase object. KnowledgeBase


A Candidate object refers to a textual mention (alias) that may or may not be resolved to a specific entity from a KnowledgeBase. This will be used as input for the entity linking algorithm which will disambiguate the various candidates to the correct one. Each candidate (alias, entity) pair is assigned to a certain prior probability.


Construct a Candidate object. Usually this constructor is not called directly, but instead these objects are returned by the get_candidates method of the entity_linker pipe.


from spacy.kb import Candidate
candidate = Candidate(kb, entity_hash, entity_freq, entity_vector, alias_hash, prior_prob)
Name Description
kb The knowledge base that defined this candidate. KnowledgeBase
entity_hash The hash of the entity's KB ID. int
entity_freq The entity frequency as recorded in the KB. float
alias_hash The hash of the textual mention or alias. int
prior_prob The prior probability of the alias referring to the entity. float

Candidate attributes

Name Description
entity The entity's unique KB identifier. int
entity_ The entity's unique KB identifier. str
alias The alias or textual mention. int
alias_ The alias or textual mention. str
prior_prob The prior probability of the alias referring to the entity. long
entity_freq The frequency of the entity in a typical corpus. long
entity_vector The pretrained vector of the entity. numpy.ndarray