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# python-benedict
python-benedict is a dict subclass with **keypath** support, **I/O** shortcuts (`Base64`, `CSV`, `JSON`, `TOML`, `XML`, `YAML`, `query-string`) and many **utilities**... for humans, obviously.
## Index
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Basics](#basics)
- [Keypath](#keypath)
- [Custom keypath separator](#custom-keypath-separator)
- [Change keypath separator](#change-keypath-separator)
- [Disable keypath functionality](#disable-keypath-functionality)
- [API](#api)
- [Utility](#utility)
- [`clean`](#clean)
- [`clone`](#clone)
- [`dump`](#dump)
- [`filter`](#filter)
- [`flatten`](#flatten)
- [`invert`](#invert)
- [`items_sorted_by_keys`](#items_sorted_by_keys)
- [`items_sorted_by_values`](#items_sorted_by_values)
- [`keypaths`](#keypaths)
- [`merge`](#merge)
- [`move`](#move)
- [`remove`](#remove)
- [`standardize`](#standardize)
- [`subset`](#subset)
- [`swap`](#swap)
- [`traverse`](#traverse)
- [`unique`](#unique)
- [I/O](#io)
- [`from_base64`](#from_base64)
- [`from_csv`](#from_csv)
- [`from_json`](#from_json)
- [`from_query_string`](#from_query_string)
- [`from_toml`](#from_toml)
- [`from_xml`](#from_xml)
- [`from_yaml`](#from_yaml)
- [`to_base64`](#to_base64)
- [`to_csv`](#to_csv)
- [`to_json`](#to_json)
- [`to_query_string`](#to_query_string)
- [`to_toml`](#to_toml)
- [`to_xml`](#to_xml)
- [`to_yaml`](#to_yaml)
- [Parse](#parse)
- [`get_bool`](#get_bool)
- [`get_bool_list`](#get_bool_list)
- [`get_datetime`](#get_datetime)
- [`get_datetime_list`](#get_datetime_list)
- [`get_decimal`](#get_decimal)
- [`get_decimal_list`](#get_decimal_list)
- [`get_dict`](#get_dict)
- [`get_email`](#get_email)
- [`get_float`](#get_float)
- [`get_float_list`](#get_float_list)
- [`get_int`](#get_int)
- [`get_int_list`](#get_int_list)
- [`get_list`](#get_list)
- [`get_list_item`](#get_list_item)
- [`get_phonenumber`](#get_phonenumber)
- [`get_slug`](#get_slug)
- [`get_slug_list`](#get_slug_list)
- [`get_str`](#get_str)
- [`get_str_list`](#get_str_list)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [License](#license)
## Features
- Full **keypath** support using **keypath-separator** *(dot syntax by default)* or **list of keys**.
- Easy **I/O operations** with most common formats: `Base64`, `CSV`, `JSON`, `TOML`, `XML`, `YAML`, `query-string`
- Many **utility** and **parse methods** to retrieve data as needed *(all methods listed below)*
- Well **tested**, check the badges ;)
- 100% **backward-compatible** *(you can replace existing dicts without pain)*
## Requirements
- Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
## Installation
- Run `pip install python-benedict`
## Usage
### Basics
`benedict` is a `dict` subclass, so it is possible to use it as a normal dictionary *(you can just cast an existing dict)*.
from benedict import benedict
# create a new empty instance
d = benedict()
# or cast an existing dict
d = benedict(existing_dict)
# or create from data source (filepath, url or data-string) in a supported format (base64, json, toml, xml, yaml, query-string)
d = benedict('https://localhost:8000/data.json')
# or in a Django view
params = benedict(request.GET.items())
page = params.get_int('p', 0)
### Keypath
`.` is the default keypath separator.
If you cast an existing dict and its keys contain the keypath separator a `ValueError` will be raised.
In this case you should use a [custom keypath separator](#custom-keypath-separator) or [disable keypath functionality](#disable-keypath-functionality).
d = benedict()
# set values by keypath
d['profile.firstname'] = 'Fabio'
d['profile.lastname'] = 'Caccamo'
print(d) # -> { 'profile':{ 'firstname':'Fabio', 'lastname':'Caccamo' } }
print(d['profile']) # -> { 'firstname':'Fabio', 'lastname':'Caccamo' }
# check if keypath exists in dict
print('profile.lastname' in d) # -> True
# delete value by keypath
del d['profile.lastname']
It is possible to do the same using a **list of keys**:
d = benedict()
# set values by keys list
d['profile', 'firstname'] = 'Fabio'
d['profile', 'lastname'] = 'Caccamo'
print(d) # -> { 'profile':{ 'firstname':'Fabio', 'lastname':'Caccamo' } }
print(d['profile']) # -> { 'firstname':'Fabio', 'lastname':'Caccamo' }
# check if keypath exists in dict
print(['profile', 'lastname'] in d) # -> True
# delete value by keys list
del d['profile', 'lastname']
#### Custom keypath separator
You can customize the keypath separator passing the `keypath_separator` argument in the constructor.
If you pass an existing dict to the constructor and its keys contain the keypath separator an `Exception` will be raised.
d = benedict(existing_dict, keypath_separator='/')
#### Change keypath separator
You can change the `keypath_separator` at any time using the `getter/setter` property.
If any existing key contains the new `keypath_separator` an `Exception` will be raised.
d.keypath_separator = '/'
#### Disable keypath functionality
You can disable the keypath functionality passing `keypath_separator=None` in the constructor.
d = benedict(existing_dict, keypath_separator=None)
You can disable the keypath functionality using the `getter/setter` property.
d.keypath_separator = None
## API
### Utility
These methods are common utilities that will speed up your everyday work.
Utilities that accepts key argument(s) also accepts keypath(s).
Utilities that return a dictionary always return a new `benedict` instance.
- #### clean
# Clean the current dict removing all empty values: None, '', {}, [], ().
# If strings, dicts or lists flags are False, related empty values will not be deleted.
d.clean(strings=True, dicts=True, lists=True)
- #### clone
# Return a clone (deepcopy) of the dict.
c = d.clone()
- #### dump
# Return a readable representation of any dict/list.
# This method can be used both as static method or instance method.
s = benedict.dump(d.keypaths())
# or
d = benedict()
- #### filter
# Return a filtered dict using the given predicate function.
# Predicate function receives key, value arguments and should return a bool value.
predicate = lambda k, v: v is not None
f = d.filter(predicate)
- #### flatten
# Return a flatten dict using the given separator to concat nested dict keys.
f = d.flatten(separator='_')
- #### invert
# Return an inverted dict where values become keys and keys become values.
# Since multiple keys could have the same value, each value will be a list of keys.
# If flat is True each value will be a single value (use this only if values are unique).
i = d.invert(flat=False)
- #### items_sorted_by_keys
# Return items (key/value list) sorted by keys.
# If reverse is True, the list will be reversed.
items = d.items_sorted_by_keys(reverse=False)
- #### items_sorted_by_values
# Return items (key/value list) sorted by values.
# If reverse is True, the list will be reversed.
items = d.items_sorted_by_values(reverse=False)
- #### keypaths
# Return a list of all keypaths in the dict.
k = d.keypaths()
- #### merge
# Merge one or more dictionary objects into current instance (deepupdate).
# Sub-dictionaries keys will be merged toghether.
d.merge(a, b, c)
- #### move
# Move an item from key_src to key_dst.
# It can be used to rename a key.
# If key_dst exists, its value will be overwritten.
d.move('a', 'b')
- #### remove
# Remove multiple keys from the dict.
# It is possible to pass a single key or more keys (as list or *args).
d.remove(['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'])
- #### standardize
# Standardize all dict keys, e.g. "Location Latitude" -> "location_latitude".
- #### subset
# Return a dict subset for the given keys.
# It is possible to pass a single key or more keys (as list or *args).
s = d.subset(['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'])
- #### swap
# Swap items values at the given keys.
d.swap('firstname', 'lastname')
- #### traverse
# Traverse a dict passing each item (dict, key, value) to the given callback function.
def f(d, key, value):
print('dict: {} - key: {} - value: {}'.format(d, key, value))
- #### unique
# Remove duplicated values from the dict.
### I/O
It is possible to create a `benedict` instance directly from data source (filepath, url or data-string) by passing the data source and the data format (default 'json') in the constructor.
# filepath
d = benedict('/root/data.yml', format='yaml')
# url
d = benedict('https://localhost:8000/data.xml', format='xml')
# data-string
d = benedict('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": 7, "y": 8, "z": 9}')
These methods simplify I/O operations with most common formats: `base64`, `csv`, `json`, `toml`, `xml`, `yaml`, `query-string`
In all `from_*` methods, the first argument can be: **url**, **filepath** or **data-string**.
In all `to_*` methods, if `filepath='...'` kwarg is specified, the output will be also **saved** at the specified filepath.
- #### from_base64
# Try to load/decode a base64 encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# It's possible to choose the subformat used under the hood (`csv`, `json`, `query-string`, `toml`, `xml`, `yaml`), default: 'json'.
# It's possible to choose the encoding, default 'utf-8'.
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_base64(s, subformat='json', encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
- #### from_csv
# Try to load/decode a csv encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.ù
# It's possible to specify the columns list, default: None (in this case the first row values will be used as keys).
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_csv(s, columns=None, columns_row=True, **kwargs)
- #### from_json
# Try to load/decode a json encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_json(s, **kwargs)
- #### from_toml
# Try to load/decode a toml encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs: https://pypi.org/project/toml/
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_toml(s, **kwargs)
- #### from_query_string
# Try to load/decode a query-string and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_query_string(s, **kwargs)
- #### from_xml
# Try to load/decode a xml encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs: https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_xml(s, **kwargs)
- #### from_yaml
# Try to load/decode a yaml encoded data and return it as benedict instance.
# Accept as first argument: url, filepath or data-string.
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs: https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.from_yaml(s, **kwargs)
- #### to_base64
# Return the dict instance encoded in base64 format and optionally save it at the specified 'filepath'.
# It's possible to choose the subformat used under the hood ('csv', json', `query-string`, 'toml', 'xml', 'yaml'), default: 'json'.
# It's possible to choose the encoding, default 'utf-8'.
# It's possible to pass decoder specific options using kwargs.
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_base64(subformat='json', encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
- #### to_csv
# Return a list of dicts encoded in csv format and optionally save it at the specified filepath.
# It's possible to specify the key of the item (list of dicts) to encode, default: 'values'.
# It's possible to specify the columns list, default: None (in this case the keys of the first item will be used).
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
d = benedict.to_csv(key='values', columns=None, columns_row=True, **kwargs)
- #### to_json
# Return the dict instance encoded in json format and optionally save it at the specified filepath.
# It's possible to pass encoder specific options using kwargs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_json(**kwargs)
- #### to_query_string
# Return the dict instance as query-string and optionally save it at the specified filepath.
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_query_string(**kwargs)
- #### to_toml
# Return the dict instance encoded in toml format and optionally save it at the specified filepath.
# It's possible to pass encoder specific options using kwargs: https://pypi.org/project/toml/
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_toml(**kwargs)
- #### to_xml
# Return the dict instance encoded in xml format and optionally save it at the specified filepath.
# It's possible to pass encoder specific options using kwargs: https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_xml(**kwargs)
- #### to_yaml
# Return the dict instance encoded in yaml format.
# If filepath option is passed the output will be saved ath
# It's possible to pass encoder specific options using kwargs: https://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation
# A ValueError is raised in case of failure.
s = d.to_yaml(**kwargs)
### Parse
These methods are wrappers of the `get` method, they parse data trying to return it in the expected type.
- #### get_bool
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as bool.
# Values like `1`, `true`, `yes`, `on`, `ok` will be returned as `True`.
d.get_bool(key, default=False)
- #### get_bool_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of bool values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_bool_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_datetime
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as datetime.
# If format is not specified it will be autodetected.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_datetime(key, default=None, format=None, options=[])
- #### get_datetime_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of datetime values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_datetime_list(key, default=[], format=None, separator=',')
- #### get_decimal
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as Decimal.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_decimal(key, default=Decimal('0.0'), options=[])
- #### get_decimal_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of Decimal values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_decimal_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_dict
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as dict.
# If value is a json string it will be automatically decoded.
d.get_dict(key, default={})
- #### get_email
# Get email by key or keypath and return it.
# If value is blacklisted it will be automatically ignored.
# If check_blacklist is False, it will be not ignored even if blacklisted.
d.get_email(key, default='', options=None, check_blacklist=True)
- #### get_float
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as float.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_float(key, default=0.0, options=[])
- #### get_float_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of float values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_float_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_int
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as int.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_int(key, default=0, options=[])
- #### get_int_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of int values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_int_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_list_item
# Get list by key or keypath and return value at the specified index.
# If separator is specified and list value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_list_item(key, index=0, default=None, separator=',')
- #### get_phonenumber
# Get phone number by key or keypath and return a dict with different formats (e164, international, national).
# If country code is specified (alpha 2 code), it will be used to parse phone number correctly.
d.get_phonenumber(key, country_code=None, default=None)
- #### get_slug
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as slug.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_slug(key, default='', options=[])
- #### get_slug_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of slug values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_slug_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
- #### get_str
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as string.
# Encoding issues will be automatically fixed.
# If options and value is in options return value otherwise default.
d.get_str(key, default='', options=[])
- #### get_str_list
# Get value by key or keypath trying to return it as list of str values.
# If separator is specified and value is a string it will be splitted.
d.get_str_list(key, default=[], separator=',')
## Testing
- Run `tox` / `python setup.py test`
## License
Released under [MIT License](LICENSE.txt). |