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Using Pyodide from a web worker
This document describes how to use Pyodide to execute Python scripts asynchronously in a web worker.
Setup your project to serve webworker.js
. You should also serve
, and all its associated .asm.js
, .data
, .json
, and .wasm
files as well, though this is not strictly required if pyodide.js
is pointing
to a site serving current versions of these files.
The simplest way to serve the required files is to use a CDN,
such as https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide
. This is the solution
presented here.
Update the webworker.js
sample so that it has as valid URL for pyodide.js
, and sets
to the location of the supporting files.
In your application code create a web worker new Worker(...)
and attach listeners to it using its .onerror
and .onmessage
methods (listeners).
Communication from the worker to the main thread is done via the Worker.postMessage()
method (and vice versa).
Detailed example
In this example process we will have three parties involved:
- The web worker is responsible for running scripts in its own separate thread.
- The worker API exposes a consumer-to-provider communication interface.
- The consumers want to run some scripts outside the main thread so they don't block the main thread.
Our goal is to run some Python code in another thread, this other thread will
not have access to the main thread objects. Therefore we will need an API that takes
as input not only the Python script
we wan to run, but also the context
on which
it relies (some Javascript variables that we would normally get access to if we
were running the Python script in the main thread). Let's first describe what API
we would like to have.
Here is an example of consumer that will exchange with the web worker, via the worker interface/API py-worker.js
. It runs the following Python script
using the provided context
and a function called asyncRun()
import { asyncRun } from './py-worker';
const script = `
import statistics
from js import A_rank
const context = {
A_rank: [0.8, 0.4, 1.2, 3.7, 2.6, 5.8],
async function main(){
try {
const {results, error} = await asyncRun(script, context);
if (results) {
console.log('pyodideWorker return results: ', results);
} else if (error) {
console.log('pyodideWorker error: ', error);
catch (e){
console.log(`Error in pyodideWorker at ${e.filename}, Line: ${e.lineno}, ${e.message}`)
Before writing the API, lets first have a look at how the worker operates.
How does our web worker run the script
using a given context
Web worker
Let's start with the definition. A worker is:
A worker is an object created using a constructor (e.g. Worker()) that runs a named Javascript file — this file contains the code that will run in the worker thread; workers run in another global context that is different from the current window. This context is represented by either a DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope object (in the case of dedicated workers - workers that are utilized by a single script), or a SharedWorkerGlobalScope (in the case of shared workers - workers that are shared between multiple scripts).
In our case we will use a single worker to execute Python code without interfering with client side rendering (which is done by the main Javascript thread). The worker does two things:
- Listen on new messages from the main thread
- Respond back once it finished executing the Python script
These are the required tasks it should fulfill, but it can do other things.
For example, to always load packages numpy
and pytz
, you would insert the
lines pythonLoading = self.pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy', 'pytz'])
await pythonLoading;
as shown below:
// webworker.js
// Setup your project to serve `py-worker.js`. You should also serve
// `pyodide.js`, and all its associated `.asm.js`, `.data`, `.json`,
// and `.wasm` files as well:
self.languagePluginUrl = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.16.1/full/';
let pythonLoading;
async function loadPythonPackages(){
await languagePluginLoader;
pythonLoading = self.pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy', 'pytz']);
self.onmessage = async(event) => {
await languagePluginLoader;
// since loading package is asynchronous, we need to make sure loading is done:
await pythonLoading;
// Don't bother yet with this line, suppose our API is built in such a way:
const {python, ...context} = event.data;
// The worker copies the context in its own "memory" (an object mapping name to values)
for (const key of Object.keys(context)){
self[key] = context[key];
// Now is the easy part, the one that is similar to working in the main thread:
try {
results: await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(python)
catch (error){
{error : error.message}
The worker API
Now that we established what the two sides need and how they operate,
lets connect them using this simple API (py-worker.js
). This part is
optional and only a design choice, you could achieve similar results
by exchanging message directly between your main thread and the webworker.
You would just need to call .postMessages()
with the right arguments as
this API does.
const pyodideWorker = new Worker('./build/webworker.js')
export function run(script, context, onSuccess, onError){
pyodideWorker.onerror = onError;
pyodideWorker.onmessage = (e) => onSuccess(e.data);
python: script,
// Transform the run (callback) form to a more modern async form.
// This is what allows to write:
// const {results, error} = await asyncRun(script, context);
// Instead of:
// run(script, context, successCallback, errorCallback);
export function asyncRun(script, context) {
return new Promise(function(onSuccess, onError) {
run(script, context, onSuccess, onError);
Using a web worker is advantageous because the Python code is run in a separate thread from your main UI, and hence does not impact your application's responsiveness. There are some limitations, however. At present, Pyodide does not support sharing the Python interpreter and packages between multiple web workers or with your main thread. Since web workers are each in their own virtual machine, you also cannot share globals between a web worker and your main thread. Finally, although the web worker is separate from your main thread, the web worker is itself single threaded, so only one Python script will execute at a time.