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API Reference

pyodide version 0.1.0

Backward compatibility of the API is not guaranteed at this point.

Python API


Fetches a given url and returns a io.StringIO to access its contents.


name type description
url str the URL to open


A io.StringIO object with the URL contents./

pyodide.eval_code(code, ns)

Runs a string of code. The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value is returned.

This function may be overridden to change how pyodide.runPython interprets code, for example to perform some preprocessing on the Python code first.


name type description
code str the code to evaluate
ns dict evaluation name space


Either the resulting object or None.

Javascript API


Load a package or a list of packages over the network.

This makes the files for the package available in the virtual filesystem. The package needs to be imported from Python before it can be used.


name type description
names {String, Array} package name, or URL. Can be either a single element, or an array.
messageCallback function A callback, called with progress messages. (optional)


Loading is asynchronous, therefore, this returns a Promise.


Array with loaded packages.

Use Object.keys(pyodide.loadedPackage) to access the names of the loaded packages, and pyodide.loadedPackage[package_name] to access install location for a particular package_name.


Access a Python object from Javascript. The object must be in the global Python namespace.

For example, to access the foo Python object from Javascript:

var foo = pyodide.pyimport('foo')


name type description
names String Python variable name


name type description
object any If one of the basic types (string,
number, boolean, array, object), the
Python object is converted to
Javascript and returned. For other
types, a Proxy object to the Python
object is returned.


An object whose attributes are members of the Python global namespace. This is a more convenient alternative to pyodide.pyimport.

For example, to access the foo Python object from Javascript:


Gets the Python's string representation of an object.

This is equivalent to calling repr(obj) in Python.


name type description
obj any Input object


name type description
str_repr String String representation of the input object


Runs a string of code. The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value is returned.


name type description
code String Python code to evaluate


name type description
jsresult any Result, converted to Javascript

pyodide.runPythonAsync(code, messageCallback)

Runs Python code, possibly asynchronously loading any known packages that the code chunk imports.

For example, given the following code chunk

import numpy as np
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])

pyodide will first call pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy']), and then run the code chunk, returning the result. Since package fetching must happen asyncronously, this function returns a Promise which resolves to the output. For example, to use:

pyodide.runPythonAsync(code, messageCallback)
  .then((output) => handleOutput(output))


name type description
code String Python code to evaluate
messageCallback function Callback given status messages


name type description
result Promise Resolves to the result of the code chunk


Returns the pyodide version.

It can be either the exact release version (e.g. 0.1.0), or the latest release version followed by the number of commits since, and the git hash of the current commit (e.g. 0.1.0-1-bd84646).




name type description
version String Pyodide version string