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Dealing with the file system
Pyodide includes a file system provided by Emscripten. In JavaScript, the
Pyodide file system can be accessed through {js:attr}pyodide.FS
which re-exports
the Emscripten File System
Example: Reading from the file system
with open("/hello.txt", "w") as fh:
fh.write("hello world!")
let file = pyodide.FS.readFile("/hello.txt", { encoding: "utf8" });
console.log(file); // ==> "hello world!"
Example: Writing to the file system
let data = "hello world!";
pyodide.FS.writeFile("/hello.txt", data, { encoding: "utf8" });
with open("/hello.txt", "r") as fh:
data = fh.read()
Mounting a file system
The default file system used in Pyodide is MEMFS, which is a virtual in-memory file system. The data stored in MEMFS will be lost when the page is reloaded.
If you wish for files to persist, you can mount other file systems.
Other file systems provided by Emscripten are IDBFS
Note that some filesystems can only be used in specific runtime environments.
See Emscripten File System API for more details.
For instance, to store data persistently between page reloads, one could mount
a folder with the
IDBFS file system
let mountDir = "/mnt";
pyodide.FS.mount(pyodide.FS.filesystems.IDBFS, { root: "." }, mountDir);
If you are using Node.js you can access the native file system by mounting NODEFS
let mountDir = "/mnt";
pyodide.FS.mount(pyodide.FS.filesystems.NODEFS, { root: "." }, mountDir);
pyodide.runPython("import os; print(os.listdir('/mnt'))");
// ==> The list of files in the Node working directory
(Experimental) Using the native file system in the browser
You can access the native file system from the browser using the File System Access API.
:class: warning
The File System Access API is only supported in Chromium based browsers: Chrome and Edge (as of 2022/08/18).
Mounting a directory
Pyodide provides an API {js:func}pyodide.mountNativeFS
which mounts a
into the Pyodide Python file system.
const dirHandle = await showDirectoryPicker();
if ((await dirHandle.queryPermission({ mode: "readwrite" })) !== "granted") {
if (
(await dirHandle.requestPermission({ mode: "readwrite" })) !== "granted"
) {
throw Error("Unable to read and write directory");
const nativefs = await pyodide.mountNativeFS("/mount_dir", dirHandle);
import os
Synchronizing changes to native file system
Due to browser limitations, the changes in the mounted file system is not synchronized by default. In order to persist any operations to an native file system, you must call
// nativefs is the returned from: await pyodide.mountNativeFS('/mount_dir', dirHandle)
with open('/mount_dir/new_file.txt', 'w') as f:
// new_file.txt does not exist in native file system
await nativefs.syncfs();
// new_file.txt will now exist in native file system
pyodide.FS.syncfs(false, callback_func);