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Maintainer information

Making a release

For branch organization we use a variation of the GitHub Flow with the latest release branch named stable (due to ReadTheDocs constraints).


Release Instructions

  1. From the root directory of the repository run

    ./tools/ --new-version <new_version>
    # ./tools/ --new_version <new_version> --dry-run

    and check that the diff is correct with git diff. Try using ripgrep to make sure there are no extra old versions lying around e.g., rg -F "0.18", rg -F dev0, rg -F dev.0.

  2. Make sure the change log is up-to-date. (Skip for alpha releases.)

    • Indicate the release date in the change log.
    • Generate the list of contributors for the release at the end of the changelog entry with,
      git shortlog -s LAST_TAG.. | cut -f2- | grep -v '\[bot\]' | sort --ignore-case | tr '\n' ';' | sed 's/;/, /g;s/, $//' | fold -s
      where LAST_TAG is the tag for the last release.
  3. Make a PR with the updates from steps 1 and 2. Merge the PR.

  4. (Major release only.) Assuming the upstream stable branch exists, rename it to a release branch for the previous major version. For instance if last release was, 0.20.0, the corresponding release branch would be 0.20.X,

    git fetch upstream
    git checkout stable
    git checkout -b 0.20.X
    git push upstream 0.20.X
    git branch -D stable    # delete locally
  5. Create a tag X.Y.Z (without leading v) and push it to upstream,

    git tag X.Y.Z
    git push upstream X.Y.Z

    Wait for the CI to pass and create the release on GitHub.

  6. (Major release only). Create a new stable branch from this tag,

    git checkout -b stable
    git push upstream stable --force
  7. Revert the release commit. If making a major release, increment the version to the next development version specified by Semantic Versioning.

    # If you just released 0.22.0, then set the next version to 0.23.0
    ./tools/ --new-version 0.23.0.dev0
  8. Update these instructions with any relevant changes.

Making a minor release

For a minor release, commits need to be added to the stable branch, ideally via a PR. This can be done with either,

  • git cherry picking individual commits,
    git checkout stable
    git pull
    git checkout -b backport-branch
    git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
  • or with interactive rebase,
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout stable
    git pull
    git checkout -b backport-branch
    git rebase -i upstream/main
    and indicate which commits to take from main in the UI.

Then follow the relevant steps from {ref}release-instructions.

Making an alpha release

Name the first alpha release x.x.xa1 and in subsequent alphas increment the final number. Follow the relevant steps from {ref}release-instructions.

Fixing documentation for a released version

Cherry pick the corresponding documentation commits to the stable branch. Use [skip ci] in the commit message.

Upgrading pyodide to a new version of CPython

Prerequisites -- The desired version of CPython must be available at:

  1. The specific release section of

For example: v3.11.1 -> v3.11.2

A project maintainer must create a up-to-date Docker image:

  1. In upstream (not a fork) change the Python version at the top of Dockerfile to the new version.
  2. Click Run workflow on
  3. Re-tag that image with the correct browser and Python versions: 20230301-chrome109-firefox109-py311
  4. Open a new issue for a interested contributor to execute the following tasks...

Any contributor can complete the Python upgrade:

  1. Ensure that the new Docker image has been tagged at
  2. Download the Gzipped source tarball at into downloads/
  3. shasum -a 256 downloads/Python-3.11.2.tgz > cpython/checksums
    • Ensure the path in cpython/checksums starts with downloads/Python-
  4. git grep --name-only "3.11.1" # All of these files will need to be updated.
  5. In .circleci/config.yml modify the image name to match the image tag on Docker Hub.
    • image: pyodide/pyodide-env:20230301-chrome109-firefox109-py311
  6. In run_docker modify the PYODIDE_IMAGE_TAG to match the image tag on Docker Hub.
    • PYODIDE_IMAGE_TAG="20230301-chrome109-firefox109-py311"
  7. Rebase any patches which do not apply cleanly.
  8. Create a pull request and fix any failing tests. This may be complicated for non-micro releases of CPython.