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Python API

Backward compatibility of the API is not guaranteed at this point.

JavaScript Modules

By default there are two JavaScript modules. More can be added with {js:func}pyodide.registerJsModule. You can import these modules using the Python import statement in the normal way.

.. list-table::

   *  - ``js``
      - The global JavaScript scope.
   *  - :js:mod:`pyodide_js <pyodide>`
      - The JavaScript Pyodide module.

Python Modules

.. list-table::

   *  - :py:mod:`pyodide.code`
      - Utilities for evaluating Python and JavaScript code.
   *  - :py:mod:`pyodide.console`
      - Similar to the Python builtin `code` module but handles top level await. Used
        for implementing the Pyodide console.
   *  - :py:mod:`pyodide.ffi`
      - The :py:class:`~pyodide.ffi.JsProxy` class and utilities to help interact with JavaScript code.
   *  - :py:mod:`pyodide.http`
      - Defines :py:func:`~pyodide.http.pyfetch` and other functions for making network requests.
   *  - :py:mod:`pyodide.webloop`
      - The Pyodide event loop implementation. This is automatically configured
        correctly for most use cases it is unlikely you will need it outside of niche
        use cases.
.. toctree::
