
353 lines
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2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
PYODIDE_ROOT=$(abspath .)
2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
include Makefile.envs
2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
2018-02-23 19:34:33 +00:00
all: \
all-but-packages \
dist/pyodide-lock.json \
dist/console.html \
dist/pyodide.d.ts \
dist/snapshot.bin \
all-but-packages: \
check \
check-emcc \
$(CPYTHONINSTALL)/.installed-pyodide \
dist/pyodide.asm.js \
dist/pyodide.js \
dist/package.json \
dist/python \
dist/ \
dist/test.html \
dist/module_test.html \
2018-02-23 19:34:33 +00:00
src/core/pyodide_pre.o: src/js/generated/_pyodide.out.js src/core/pre.js src/core/stack_switching/stack_switching.out.js
# Our goal here is to inject src/js/generated/_pyodide.out.js into an archive
# file so that when linked, Emscripten will include it. We use the same pathway
# that EM_JS uses, but EM_JS is itself unsuitable. Why? Because the C
# preprocessor / compiler modified strings and there is no "raw" strings
# feature. In particular, it seems to choke on regex in the JavaScript code. Our
# bundle includes vendored npm packages which we have no control over, so it is
# not simple to rewrite the code to restrict it to syntax that is legal inside
# of EM_JS.
# To get around this problem, we use an array initializer instead of a string
# initializer. We write a string file and then convert it to a .c file with xxd
# as suggested here:
# We use `xxd -i -` which converts the input to a comma separated list of
# hexadecimal pairs which can go into an array initializer.
# EM_JS works by injecting a string variable into a special section called em_js
# called __em_js__<function_name>. The contents of this variable are of the form
# "argspec<::>body". The argspec is used to generate the JavaScript function
# declaration:
# The body has to start with a function block, but it is possible to inject
# extra stuff after the block ends. We make a 0-argument function called
# pyodide_js_init. Immediately after that we inject pre.js and then a call to
# the init function.
# First the data file
rm -f tmp.dat
echo '()<::>{' >> tmp.dat # zero argument argspec and start body
cat src/js/generated/_pyodide.out.js >> tmp.dat # All of _pyodide.out.js is body
echo '}' >> tmp.dat # Close function body
cat src/core/stack_switching/stack_switching.out.js >> tmp.dat
cat src/core/pre.js >> tmp.dat # Execute pre.js too
echo "pyodide_js_init();" >> tmp.dat # Then execute the function.
# Now generate the C file. Define a string __em_js__pyodide_js_init with
# contents from tmp.dat
rm -f src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
echo '__attribute__((used)) __attribute__((section("em_js"), aligned(1)))' >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
echo 'char __em_js__pyodide_js_init[] = {' >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
cat tmp.dat | xxd -i - >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
# Add a null byte to terminate the string
echo ', 0};' >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
echo "#include <emscripten.h>" >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
echo "void pyodide_js_init(void) EM_IMPORT(pyodide_js_init);" >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
echo "EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void pyodide_export(void) { pyodide_js_init(); }" >> src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c
rm tmp.dat
emcc -c src/core/pyodide_pre.gen.c -o src/core/pyodide_pre.o
src/core/libpyodide.a: \
src/core/docstring.o \
src/core/error_handling.o \
src/core/hiwire.o \
src/core/_pyodide_core.o \
src/core/js2python.o \
src/core/jsproxy.o \
src/core/jsproxy_call.o \
src/core/jsbind.o \
src/core/pyproxy.o \
src/core/python2js_buffer.o \
src/core/jslib.o \
src/core/jsbind.o \
src/core/jslib_asm.o \
src/core/python2js.o \
src/core/pyodide_pre.o \
src/core/pyversion.o \
src/core/stack_switching/pystate.o \
emar rcs src/core/libpyodide.a $(filter %.o,$^)
$(CPYTHONINSTALL)/include/pyodide/.installed: src/core/*.h
mkdir -p $(@D)
cp $? $(@D)
touch $@
$(CPYTHONINSTALL)/lib/libpyodide.a: src/core/libpyodide.a
mkdir -p $(@D)
cp $< $@
$(CPYTHONINSTALL)/.installed-pyodide: $(CPYTHONINSTALL)/include/pyodide/.installed $(CPYTHONINSTALL)/lib/libpyodide.a
touch $@
dist/pyodide.asm.js: \
src/core/main.o \
$(wildcard src/py/lib/*.py) \
@date +"[%F %T] Building pyodide.asm.js..."
[ -d dist ] || mkdir dist
# TODO(ryanking13): Link libgl to a side module not to the main module.
# For unknown reason, a side module cannot see symbols when libGL is linked to it.
embuilder build libgl
$(CXX) -o dist/pyodide.asm.js -lpyodide src/core/main.o $(MAIN_MODULE_LDFLAGS)
if [[ -n $${PYODIDE_SOURCEMAP+x} ]] || [[ -n $${PYODIDE_SYMBOLS+x} ]] || [[ -n $${PYODIDE_DEBUG_JS+x} ]]; then \
cd dist && npx prettier -w pyodide.asm.js ; \
# Strip out C++ symbols which all start __Z.
# There are 4821 of these and they have VERY VERY long names.
# To show some stats on the symbols you can use the following:
# cat dist/pyodide.asm.js | grep -ohE 'var _{0,5}.' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 20
sed -i -E 's/var __Z[^;]*;//g' dist/pyodide.asm.js
sed -i '1i "use strict";' dist/pyodide.asm.js
2023-08-17 13:30:32 +00:00
# Remove last 4 lines of pyodide.asm.js, see issue #2282
2022-03-20 17:04:47 +00:00
# Hopefully we will remove this after emscripten fixes it, upstream issue
# emscripten-core/emscripten#16518
# Sed nonsense from
2023-08-17 13:30:32 +00:00
sed -i -n -e :a -e '1,4!{P;N;D;};N;ba' dist/pyodide.asm.js
echo "globalThis._createPyodideModule = _createPyodideModule;" >> dist/pyodide.asm.js
@date +"[%F %T] done building pyodide.asm.js."
2018-04-06 16:22:13 +00:00
node_modules/.installed : src/js/package.json src/js/package-lock.json
cd src/js && npm ci
ln -sfn src/js/node_modules/ node_modules
touch $@
src/js/generated/_pyodide.out.js: \
src/js/*.ts \
src/js/common/* \
src/js/vendor/* \
src/js/generated/pyproxy.ts \
src/js/generated/python2js_buffer.js \
src/js/generated/js2python.js \
cd src/js && npm run build-inner && cd -
dist/pyodide.js: \
src/js/pyodide.ts \
src/js/compat.ts \
src/js/emscripten-settings.ts \
cd src/js && npm run build
src/core/stack_switching/stack_switching.out.js : src/core/stack_switching/*.mjs
node src/core/stack_switching/esbuild.config.mjs
dist/package.json : src/js/package.json
cp $< $@
.PHONY: npm-link
npm-link: dist/package.json
cd src/test-js && npm ci && npm link ../../dist
dist/pyodide.d.ts dist/pyodide/ffi.d.ts: src/js/*.ts src/js/generated/pyproxy.ts node_modules/.installed
npx dts-bundle-generator src/js/{pyodide,ffi}.ts --export-referenced-types false --project src/js/tsconfig.json
mv src/js/{pyodide,ffi}.d.ts dist
python3 tools/ dist/pyodide.d.ts
python3 tools/ dist/ffi.d.ts
define preprocess-js
src/js/generated/$1: src/core/$1 src/core/pyproxy.c src/core/*.h
# We can't input a js/ts file directly because CC will be unhappy about the file
# extension. Instead cat it and have CC read from stdin.
# -E : Only apply prepreocessor
# -C : Leave comments alone (this allows them to be preserved in typescript
# definition files, rollup will strip them out)
# -P : Don't put in macro debug info
# -imacros pyproxy.c : include all of the macros definitions from pyproxy.c
2022-01-27 08:03:50 +00:00
# First we use sed to delete the segments of the file between
# "// pyodide-skip" and "// end-pyodide-skip". This allows us to give
# typescript type declarations for the macros which we need for intellisense
# and documentation generation. The result of processing the type
# declarations with the macro processor is a type error, so we snip them
# out.
rm -f $$@
mkdir -p src/js/generated
echo "// This file is generated by applying the C preprocessor to src/core/$1" >> $$@
echo "// Do not edit it directly!" >> $$@
cat src/core/$1 | \
sed '/^\/\/\s*pyodide-skip/,/^\/\/\s*end-pyodide-skip/d' | \
2023-01-24 03:45:59 +00:00
$(CC) -E -C -P -imacros src/core/pyproxy.c $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) - | \
sed 's/^#pragma clang.*//g' \
>> $$@
$(eval $(call preprocess-js,pyproxy.ts))
$(eval $(call preprocess-js,python2js_buffer.js))
$(eval $(call preprocess-js,js2python.js))
.PHONY: pyodide_build
@echo "Ensuring pyodide-build is installed"
pip install -e ./pyodide-build
@which pyodide >/dev/null
# Recursive wildcard
rwildcard=$(wildcard $1) $(foreach d,$1,$(call rwildcard,$(addsuffix /$(notdir $d),$(wildcard $(dir $d)*))))
dist/ $(call rwildcard,src/py/*) $(CPYTHONLIB)
make pyodide_build
pyodide create-zipfile $(CPYTHONLIB) src/py --exclude "$(PYZIP_EXCLUDE_FILES)" --stub "$(PYZIP_JS_STUBS)" --compression-level "$(PYODIDE_ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)" --output $@
dist/test.html: src/templates/test.html
2018-06-05 00:53:31 +00:00
cp $< $@
dist/makesnap.mjs: src/templates/makesnap.mjs
cp $< $@
dist/snapshot.bin: all-but-packages dist/pyodide-lock.json dist/makesnap.mjs
cd dist && node --experimental-wasm-stack-switching makesnap.mjs
dist/module_test.html: src/templates/module_test.html
cp $< $@
2018-06-05 00:53:31 +00:00
dist/python: src/templates/python
cp $< $@
.PHONY: dist/console.html
dist/console.html: src/templates/console.html
2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
cp $< $@
sed -i -e 's#{{ PYODIDE_BASE_URL }}#$(PYODIDE_BASE_URL)#g' $@
2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
# Prepare the dist directory for the release by removing unneeded files
.PHONY: clean-dist-dir
# Remove snapshot files
rm dist/makesnap.mjs
rm dist/snapshot.bin
rm dist/module_test.html dist/test.html
# TODO: Source maps aren't useful outside of debug builds I don't think. But
# removing them adds "missing sourcemap" warnings to JS console. We should
# not generate them in the first place?
# rm dist/*.map
2022-02-19 08:06:25 +00:00
.PHONY: lint
pre-commit run -a --show-diff-on-failure
2018-10-02 01:11:02 +00:00
benchmark: all
$(HOSTPYTHON) benchmark/ all --output dist/benchmarks.json
$(HOSTPYTHON) benchmark/ dist/benchmarks.json dist/benchmarks.png
2018-04-05 22:07:33 +00:00
2018-02-23 19:34:33 +00:00
rm -fr dist/*
rm -fr node_modules
find src -name '*.o' -delete
find src -name '*.gen.*' -delete
find src -name '*.out.*' -delete
rm -fr src/js/generated
2018-06-20 18:54:47 +00:00
make -C packages clean
echo "The Emsdk, CPython are not cleaned. cd into those directories to do so."
2018-02-23 19:34:33 +00:00
clean-python: clean
make -C cpython clean
2022-06-10 20:26:10 +00:00
clean-all: clean
make -C emsdk clean
make -C cpython clean-all
src/core/jslib_asm.o: src/core/jslib_asm.s
$(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS)
%.o: %.c $(CPYTHONLIB) $(wildcard src/core/*.h src/core/*.js)
$(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(MAIN_MODULE_CFLAGS) -Isrc/core/
$(CPYTHONLIB): emsdk/emsdk/.complete
@date +"[%F %T] Building cpython..."
2018-02-27 22:57:22 +00:00
@date +"[%F %T] done building cpython..."
2018-03-20 22:58:59 +00:00
dist/pyodide-lock.json: FORCE
make pyodide_build
@date +"[%F %T] Building packages..."
2018-06-20 18:54:47 +00:00
make -C packages
@date +"[%F %T] done building packages..."
2018-05-17 15:57:39 +00:00
2018-07-20 00:33:56 +00:00
@date +"[%F %T] Building emsdk..."
2018-03-30 17:08:06 +00:00
make -C emsdk
@date +"[%F %T] done building emsdk."
2022-06-09 17:57:34 +00:00
echo -e '\033[0;31m[WARNING] The target `make rust` is only for development and we do not guarantee that it will work or be maintained.\033[0m'
wget -q -O - | sh -s -- -y
source $(HOME)/.cargo/env && rustup toolchain install $(RUST_TOOLCHAIN) && rustup default $(RUST_TOOLCHAIN)
source $(HOME)/.cargo/env && rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten --toolchain $(RUST_TOOLCHAIN)
2022-06-09 17:57:34 +00:00
check-emcc: emsdk/emsdk/.complete
@python3 tools/
debug :
.PHONY: py-compile
pyodide py-compile --compression-level "$(PYODIDE_ZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)" --exclude "$(PYCOMPILE_EXCLUDE_FILES)" dist/