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Building and Running External Fuzzers

This page documents building and running fuzzers defined as part of oss-fuzz repository, and not an original OSS project.


Install Docker. The toolchain setup necessary to build coverage-guided fuzzers is complicated. Docker is used to simplify distribution of the toolchain and to produce repeatable results for distributed execution.


Checkout the oss-fuzz source tree as well as the project you are going to fuzz:

git clone git://github.com/google/oss-fuzz.git
# checkout the project into $PROJECT_NAME dir. e.g. 
# git clone git://git.sv.nongnu.org/freetype/freetype2.git freetype2
# export PROJECT_NAME=freetype2

Building Fuzzers

Building fuzzer is a two-step process:

  1. Building a container ready to compile fuzzers:
docker build -t ossfuzz/$PROJECT_NAME oss-fuzz/$PROJECT_NAME
  1. Running a container:
# llreplace/define $PROJECT_NAME
docker run -ti -v $PWD/$PROJECT_NAME:/src/$PROJECT_NAME -v $PWD/oss-fuzz:/src/oss-fuzz -v /tmp/out:/out ossfuzz/$PROJECT_NAME

/tmp/out will contain fuzzers.

Running Fuzzers

Fuzzers are statically linked executables and could be executed normally in Unbuntu-like environment:

$ /tmp/out/freetype2_fuzzer
INFO: Seed: 477892609
#0      READ   units: 1 exec/s: 0
#1      INITED cov: 29 bits: 2 indir: 14 units: 1 exec/s: 0
#2      NEW    cov: 289 bits: 280 indir: 61 units: 2 exec/s: 0 L: 64 MS: 0 
#3      NEW    cov: 291 bits: 280 indir: 61 units: 3 exec/s: 0 L: 64 MS: 1 ChangeBit-
#4      NEW    cov: 293 bits: 299 indir: 61 units: 4 exec/s: 0 L: 32 MS: 2 ChangeBit-EraseBytes-

When Ubuntu environment is not aviable (or restricted environemnt is desirable), the fuzzer can easly be run inside docker container:

docker run -ti -v /tmp/out:/out -t ossfuzz/libfuzzer-runner /out/some_fuzzer_name --runs=100