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default ClusterFuzzLite Overview 1 /clusterfuzzlite/overview/


ClusterFuzzLite makes fuzzing more valuable by:

  • Fuzzing continuously.
  • Catching bugs before they land in your codebase by fuzzing pull requests/commits.
  • Providing coverage reports on which code is fuzzed.
  • Managing your corpus, pruning it daily or a specified-interval.

ClusterFuzzLite supports [libFuzzer], [AddressSanitizer], and [UndefinedBehavior]. ClusterFuzzLite is modular, so you can decide which features you want to use. Using ClusterFuzzLite entails two major steps:

  1. [Integrating with ClusterFuzzLite's build system] so ClusterFuzzLite can build your project's fuzzers.
  2. [Running ClusterFuzzLite]. [libFuzzer]: https://libfuzzer.info [AddressSanitizer]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html [UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html [Integrating with ClusterFuzzLite's build system]: {{ site.baseurl }}/clusterfuzzlite/build-integration/ [Running ClusterFuzzLite]: {{ site.baseurl }}/clusterfuzzlite/running-clusterfuzzlite/