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Integrating a Bazel project

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Bazel projects

The process of integrating a project using the Bazel build system with OSS-Fuzz is very similar to the general [Setting up a new project]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/) process. The key specifics of integrating a Bazel project are outlined below.

Fuzzing support in Bazel

For Bazel-based projects, we recommend using the rules_fuzzing extension library for defining fuzz tests. rules_fuzzing provides support for building and running fuzz tests under multiple sanitizer and fuzzing engine configurations. It also supports specifying corpora and dictionaires as part of the fuzz test definition.

The fuzzing rules provide out-of-the-box support for building and packaging fuzz test artifacts in the OSS-Fuzz format. Each //path/to:fuzz_test fuzz test target automatically has a //path/to:fuzz_test_oss_fuzz packaging target that (a) builds the fuzz test using the instrumentation and engine library specified in the OSS-Fuzz environment variables, and (b) generates an archive containing the binary and its associated artifacts (corpus, dictionary, etc.). Using the _oss_fuzz target substantially simplifies the build.sh script, which only needs to copy the build artifacts from bazel-bin/ to the ${OUT}/ directory. The next section explains this process in more detail.

Project files

This section explains how to integrate the fuzz tests written using the rules_fuzzing library with OSS-Fuzz. You can also see a complete example in the bazel-rules-fuzzing-test project.

The structure of the project directory in the OSS-Fuzz repository does not differ for Bazel-based projects. The project files have the following specific aspects.


Only C++ projects are currently supported.

Since the OSS-Fuzz target builds the fuzz test using the instrumentation and engine specified in the OSS-Fuzz environment variables, all the engine and sanitizer configurations supported in the project.yaml file are automatically supported by the _oss_fuzz packaging rule, too.


There is no need to install Bazel in your Docker image. The OSS-Fuzz builder image provides the bazel executable through the Bazelisk launcher, which will fetch and use the latest Bazel release. If your project requires a particular Bazel version, create a .bazelversion file in your repository root with the desired version string.


Your build.sh script essentially needs to perform three tasks: (1) selecting which fuzz tests to build, (2) building their OSS-Fuzz package targets in the right configuration, and (3) copying the build artifacts to the ${OUT}/ destination.

For the first step, you can use the "bazel query" command for the most flexibility. Each fuzz test has the "fuzz-test" tag, which you can query. You may also perform additional filtering. We recommend using the "no-oss-fuzz" tag to opt-out particular fuzz tests if they are a work in progress or test-only.

The complete query command would look as follows (example):

declare -r QUERY='
    let all_fuzz_tests = attr(tags, "fuzz-test", "//...") in
    $all_fuzz_tests - attr(tags, "no-oss-fuzz", $all_fuzz_tests)
declare -r OSS_FUZZ_TESTS="$(bazel query "${QUERY}" | sed "s/$/_oss_fuzz/")"

Building the _oss_fuzz targets requires setting the engine and instrumentation options. We recommend creating a --config=oss-fuzz configuration in your .bazelrc file (example), so you can directly invoke bazel build --config=oss-fuzz in your build script (example).

If all goes well, bazel-bin/ will contain an _oss_fuzz.tar archive for each fuzz test built. You need to traverse each archive and extract it in the ${OUT}/ directory (example):

for oss_fuzz_archive in $(find bazel-bin/ -name '*_oss_fuzz.tar'); do
    tar -xvf "${oss_fuzz_archive}" -C "${OUT}"