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Reproducing oss-fuzz issues
You've been CC'ed on an oss-fuzz issue, now what? Before attempting a fix you should be able to reliably reproduce an issue. It is much simpler if you have Docker installed (how?, why?), but is entirely possible to do without.
Follow these steps:
Download testcase. Each issue has a minimized testcase link. Download the testcase to a file.
Reproduce from nightly sources. Run:
docker run --rm -v <testcase_file>:/testcase -t ossfuzz/<target> reproduce <fuzzer>`
It builds the fuzzer from nightly sources (in the image) and runs it with reproducer input.
Reproduce with local sources. Run:
docker run --rm -v <local_sources>:/src/target_src -v <reproducer_file>:/testcase -t ossfuzz/<target> reproduce <fuzzer>
This is essentialy the previous command that addionally mounts local sources into the running container.
Fix the issue. Use the previous command to verify you fixed the issue locally.
Submit the fix. Clusterfuzz will automatically pick up the changes, recheck the testcase and will close the issue.
Manual process is documented on main libFuzzer page. To manully reproduce the issue you have to:
- fetch the toolchain: http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#versions.
- build the target with toolchain and sanitizer: http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#building.
- build the fuzzer from target-related code in targets/.
- run the fuzzer on downloaded testcase
- develop a fix and submit it upstream
Clusterfuzz will automatically pick up the changes, recheck the testcase and will close the issue.