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Raw Blame History

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Unit and Integration Testing

workflow name workflow file action accelerator*
Test PyTorch full .github/workflows/ci-tests-pytorch.yml Run all tests except for accelerator-specific, standalone and slow tests. CPU

| pytorch-lightning (IPUs) | .azure-pipelines/ipu-tests.yml | Run only IPU-specific tests. | IPU | | pytorch-lightning (HPUs) | .azure-pipelines/hpu-tests.yml | Run only HPU-specific tests. | HPU | | pytorch-lightning (GPUs) | .azure-pipelines/gpu-tests-pytorch.yml | Run all CPU and GPU-specific tests, standalone, and examples. Each standalone test needs to be run in separate processes to avoid unwanted interactions between test cases. | GPU | | PyTorchLightning.Benchmark | .azure-pipelines/gpu-benchmark.yml | Run speed/memory benchmarks for parity with pure PyTorch. | GPU | | test-on-tpus | .github/workflows/tpu-tests.yml | Run only TPU-specific tests. | TPU |


workflow file action
.github/workflows/docs-checks.yml Run doctest.

Code Quality

workflow file action
.codecov.yml Measure test coverage with
.github/workflows/code-checks.yml Check Python typing with MyPy.
.github/workflows/ci-schema.yml Validate the syntax of workflow files.


workflow file action
.github/workflows/cicd-pytorch-dockers.yml Build docker images used for testing in CI. If run on nightly schedule, push to the Docker Hub.
.github/workflows/ci-pkg-install.yml Test if pytorch-lightning is successfully installed using pip.
.github/workflows/events-recurrent.yml Terminate TPU jobs that live more than one hour to avoid possible resource exhaustion due to hangs.


workflow file action
.github/workflows/release-pypi.yml Publish a release to PyPI.
.github/workflows/release-docker.yml Build Docker images from dockers/*/Dockerfile and publish them on
.github/workflows/legacy-checkpoints.yml App on request generate legacy checkpoints and upload them to AWS S3.
.github/workflows/events-nightly.yml Publish the package to TestPyPI. Publish Docker images on


workflow file action
.github/mergify.yml Label PRs as conflicts or ready, and request reviews if needed.
.github/stale.yml Close inactive issues/PRs sometimes after adding the "won't fix" label to them.
.github/workflows/probot-auto-cc.yml, .github/lightning-probot.yml Notify maintainers of interest depending on labels added to an issue We utilize lightning-probot forked from PyTorchs probot.
.github/workflows/probot-check-group.yml, .github/checkgroup.yml Checks whether the relevant jobs were successfully run based on the changed files in the PR
.pre-commit-config.yaml runs a set of linters and formatters, such as black, flake8 and isort. When formatting is applied, the bot pushes a commit with its change. This configuration is also used for running pre-commit locally.