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Pytorch Lightning

The Keras for ML researchers using PyTorch. More control. Less boilerplate.

PyPI version

pip install pytorch-lightning    


View the docs here

What is it?

Keras and are too abstract for researchers. Lightning abstracts the full training loop but gives you control in the critical points.

Why do I want to use lightning?

Because you want to use best practices and get gpu training, multi-node training, checkpointing, mixed-precision, etc... for free, but still want granular control of the meat of the training, validation and testing loops.

To use lightning do 2 things:

  1. Define a Trainer (which will run ALL your models).
  2. Define a LightningModel.

What are some key lightning features?

  • Automatic training loop
# define what happens for training here
def training_step(self, data_batch, batch_nb):
    x, y = data_batch
    out = self.forward(x)
    loss = my_loss(out, y)
    return {'loss': loss} 
  • Automatic validation loop
# define what happens for validation here
def validation_step(self, data_batch, batch_nb):    x, y = data_batch
    out = self.forward(x)
    loss = my_loss(out, y)
    return {'loss': loss} 
  • Automatic early stopping
callback = EarlyStopping(...)
  • Learning rate annealing
# anneal at 100 and 200 epochs
Trainer(lr_scheduler_milestones=[100, 200])
  • 16 bit precision training (must have apex installed)
Trainer(use_amp=True, amp_level='O2')
  • multi-gpu training
# train on 4 gpus
Trainer(gpus=[0, 1, 2, 3])
  • Automatic checkpointing
# do 3 things:
# 1

# 2 return what to save in a checkpoint
def get_save_dict(self):
    return {'state_dict': self.state_dict()}

# 3 use the checkpoint to reset your model state
def load_model_specific(self, checkpoint):
  • Log all details of your experiment (model params, code snapshot, etc...)
from test_tube import Experiment

exp = Experiment(...)
  • Run grid-search on cluster
from test_tube import Experiment, SlurmCluster, HyperOptArgumentParser

def training_fx(hparams, cluster, _):
    # hparams are local params
    model = MyModel()
    trainer = Trainer(...)

# grid search number of layers
parser = HyperOptArgumentParser(strategy='grid_search')
parser.opt_list('--layers', default=5, type=int, options=[1, 5, 10, 20, 50])
hyperparams = parser.parse_args()

cluster = SlurmCluster(hyperparam_optimizer=hyperparams)


# install lightning
pip install pytorch-lightning

# clone lightning for the demo
git clone
cd pytorch-lightning/docs/source/examples

# run demo (on cpu)

Without changing the model AT ALL, you can run the model on a single gpu, over multiple gpus, or over multiple nodes.

# run a grid search on two gpus
python --gpus "0;1"

# run single model on multiple gpus
python --gpus "0;1" --interactive