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Pytorch Lightning
The Keras for ML researchers using PyTorch. More control. Less boilerplate.
pip install pytorch-lightning
What is it?
Keras and fast.ai are too abstract for researchers. Lightning abstracts the full training loop but gives you control in the critical points.
Why do I want to use lightning?
Because you want to use best practices and get gpu training, multi-node training, checkpointing, mixed-precision, etc... for free, but still want granular control of the meat of the training, validation and testing loops.
To use lightning do 2 things:
- Define a Trainer (which will run ALL your models).
- Define a LightningModel.
What are some key lightning features?
- Automatic training loop
# define what happens for training here
def training_step(self, data_batch, batch_nb):
x, y = data_batch
out = self.forward(x)
loss = my_loss(out, y)
return {'loss': loss}
- Automatic validation loop
# define what happens for validation here
def validation_step(self, data_batch, batch_nb): x, y = data_batch
out = self.forward(x)
loss = my_loss(out, y)
return {'loss': loss}
- Automatic early stopping
callback = EarlyStopping(...)
- Learning rate annealing
# anneal at 100 and 200 epochs
Trainer(lr_scheduler_milestones=[100, 200])
- 16 bit precision training (must have apex installed)
Trainer(use_amp=True, amp_level='O2')
- multi-gpu training
# train on 4 gpus
Trainer(gpus=[0, 1, 2, 3])
- Automatic checkpointing
# do 3 things:
# 1
# 2 return what to save in a checkpoint
def get_save_dict(self):
return {'state_dict': self.state_dict()}
# 3 use the checkpoint to reset your model state
def load_model_specific(self, checkpoint):
- Log all details of your experiment (model params, code snapshot, etc...)
from test_tube import Experiment
exp = Experiment(...)
- Run grid-search on cluster
from test_tube import Experiment, SlurmCluster, HyperOptArgumentParser
def training_fx(hparams, cluster, _):
# hparams are local params
model = MyModel()
trainer = Trainer(...)
# grid search number of layers
parser = HyperOptArgumentParser(strategy='grid_search')
parser.opt_list('--layers', default=5, type=int, options=[1, 5, 10, 20, 50])
hyperparams = parser.parse_args()
cluster = SlurmCluster(hyperparam_optimizer=hyperparams)
# install lightning
pip install pytorch-lightning
# clone lightning for the demo
git clone https://github.com/williamFalcon/pytorch-lightning.git
cd pytorch-lightning/docs/source/examples
# run demo (on cpu)
python fully_featured_trainer.py
Without changing the model AT ALL, you can run the model on a single gpu, over multiple gpus, or over multiple nodes.
# run a grid search on two gpus
python fully_featured_trainer.py --gpus "0;1"
# run single model on multiple gpus
python fully_featured_trainer.py --gpus "0;1" --interactive