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Lighting offers options for logging information about model, gpu usage, etc, via several different logging frameworks. It also offers printing options for training monitoring.

Setting up logging

Initialize your logger, which should inherit from LightningBaseLogger, and pass it to Trainer.

my_logger = MyLightningLogger(...)
trainer = Trainer(logger=my_logger)

Lightning supports several common experiment tracking frameworks out of the box

Test tube

Log using test tube.

from pytorch_lightning.logging import TestTubeLogger
tt_logger = TestTubeLogger(
trainer = Trainer(logger=tt_logger)


Log using mlflow

from pytorch_lightning.logging import MLFlowLogger
mlf_logger = MLFlowLogger(
trainer = Trainer(logger=mlf_logger)

Custom logger

You can implement your own logger by writing a class that inherits from LightningLoggerBase. Use the rank_zero_only decorator to make sure that only the first process in DDP training logs data.

from pytorch_lightning.logging import LightningLoggerBase, rank_zero_only

class MyLogger(LightningLoggerBase):

    def log_hyperparams(self, params):
        # params is an argparse.Namespace
        # your code to record hyperparameters goes here
    def log_metrics(self, metrics, step_num):
        # metrics is a dictionary of metric names and values
        # your code to record metrics goes here
    def save(self):
        # Optional. Any code necessary to save logger data goes here
    def finalize(self, status):
        # Optional. Any code that needs to be run after training
        # finishes goes here

If you write a logger than may be useful to others, please send a pull request to add it to Lighting!

Using loggers

Display metrics in progress bar

trainer = Trainer(show_progress_bar=True)

Log metric row every k batches

Every k batches lightning will make an entry in the metrics log

# DEFAULT (ie: save a .csv log file every 10 batches)
trainer = Trainer(row_log_interval=10)

Log GPU memory

Logs GPU memory when metrics are logged.

trainer = Trainer(log_gpu_memory=False)

Process position

When running multiple models on the same machine we want to decide which progress bar to use. Lightning will stack progress bars according to this value.

trainer = Trainer(process_position=0)

# if this is the second model on the node, show the second progress bar below
trainer = Trainer(process_position=1)

Save a snapshot of all hyperparameters

Automatically log hyperparameters stored in the hparams attribute as an argparse.Namespace

class MyModel(pl.Lightning):
    def __init__(self, hparams):
        self.hparams = hparams


args = parser.parse_args()
model = MyModel(args)

logger = TestTubeLogger(...)
t = Trainer(logger=logger)

Write logs file to csv every k batches

Every k batches, lightning will write the new logs to disk

# DEFAULT (ie: save a .csv log file every 100 batches)
trainer = Trainer(log_save_interval=100)