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The lightning training loop handles everything except the actual computations of your model. To decide what will happen in your training loop, define the training_step function.
Below are all the things lightning automates for you in the training loop.
Accumulated gradients
Accumulated gradients runs K small batches of size N before doing a backwards pass. The effect is a large effective batch size of size KxN.
# DEFAULT (ie: no accumulated grads)
trainer = Trainer(accumulate_grad_batches=1)
Force training for min or max epochs
It can be useful to force training for a minimum number of epochs or limit to a max number
trainer = Trainer(min_nb_epochs=1, max_nb_epochs=1000)
Early stopping
The trainer already sets up default early stopping for you. To modify this behavior, pass in your own EarlyStopping callback.
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping
# DEFAULTS used by Trainer
early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(
trainer = Trainer(early_stop_callback=early_stop_callback)
Force disable early stop
Use this to turn off early stopping and run training to the max_epoch
trainer = Trainer(enable_early_stop=True)
Gradient Clipping
Gradient clipping may be enabled to avoid exploding gradients. Specifically, this will clip the gradient norm computed over all model parameters together.
# DEFAULT (ie: don't clip)
trainer = Trainer(gradient_clip_val=0)
# clip gradients with norm above 0.5
trainer = Trainer(gradient_clip_val=0.5)
Inspect gradient norms
Looking at grad norms can help you figure out where training might be going wrong.
# DEFAULT (-1 doesn't track norms)
trainer = Trainer(track_grad_norm=-1)
# track the LP norm (P=2 here)
trainer = Trainer(track_grad_norm=2)
Set how much of the training set to check
If you don't want to check 100% of the training set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag.
train_percent_check will be overwritten by overfit_pct if overfit_pct > 0
trainer = Trainer(train_percent_check=1.0)
# check 10% only
trainer = Trainer(train_percent_check=0.1)