Move your optimizers to :func:`pytorch_lightning.core.LightningModule.configure_optimizers` hook. Make sure to use the hook parameters (self in this case).
Lightning automates most of the trining for you, the epoch and batch iterations, all you need to keep is the training step logic. This should go into :func:`pytorch_lightning.core.LightningModule.training_step` hook (make sure to use the hook parameters, self in this case):
To add an (optional) validation loop add logic to :func:`pytorch_lightning.core.LightningModule.validation_step` hook (make sure to use the hook parameters, self in this case).
class LitModel(LightningModule):
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
x, y = batch
y_hat = self(x)
val_loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y)
return val_loss
..note:: model.eval() and torch.no_grad() are called automatically for validation
5. Find the test loop "meat"
To add an (optional) test loop add logic to :func:`pytorch_lightning.core.LightningModule.test_step` hook (make sure to use the hook parameters, self in this case).