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HuaweiCloud Python Software Development Kit (Python SDK)

The HuaweiCloud Python SDK allows you to easily work with Huawei Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) without the need to handle API related tasks.

This document introduces how to obtain and use HuaweiCloud Python SDK.

Getting Started

  • To use HuaweiCloud Python SDK, you must have Huawei Cloud account as well as the Access Key and Secret key of the HuaweiCloud account.

    The accessKey is required when initializing {Service}Client. You can create an AccessKey in the Huawei Cloud console. For more information, see My Credentials.

  • HuaweiCloud Python SDK requires python 3 or later.

Install Python SDK

HuaweiCloud Python SDK supports Python 3 or later. Run python --version to check the version of Python.

  • Use python pip

    Run the following command to install the individual libraries of HuaweiCloud services:

    # Install the core library
    pip install huaweicloudsdkcore
    # Install the VPC management library
    pip install huaweicloudsdkvpc
  • Install from source

    Run the following command to install the individual libraries of HuaweiCloud services:

    # Install the core library
    cd huaweicloudsdkcore-${version}
    python install
    # Install the VPC management library
    cd huaweicloudsdkvpc-${version}
    python install

Use Python SDK

  1. Import the required modules as follows:

    from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials
    from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions
    from huaweicloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig
    from huaweicloudsdk{service}.v2 import *
  2. Config {Service}Client Configurations

    2.1 Use default configuration

    #  Use default configuration
    config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()

    2.2 Proxy

    # Use Proxy if needed
    config.proxy_protocol = 'http'
    config.proxy_host = ''
    config.proxy_port = 80
    config.proxy_user = 'username'
    config.proxy_password = 'password'

    2.3 Connection

    # seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or (connect timeout, read timeout)
    config.timeout = 3

    2.4 SSL Certification

    # Skip ssl certifaction checking while using https protocol if needed
    config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
    # Server ca certification if needed
    config.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert
  3. Initialize Credentials

    credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id, domain_id)


    For project services, only need to provide project_id, domain_id is optional. For global services, project_id must be null, domain_id should be filled in according to the actual situation. Global services currently only support Iam.

    • ak is the access key id for your account.
    • sk is the secret access key for your account.
    • project_id is the id of the project.
    • project_id is the account ID of huawei cloud.
  4. Initialize the {Service}Client instance:

    client = {Service}Client.new_builder({Service}Client) \
        .with_http_config(config) \
        .with_credentials(credentials) \
        .with_endpoint(endpoint) \
        .with_file_log(path="test.log", log_level=logging.INFO) \  # Write log files
        .with_stream_log(log_level=logging.INFO) \                 # Write log to console
        .with_enable_http_log(True) \                              # log whole http request and response


    • endpoint: service specific endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.
    • with_file_log:
      • path: log file path.
      • log_level: log level, default is INFO.
      • max_bytes: size of single log file, default is 10485760 bytes.
      • backup_count: count of log file, default is 5.
    • with_stream_log:
      • stream: stream object, default is sys.stdout.
      • log_level: log level, default is INFO.


    • with_enable_http_log: We recommend you only use this for debugging purposes. Disable it in your production environments, as it records the whole request and response data, which may contains sensitive data, and it could be very large.
  5. Send a request and print response.

    # Initialize a request and set parameters
    response = client.method()
  6. Exceptions

    Level 1 Notice Level 2 Notice
    ConnectionException Connection error HostUnreachableException Host is not reachable
    SslHandShakeException SSL certification error
    RequestTimeoutException Request timeout CallTimeoutException timeout for single request
    RetryOutageException no response after retrying
    ServiceResponseException service response error ServerResponseException server inner error, http status code: [500,]
    ClientRequestException invalid request, http status code: [400? 500)
    # handle exceptions
        response = client.method()
    except exception.ServiceResponseException as e:
  7. Asynchronous Requests

    # Initialize asynchronous client
    vpc_client = VpcAsyncClient.new_builder(VpcAsyncClient) \
        .with_http_config(config) \
        .with_credentials(credentials) \
        .with_endpoint(endpoint) \
    # send asynchronous request
    response = client.method()
    # get asynchronous response