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R1617862-0 whenever someone i follow replies to user cadieckmann on twitter play URL_0 on my lg tv monitor ( @com.twitter . home_timeline ( ) filter in_reply_to == " cadieckmann " ^^tt:username ) => @com.lg.tv.webos2 . play_url ( url = URL_0 ) ;
R1617913-0 update my tumblr with some cat uploads . @com.thecatapi . get ( ) => @com.tumblr.blog . post_picture ( picture_url = picture_url ) ;
R1628559-0 send an email to EMAIL_ADDRESS_0 using the subject power indices and order the dropbox files in alphabetical order monitor ( @com.dropbox . list_folder ( order_by = enum name_increasing ) ) => @com.gmail . send_email ( message = $result , subject = " power indices " , to = EMAIL_ADDRESS_0 ) ;
R1627095-0 turn on the lights when i get a tweet . monitor ( @com.twitter . home_timeline ( ) ) => @light-bulb . set_power ( power = enum on ) ;
R1634517-0 if my fitbit weight makes a change then dial ajita monitor ( weight of @com.fitbit . getbody ( ) ) => @org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine.phone . call ( number = " ajita " ^^tt:username ) ;
R1630024-0 tell me articles in the washington post in the lifestyle section when i tweet monitor ( @com.twitter . my_tweets ( ) ) => @com.washingtonpost . get_article ( section = enum lifestyle ) ;
R1627695-0 if the security camera shows something notify me by flashing lights monitor ( @security-camera . current_event ( ) ) => @light-bulb . alert_long ( ) ;
R1631385-0 get opinions on the articles in the washington post when dorman products inc. 's stock price changes . monitor ( @com.yahoo.finance . get_stock_quote ( stock_id = null ^^tt:stock_id ( " dorman products inc. " ) ) ) => @com.washingtonpost . get_article ( section = enum opinions ) ;
R1619700-0 play URL_0 on my lg tv if a person is detected by the security camera monitor ( @security-camera . current_event ( ) filter has_person == true ) => @com.lg.tv.webos2 . play_url ( url = URL_0 ) ;
R1631967-0 turn off the hvac when there is a new article in the local section of the washington post monitor ( @com.washingtonpost . get_article ( section = enum local ) ) => @thermostat . set_hvac_mode ( mode = enum off ) ;