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1RS4000102404-3show me what is its start times of a snapshot of my security camera@security-camera . current_event ( ) ;
2R1613083-0alert me if sunset differs from TIME_0 and watch the work location of sunrise and sunsetmonitor ( . sunrise ( location = $location . work ) ) filter ! ( sunset_time == TIME_0 ) ;
3RS5000504454-2send its captions of my recent instagram pictures via email@com.instagram . get_pictures ( ) => . send_email ( message = caption ) ;
4R1629363-5what is the headline of a random xkcd comic ?@com.xkcd . random_comic ( ) ;
5RS5000308428-2send me a pop up notification if my security camera change and the start time becomes DURATION_0 before this monthmonitor ( @security-camera . current_event ( ) ) filter start_time == $start_of ( mon ) - DURATION_0 ;