1.7 KiB
Grammar of the schema language
schema = include* ( namespace_decl | type_decl | enum_decl | root_decl | file_extension_decl | file_identifier_decl | attribute_decl | rpc_decl | object )*
include = include
string_constant ;
namespace_decl = namespace
ident ( .
ident )* ;
attribute_decl = attribute
ident | "
type_decl = ( table
| struct
) ident metadata {
field_decl+ }
enum_decl = ( enum
ident [ :
type ] | union
ident ) metadata {
commasep( enumval_decl ) }
root_decl = root_type
ident ;
field_decl = ident :
type [ =
scalar ] metadata ;
rpc_decl = rpc_service
ident {
rpc_method+ }
rpc_method = ident (
ident )
ident metadata ;
type = bool
| byte
| ubyte
| short
| ushort
| int
| uint
| long
| ulong
| double
| uint8
| int16
| uint16
| int32
| uint32
| int64
| uint64
| float64
| [
type ]
| ident
enumval_decl = ident [ =
integer_constant ]
metadata = [ (
commasep( ident [ :
single_value ] ) )
scalar = integer_constant | float_constant
object = { commasep( ident :
value ) }
single_value = scalar | string_constant
value = single_value | object | [
commasep( value ) ]
commasep(x) = [ x ( ,
x )* ]
file_extension_decl = file_extension
string_constant ;
file_identifier_decl = file_identifier
string_constant ;
integer_constant = -?[0-9]+
| true
| false
float_constant = -?[0-9]+.[0-9]+((e|E)(+|-)?[0-9]+)?
string_constant = \".*?\"
ident = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*