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**Drogon** is a C++17/20 based HTTP application framework. Drogon can be used to easily build various types of web application server programs using C++. **Drogon** is the name of a dragon in the American TV series "Game of Thrones" that I really like.
* Use a non-blocking I/O network lib based on epoll (kqueue under macOS/FreeBSD) to provide high-concurrency, high-performance network IO, please visit the [TFB Tests Results](https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r19&hw=ph&test=composite) for more details;
* Support back-end rendering, the controller generates the data to the view to generate the Html page. Views are described by CSP template files, C++ codes are embedded into Html pages through CSP tags. And the drogon command-line tool automatically generates the C++ code files for compilation;
* Support filter chains to facilitate the execution of unified logic (such as login verification, Http Method constraint verification, etc.) before handling HTTP requests;
Unlike most C++ frameworks, the main program of the drogon application can be kept clean and simple. Drogon uses a few tricks to decouple controllers from the main program. The routing settings of controllers can be done through macros or configuration file.
Drogon provides some interfaces for adding controller logic directly in the main() function, for example, user can register a handler like this in Drogon:
While such interfaces look intuitive, they are not suitable for complex business logic scenarios. Assuming there are tens or even hundreds of handlers that need to be registered in the framework, isn't it a better practice to implement them separately in their respective classes? So unless your logic is very simple, we don't recommend using above interfaces. Instead, we can create an HttpSimpleController as follows:
**Most of the above programs can be automatically generated by the command line tool `drogon_ctl` provided by drogon** (The command is `drogon_ctl create controller TestCtrl`). All the user needs to do is add their own business logic. In the example, the controller returns a `Hello, world!` string when the client accesses the `http://ip/test` URL.
As you can see, users can use the `HttpController` to map paths and parameters at the same time. This is a very convenient way to create a RESTful API application.
In addition, you can also find that all handler interfaces are in asynchronous mode, where the response is returned by a callback object. This design is for performance reasons because in asynchronous mode the drogon application can handle a large number of concurrent requests with a small number of threads.
After compiling all of the above source files, we get a very simple web application. This is a good start. **For more information, please visit the [wiki](https://github.com/an-tao/drogon/wiki/ENG-01-Overview)**
Drogon supports cross-compilation, you should define the `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` in toolchain file, for example:
You can disable building options for examples and drogon_ctl by settings `BUILD_EXAMPLES` and `BUILD_CTL` to `OFF` in the toolchain file.
## Building options
Drogon provides some building options, you can enable or disable them by setting the corresponding variables to `ON` or `OFF` in the cmake command line, cmake file etc...
| Option name | Description | Default value |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| BUILD_CTL | Build drogon_ctl | ON |
| BUILD_EXAMPLES | Build examples | ON |
| BUILD_ORM | Build orm | ON |
| COZ_PROFILING | Use coz for profiling | OFF |
| BUILD_SHARED_LIBS | Build drogon as a shared lib | OFF |
| BUILD_DOC | Build Doxygen documentation | OFF |
| BUILD_BROTLI | Build Brotli | ON |
| BUILD_YAML_CONFIG | Build yaml config | ON |
| USE_SUBMODULE | Use trantor as a submodule | ON |