
2077 lines
53 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: BOINC Project (Generic) 6.x\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-01-26 20:00 PST\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-06 01:37-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Janus Kristensen <>\n"
"Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.2.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: English\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: UNITED STATES\n"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Danish"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Danish"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Search for words in forum messages"
msgstr "S&oslash;g efter ord i forum-posts"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Search forums"
msgstr "S&oslash;g i forummet"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Avanceret s&oslash;gning"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../user/pm.php:64
#: ../user/pm.php:129
msgid "Private messages"
msgstr "Personlige beskeder"
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:65 ../user/sample_index.php:71
msgid "Questions and Answers"
msgstr "Sp&oslash;rgsm&aring;l og svar (Q&A)"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:68 ../user/sample_index.php:70
msgid "Message boards"
msgstr "Forum"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "%1 message board"
msgstr "Forum for %1"
#: ../inc/
msgid ""
"In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
"credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr ""
"For at starte et nyt emne i %t skal du have optjent points. Denne "
"begr&aelig;nsning er til for at forhindre misbrug af systemet."
#: ../inc/
msgid ""
"You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before "
"trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
msgstr ""
"Du kan ikke lave flere emner lige nu. Vent venligst et stykke tid f&oslash;r "
"du pr&oslash;ver igen. Denne begr&aelig;nsning er til for at forhindre "
"misbrug af systemet."
#: ../inc/
msgid "Thread"
msgstr "Emne"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:131
#: ../user/forum_index.php:93
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Indl&aelig;g"
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:131
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:108 ../user/forum_report_post.php:80
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:187
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Forfatter"
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:131
msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visninger"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:131
#: ../user/forum_index.php:93
msgid "Last post"
msgstr "Sidste indl&aelig;g"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Mark all threads as read"
msgstr "Marker alle emner l&aelig;st"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as 'read'."
msgstr "Marker alle emner i alle fora 'l&aelig;st'."
#: ../inc/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
#, php-format
msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../user/pm.php:64 ../user/pm.php:144
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr "Indbakke"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Skriv"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Send private message"
msgstr "Send personlig meddelelse"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:99 ../user/forum_edit.php:102
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:145 ../user/forum_post.php:62
#: ../user/forum_post.php:88 ../user/forum_post.php:91
#: ../user/forum_post.php:129 ../user/forum_reply.php:75
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:100 ../user/forum_reply.php:103
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:146 ../user/pm.php:175
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Forh&aring;ndsvisning"
#: ../inc/
msgid "To"
msgstr "Til"
#: ../inc/
msgid "User IDs or unique usernames, separated with commas"
msgstr "Bruger ID eller unikke brugernavne, separeret med komma"
#: ../inc/ ../user/pm.php:85 ../user/pm.php:135
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Emne"
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_edit.php:128 ../user/forum_edit.php:133
#: ../user/forum_post.php:118 ../user/forum_reply.php:108
#: ../user/forum_report_post.php:80 ../user/forum_thread.php:187
#: ../user/pm.php:85 ../user/pm.php:140
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Meddelelse"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Send meddelelse"
#: ../inc/
msgid ""
"You are not allowed to send privates messages so often. Please wait some "
"time before sending more messages."
msgstr ""
"Du kan ikke sende personlige meddelelser s&aring; ofte. Vent venligst et "
"stykke tid f&oslash;r du sender flere meddelelser."
#: ../inc/
msgid "unread"
msgstr "ul&aelig;st"
#: ../inc/
msgid "For email notification, %1edit community prefs%2"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../user/create_profile.php:306
msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
msgstr "S&oslash;ge-kriterier (brug en eller flere)"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Key words"
msgstr "N&oslash;gleord"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
msgstr "Find hold med disse ord i deres navn eller beskrivelse"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../user/account_finish.php:44
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:94 ../user/top_users.php:62
#: ../user/user_search.php:102 ../user/user_search.php:119
#: ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Land"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Type of team"
msgstr "Holdets type"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Show only active teams"
msgstr "Vis kun aktive hold"
#: ../inc/ ../user/profile_menu.php:75 ../user/user_search.php:132
msgid "Search"
msgstr "S&oslash;g"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Requested by you, and founder response deadline has passed."
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Complete foundership transfer"
msgstr "Fuldf&oslash;r overf&oslash;rslen af ejerskab"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Requested by you"
msgstr "Startet af dig"
#: ../inc/
msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
msgstr "deadline for grundl&aelig;ggerens svar er %1"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Initiate request"
msgstr "Begynd foresp&oslash;rgsel"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Udskudt"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Team info"
msgstr "Hold-info"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "Website"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../user/top_users.php:53
#: ../user/top_users.php:58 ../user/user_search.php:102
#: ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Total credit"
msgstr "Points ialt"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../user/top_users.php:52 ../user/top_users.php:57
msgid "Recent average credit"
msgstr "L&oslash;bende gennemsnit"
#: ../inc/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cross-project stats"
msgstr "Cross-project statistik"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Message board"
msgstr "Forum"
#: ../inc/ ../user/forum_forum.php:131 ../user/forum_index.php:93
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Emner"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Join this team"
msgstr "Bliv medlem"
#: ../inc/
msgid ""
"Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
"gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr ""
"Note: hvis 'OK til email' er valgt i dine projekt-indstillinger vil hold-"
"lederen af det hold du bliver medlem i f&aring; adgang til din email "
#: ../inc/
msgid "Not accepting new members"
msgstr "Accepterer ikke nye medlemmer"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Foundership change requested"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Respond by %1"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Team foundership change"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Medlemmer"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Founder"
msgstr "Hold-leder"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Admins"
msgstr "Admins"
#: ../inc/
msgid "New members in last day"
msgstr "Nye medlemmer siden ig&aring;r"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Total members"
msgstr "Medlemmer ialt"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "view"
msgstr "se"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Active members"
msgstr "Aktive medlemmer"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Members with credit"
msgstr "Medlemmer med points"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../user/account_finish.php:40 ../user/create_account_form.php:75
#: ../user/top_users.php:48 ../user/user_search.php:102
#: ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Admin"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Last %1"
msgstr "Sidste %1"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Next %1"
msgstr "N&aelig;ste %1"
#: ../inc/
msgid "No such team."
msgstr "Holdet findes ikke."
#: ../inc/
msgid "This operation requires foundership."
msgstr "Denne funktion kr&aelig;ver at du er leder af holdet."
#: ../inc/
msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
msgstr "Denne funktion kr&aelig;ver at du har hold-administrator rettigheder"
#: ../inc/ ../user/top_users.php:47
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Rang"
#: ../inc/
msgid ""
"%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
"share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
msgstr ""
"%1Om sikkerheden%2: hvis du laver et hold vil dine projekt-indstillinger "
"(dvs. resource-fordeling, grafik-indstillinger osv.) blive "
"tilg&aelig;ngelige for offentligheden."
#: ../inc/
msgid "Team name, text version"
msgstr "Hold navn, rentekst-udgave"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
msgstr "Brug ikke HTML tags."
#: ../inc/
msgid "Team name, HTML version"
msgstr "Hold navn, HTML-udgave"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
msgstr "Du kan bruge %1nogle HTML tags%2."
#: ../inc/
msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
msgstr "Hvis ikke du kan HTML kan du lade feltet v&aelig;re tomt."
#: ../inc/
msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
msgstr "Holdets hjemmeside-URL, hvis den findes"
#: ../inc/
msgid "without \"http://\""
msgstr "uden \"http://\""
#: ../inc/
msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
msgstr ""
"Der vil blive linket til denne URL fra holdets side p&aring; dette website."
#: ../inc/
msgid "Description of team"
msgstr "Beskrivelse af holdet"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Projects in which you are participating"
msgstr "Projekter som du deltager i"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Projects in which %1 is participating"
msgstr "Projekter som %1 deltager i"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projekt"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Click for user page"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../user/user_search.php:102 ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Average credit"
msgstr "L&oslash;bende gennemsnit"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Since"
msgstr "Siden"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Computing and credit"
msgstr "Udregninger og points"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Pending credit"
msgstr "Points der er i k&oslash;"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../user/view_profile.php:54
msgid "View"
msgstr "Se"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Computers on this account"
msgstr "Computere p&aring; denne konto"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Jobs"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Cross-project ID"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Cross-project statistics"
msgstr "Cross-project statistik"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Account"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../user/user_search.php:102 ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Team"
msgstr "Hold"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Cross-project"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Certificate"
msgstr "Certifikat"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Stats on your cell phone"
msgstr "Statistik p&aring; din mobil"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Account information"
msgstr "Konto-information"
#: ../inc/ ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Emailaddresse"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "Postboks (omr&aring;denummer)"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "%1 member since"
msgstr "Medlem af %1 siden"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Skift"
#: ../inc/
msgid "email address"
msgstr "emailaddresse"
#: ../inc/
msgid "password"
msgstr "password"
#: ../inc/
msgid "other account info"
msgstr "anden konto-information"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Log ud"
#: ../inc/
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Bruger ID"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Used in community functions"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Account key"
msgstr "Konton&oslash;gle"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Provides full access to your account"
msgstr "Giver fuld adgang til din konto"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Weak account key"
msgstr "Svag konton&oslash;gle"
#: ../inc/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Provides %1limited access%2 to your account"
msgstr "Giver fuld adgang til din konto"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Indstillinger"
#: ../inc/
msgid "When and how BOINC uses your computer"
msgstr "Hvorn&aring;r og hvordan BOINC m&aring; bruge din computer"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Computing preferences"
msgstr "Computer-indstillinger"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Message boards and private messages"
msgstr "Forum og personlige meddelelser"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Community preferences"
msgstr "Forum-indstillinger"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Preferences for this project"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "%1 preferences"
msgstr "%1-indstillinger"
#: ../inc/ ../user/sample_index.php:66
msgid "Community"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/ ../user/pm.php:103 ../user/pm.php:143
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slet"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Opret"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "%1 posts"
msgstr "%1 indl&aelig;g"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Notificering"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Quit team"
msgstr "Forlad holdet"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Administer"
msgstr "Administrer"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Member of team"
msgstr "Medlem af hold"
#: ../inc/
msgid "find a team"
msgstr "find et hold"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Founder but not member of"
msgstr "Leder men ikke medlem af"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Find friends"
msgstr "Find venner"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/ ../inc/
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Venner"
#: ../inc/ ../inc/
msgid "Computers"
msgstr "Computere"
#: ../inc/
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "skjult"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Donor"
msgstr "Donor"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontakt"
#: ../inc/
msgid "This person is a friend"
msgstr "Denne person er en ven"
#: ../inc/ ../user/friend.php:224
msgid "Cancel friendship"
msgstr "Afbryd venskab"
#: ../inc/ ../user/friend.php:35
msgid "Request pending"
msgstr "Foresp&oslash;rgsel igang"
#: ../inc/
msgid "Add as friend"
msgstr "Tilf&oslash;j som ven"
#: ../inc/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Emailaddresse"
#: ../inc/
msgid "forgot email address?"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password"
#: ../inc/
msgid "forgot password?"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Log in"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "or %1create an account%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Please log in"
msgstr ""
#: ../inc/
msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
msgstr "Du kan bruge BBCode-tags til at formatere din tekst"
#: ../user/account_finish.php:40 ../user/create_account_form.php:75
msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
msgstr ""
"Identificerer dig p&aring; vores website. Brug dit rigtige navn eller et "
#: ../user/account_finish.php:44 ../user/create_account_form.php:94
msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
msgstr "V&aelig;lg det land, om noget, du gerne vil repr&aelig;sentere."
#: ../user/account_finish.php:50 ../user/create_account_form.php:100
msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
msgstr "Postbox (omr&aring;denummer)"
#: ../user/account_finish.php:50 ../user/create_account_form.php:100
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "Ikke p&aring;kr&aelig;vet"
#: ../user/apps.php:31 ../user/sample_index.php:63
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Applikationer"
#: ../user/apps.php:32
msgid ""
"%1 currently has the following applications. When you participate in %1, "
"work for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your "
"computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your "
"computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything."
msgstr ""
"%1 har i &oslash;jeblikket f&oslash;lgende applikationer. N&aring;r du "
"deltager i %1, vil jobs til en eller flere af disse applikationer blive "
"tildelt til din computer. Den nyeste version af applikationen vil blive "
"downloaded til din computer. Dette sker helt automatisk; du beh&oslash;ver "
"ikke at foretage dig noget."
#: ../user/apps.php:48
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Platform"
#: ../user/apps.php:49
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/apps.php:50
msgid "Installation time"
msgstr "Installeret"
#: ../user/create_account_action.php:64
msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
msgstr "Du skal angive en invitationskode for at oprette en konto."
#: ../user/create_account_action.php:67
msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
msgstr "Den invitationskode du angav var ikke korrekt."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:24
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Opret en konto"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:29
msgid "Account creation is disabled"
msgstr "Der er lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonti"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:30
msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
msgstr ""
"Der er midlertidigt lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonto, men "
"pr&oslash;v igen senere."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:41
msgid ""
"NOTE: If you use BOINC version 5.2+ with the BOINC Manager, don't use this "
"form. Just run BOINC, select Attach Project, and enter an email address and "
msgstr ""
"NOTE: Hvis du bruger BOINC version 5.2+ sammen med BOINC Manageren skal du "
"ikke bruge denne side. Istedet skal du bare k&oslash;re BOINC og v&aelig;lge "
"'Attach Project' (eller 'Tilmeld projekt'), og indtaste en emailaddresse og "
"et password."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:57
msgid ""
"This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
"preferences of its founder."
msgstr ""
"Denne brugerkonto vil blive tilmeldt holder '%1' og vil f&aring; tildelt "
"projekt-indstillingers fra dette holds leder."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:69
msgid "Invitation Code"
msgstr "Invitationskode"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:69
msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
msgstr "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Emailaddresse"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79
msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name@domain'."
msgstr "Det skal v&aelig;re en gyldig adresse p&aring; formen 'navn@domain'."
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:88 ../user/edit_email_form.php:46
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Password"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:89
msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
msgstr "Skal v&aelig;re p&aring; mindst %1 bogstaver"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Bekr&aelig;ft password"
#: ../user/create_account_form.php:104
msgid "Create account"
msgstr "Opret brugerkonto"
#: ../user/create_profile.php:31
msgid "ERROR: %1 does not exist! Cannot create combo box.<br>"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:51
msgid "Picture"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:65
msgid "%1 Your profile picture is shown to the left."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:67
msgid ""
"To replace it, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file (%1 "
"or less)."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:70
msgid "To remove it from your profile, check this box:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:78
msgid ""
"If you would like include a picture with your profile, click the \"Browse\" "
"button and select a JPEG or PNG file. Please select images of %1 or less."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:87
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:90
msgid "Select the language in which your profile is written:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:102
msgid "Submit profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:107
msgid ""
"To protect the project's webpages from spam, we kindly ask you to type in "
"the two words shown in the image:<br>\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:110
msgid "Create/edit profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:132
msgid "The format of your uploaded image is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:161
msgid ""
"Your %1profile%2 lets you share your opinions and background with the %3 "
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:208
msgid "Your ReCaptcha response was not correct. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:217
msgid ""
"Your first response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:225
msgid ""
"Your second response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:241
msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:280
msgid "Could not update the profile: database error"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:292
msgid "Could not create the profile: database error"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:297
msgid "Profile saved"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:299
msgid ""
"Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:300
msgid "%1View your profile%2"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:308
msgid "Create a profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/create_profile.php:336
msgid ""
"To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or "
"edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:25
msgid "Download BOINC add-on software"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:28
msgid "You can download applications in several categories."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:31
msgid ""
"These applications are not endorsed by %1 and you use them at your own risk."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:33
msgid ""
"We do not provide instructions for installing these applications.\n"
"However, the author may have provided some help on installing or "
"uninstalling the application. \n"
"If this is not enough you should contact the author."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:36
msgid "Instructions for installing and running BOINC are %1here%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/download_network.php:38
msgid "This list is managed centrally at %1the BOINC website%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:26 ../user/edit_email_form.php:50
msgid "Change email address"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:35
msgid "Change the email address of your account"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
#, fuzzy
msgid "New email address"
msgstr "emailaddresse"
#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name@domain'"
msgstr "Det skal v&aelig;re en gyldig adresse p&aring; formen 'navn@domain'."
#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
msgid "No password?"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:26 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
msgid "Change password"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:40
msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
msgid "your email address and old password"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "your account key"
msgstr "Svag konton&oslash;gle"
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:47
msgid "Current password"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:50
msgid "Get account key by email"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
msgid "New password"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
msgid "New password, again"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:115 ../user/forum_edit.php:120
#: ../user/forum_post.php:110 ../user/forum_post.php:112
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: ../user/forum_edit.php:144 ../user/forum_post.php:128
msgid "Add my signature to this post"
msgstr "Tilf&oslash;j min signatur til dette indl&aelig;g"
#: ../user/forum_index.php:69
msgid "%1 Message boards"
msgstr "%1 Forum"
#: ../user/forum_index.php:79
msgid ""
"If you have a question or problem, please use the %1Questions & Answers%2 "
"section of the message boards."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_index.php:93
msgid "Topic"
msgstr "Emne"
#: ../user/forum_post.php:101
msgid "Create a new thread"
msgstr "Opret nyt emne"
#: ../user/forum_reply.php:85 ../user/forum_thread.php:139
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:194
msgid "Post to thread"
msgstr "Skriv indl&aelig;g"
#: ../user/forum_search.php:25
msgid "Forum search"
msgstr "Forum s&oslash;gning"
#: ../user/forum_search_action.php:139
msgid "Forum search results"
msgstr "Resultater af forum s&oslash;gning"
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:45
msgid "No thread with id %1. Please check the link and try again."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:48
msgid "This forum is not visible to you."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:54
msgid "This thread has been hidden for administrative purposes"
msgstr "Dette emne er blevet skjuldt af administrationelle &aring;rsager"
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:111
msgid "My question was answered"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:113
msgid ""
"If your question has been adequately answered please click here to close it!"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:120
msgid "I've also got this question"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:139 ../user/forum_thread.php:194
msgid "Add a new message to this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:146
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Afmeld notificering"
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:146
msgid "You are subscribed to this thread. Click here to unsubscribe."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:149
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Tilmeld notificering"
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:149
msgid "Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:156
msgid "Unhide"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:156
msgid "Unhide this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:158
msgid "Hide"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:158
msgid "Hide this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:161
msgid "Make unsticky"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:161
msgid "Make this thread not sticky"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:163
msgid "Make sticky"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:163
msgid "Make this thread sticky"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:166
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:166
msgid "Unlock this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:168
msgid "Lock"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:168
msgid "Lock this thread"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:171
msgid "Move"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:171
msgid "Move this thread to a different forum"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:173
msgid "Edit title"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:173
msgid "Edit thread title"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/forum_thread.php:180
msgid "Sort"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:31
msgid "Already friends"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:37
msgid "You requested friendship with %1 on %2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:39
msgid "This request is still pending confirmation."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:50
msgid "%1 is not accepting friendship requests from you"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:59
msgid "You can't be friends with yourself"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:62 ../user/friend.php:90 ../user/friend.php:123
#: ../user/friend.php:146 ../user/friend.php:204 ../user/friend.php:219
#: ../user/friend.php:233 ../user/pm.php:232 ../user/view_profile.php:24
msgid "No such user"
msgstr "Ingen s&aring;dan bruger fundet"
#: ../user/friend.php:67
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add friend"
msgstr "Tilf&oslash;j som ven"
#: ../user/friend.php:72
msgid ""
"You have asked to add %1 as a friend. We will notify %2 and will ask him/her "
"to confirm that you are friends."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:75
msgid "Add an optional message here:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:103 ../user/friend.php:160
msgid "Database error"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:113
msgid "Friend request sent"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:114
msgid "We have notified %1 of your request."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:125
msgid "Request not found"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:126
msgid "Friend request"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:128
msgid "%1 has added you as a friend."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:130
msgid "%1 says: %2"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:134
msgid "Accept friendship"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:134
msgid "Click accept if %1 is in fact a friend"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:135
msgid "Decline"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:135
msgid "Click decline if %1 is not a friend"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:150
msgid "No request"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:174
msgid "Friendship confirmed"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:175
msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been confirmed."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:193
msgid "Friendship declined"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:194
msgid "You have declined friendship with %1"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:209
msgid "Notification not found"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:211
msgid "Friend confirmed"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:212
msgid "You are now friends with %1."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:220
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cancel friendship?"
msgstr "Afbryd venskab"
#: ../user/friend.php:221
msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel your friendship with %1?"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:224
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:225
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:225
msgid "Stay friends"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:235
msgid "Friendship cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:236
msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/friend.php:274
msgid "Unknown action"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/home.php:40
msgid "Welcome to %1"
msgstr "Velkommen til %1"
#: ../user/home.php:41
msgid "View and edit your account preferences using the links below."
msgstr ""
"Se og rediger dine konto-indstillinger ved at bruge nedenst&aring;ende "
#: ../user/home.php:49
msgid "Your account"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/info.php:22 ../user/sample_index.php:47
msgid "Read our rules and policies"
msgstr "L&aelig;s vores regler og politik"
#: ../user/info.php:33
msgid "Run %1 only on authorized computers"
msgstr "K&oslash;r kun %1 p&aring; computere hvor du har lov til det"
#: ../user/info.php:34
msgid ""
"Run %1 only on computers that you own, or for which you have obtained the "
"owner's permission. Some companies and schools have policies that prohibit "
"using their computers for projects such as %1."
msgstr ""
"Du m&aring kun k&oslash;re %1 p&aring; computere som du selv ejer eller hvor "
"du har f&aring;et lov af ejeren. Nogle virksomheder og skoler har en "
"computer-politik som forbyder at man bruger deres computere til projekter "
"som %1."
#: ../user/info.php:36
msgid "How %1 will use your computer"
msgstr "Hvordan %1 vil bruge din computer"
#: ../user/info.php:37
msgid ""
"When you run %1 on your computer, it will use part of the computer's CPU "
"power, disk space, and network bandwidth. You can control how much of your "
"resources are used by %1, and when it uses them."
msgstr ""
"N&aring;r du k&oslash;rer %1 p&aring; din computer vil den bruge en del af "
"computerens CPU-kraft, diskplads og netv&aelig;rksb&aring;ndbredde. Du kan "
"selv styre hvor mange af dine systemresourcer vil blive brugt af %1 - og "
"hvorn&aring;r de bliver brugt."
#: ../user/info.php:38
msgid ""
"The work done by your computer contributes to the goals of %1, as described "
"on its web site. The application programs may change from time to time."
msgstr ""
"Arbejdet som din computer laver bidrager til %1's m&aring;l som beskrevet "
"her p&aring; hjemmesiden. Applikationerne kan skifte fra tid til anden."
#: ../user/info.php:40
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Informationspolitik"
#: ../user/info.php:41
msgid ""
"Your account on %1 is identified by a name that you choose. This name may be "
"shown on the %1 web site, along with a summary of the work your computer has "
"done for %1. If you want to be anonymous, choose a name that doesn't reveal "
"your identity."
msgstr ""
"Din brugetkonto p&aring; %1 er identificeret af et navn som du v&aelig;lger. "
"Dette navn vil blive vist p&aring; %1's website sammen med en opsummering "
"af hvor meget arbejde din computer har fuldf&oslash;rt for %1. Hvis du "
"&oslash;nsker at v&aelig;re anonym b&oslash;r du v&aelig;lge et navn som "
"ikke afsl&oslash;rer din identitet."
#: ../user/info.php:42
msgid ""
"If you participate in %1, information about your computer (such as its "
"processor type, amount of memory, etc.) will be recorded by %1 and used to "
"decide what type of work to assign to your computer. This information will "
"also be shown on %1's web site. Nothing that reveals your computer's "
"location (e.g. its domain name or network address) will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du deltager i %1 vil information omkring din computer (som f.eks. dens "
"processor type, m&aelig;ngden af hukkommelse, osv.) blive gemt af %1 og "
"brugt til at afg&oslash;re hvilken type arbejde der sendes til din computer. "
"Denne information vil ogs&aring; blive vist p&aring; %1's website. "
"Information som kan afsl&oslash;re computerens placering (som f.eks. "
"dom&aelig;nenavn eller netv&aelig;rksadresse) vil dog ikke blive vist."
#: ../user/info.php:43
msgid ""
"To participate in %1, you must give an address where you receive email. This "
"address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. %"
"1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
msgstr ""
"For at deltage i %1 skal du angive en emailadresse hvor du kan modtage "
"email. Denne adresse vil ikke blive vist p&aring %1's website og vil ikke "
"blive delt med andre organisationer. %1 kan v&aelig;lge at sende "
"nyhedsbreve, som du kan tilmelde eller framelde dig hvorn&aring;r det skal "
#: ../user/info.php:44
msgid ""
"Private messages sent on the %1 web site are visible only to the sender and "
"recipient. %1 does not examine or police the content of private messages. "
"If you receive unwanted private messages from another %1 user, you may add "
"them to your %2message filter%3. This will prevent you from seeing any "
"public or private messages from that user."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/info.php:45
msgid ""
"If you use our web site forums you must follow the %2posting guidelines%3. "
"Messages posted to the %1 forums are visible to everyone, including non-"
"members. By posting to the forums, you are granting irrevocable license for "
"anyone to view and copy your posts."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/info.php:46
msgid "Is it safe to run %1?"
msgstr "Er det sikkert at k&oslash;re %1?"
#: ../user/info.php:47
msgid ""
"Any time you download a program through the Internet you are taking a "
"chance: the program might have dangerous errors, or the download server "
"might have been hacked. %1 has made efforts to minimize these risks. We have "
"tested our applications carefully. Our servers are behind a firewall and are "
"configured for high security. To ensure the integrity of program downloads, "
"all executable files are digitally signed on a secure computer not connected "
"to the Internet."
msgstr ""
"Hver gang du downloader er program fra Internettet tager du en chance: "
"programmet har m&aring;ske farlige fejl eller download-serveren kan "
"v&aelig;re blevet hacket. %1 har foretaget en solid indsats for at minimere "
"disse risici. Vi har testet vores applikation for fejl. Vores servere er "
"placeret bag en firewall og er blevet konfigureret til et h&oslash;jt "
"sikkerhedsniveau. For at sikre integriteten af applikationerne bliver alle "
"eksekverbare filer sikret med en digital signatur fra en computer der ikke "
"er tilsluttet Internettet."
#: ../user/info.php:48
msgid ""
"The applications run by %1 may cause some computers to overheat. If this "
"happens, stop running %1 or use a %2utility program%3 that limits CPU usage."
msgstr ""
"Applikationerne som k&oslash;res under %1 kan f&aring; nogle computere til "
"at blive overbelastede pga. varme. Hvis dette sker b&oslash;r du straks "
"stoppe med at k&oslash;re %1 og fremover kun k&oslash;re %1 sammen med et "
"%2add-on program%3 som begr&aelig;nser CPU-forbruget."
#: ../user/info.php:49
msgid ""
"%1 was developed by %2. BOINC was developed at the University of California."
msgstr ""
"%1 er udviklet af %2. BOINC er udviklet p&aring; 'University of California'."
#: ../user/info.php:51
msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Ansvarsfrasigelse"
#: ../user/info.php:52
msgid ""
"%1 and %2 assume no liability for damage to your computer, loss of data, or "
"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in %"
msgstr ""
"%1 og %2 kan ikke holdes ansvarlige for skade p&aring; din computer, tab af "
"data eller en hvilken som helst anden h&aelig;ndelse eller tilstand som "
"m&aring;tte opst&aelig; som resultat af deltagelse i %1."
#: ../user/info.php:54
msgid "Other BOINC projects"
msgstr "Andre BOINC projekter"
#: ../user/info.php:55
msgid ""
"Other projects use the same platform, BOINC, as %1. You may want to consider "
"participating in one or more of these projects. By doing so, your computer "
"will do useful work even when %1 has no work available for it."
msgstr ""
"Andre projekter bruger den samme platform, nemlig BOINC, som %1. Vi "
"anbefaler at du overvejer at deltage i et eller flere andre af disse "
"projekter. Ved at g&oslash;re dette vil din computer kunne udf&oslash;re "
"beregninger og arbejde selv n&aring;r %1 ikke har arbejde til den."
#: ../user/info.php:56
msgid ""
"These other projects are not associated with %1, and we cannot vouch for "
"their security practices or the nature of their research. Join them at your "
"own risk."
msgstr ""
"Disse andre projekter har ingen sammenh&aelig;ng med %1 og vi kan derfor "
"ikke st&aring; inde for deres sikkerhedspraksis eller deres forksning. "
"Deltagelse sker p&aring; egen risiko."
#: ../user/language_select.php:41
msgid "Language selection"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:68
msgid ""
"This web site is available in several languages. The currently selected "
"language is %1."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:73
msgid ""
"Normally the choice of language is determined by your browser's language "
"setting, which is: %1. You can change this setting using:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:78
msgid "Firefox: Tools/Options/General"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:80
msgid "Microsoft IE: Tools/Internet Options/Languages"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:84
msgid ""
"Or you can select a language by clicking on one of the links. This will "
"send your browser a cookie; make sure your browser accepts cookies from our "
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:90
msgid "Language name (click to select)"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:92
msgid "Use browser language setting"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/language_select.php:108
msgid ""
"Translations are done by volunteers. If your native language is not here, %"
"1you can provide a translation%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/pm.php:68
msgid "Your message has been sent."
msgstr "Din besked blev sendt."
#: ../user/pm.php:78
msgid "You have no private messages."
msgstr "Du har ingen personlige meddelelser."
#: ../user/pm.php:85
msgid "Sender and date"
msgstr "Afsender og dato"
#: ../user/pm.php:102 ../user/pm.php:142
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Svar"
#: ../user/pm.php:113
msgid "Delete selected messages"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/pm.php:136
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Afsender"
#: ../user/pm.php:139
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dato"
#: ../user/pm.php:179
msgid "You need to fill all fields to send a private message"
msgstr "Du skal udfylde alle felterne for at sende en personlig meddelelse"
#: ../user/pm.php:199
msgid "Could not find user with id %1"
msgstr "Kunne ikke finde en bruger med id %1"
#: ../user/pm.php:204
msgid "Could not find user with username %1"
msgstr "Kunne ikke finde en bruger med brugernavn %1"
#: ../user/pm.php:206
msgid "%1 is not a unique username; you will have to use user ID"
msgstr ""
"%1 er ikke et unikt brugernavn; du bliver n&oslash;dt til at bruge brugerens "
#: ../user/pm.php:211
msgid "User %1 (ID: %2) is not accepting private messages from you."
msgstr "Brugeren %1 (ID: %2) accepterer ikke personlige meddelelser fra dig."
#: ../user/pm.php:234
msgid "Really block %1?"
msgstr "Skal %1 virkelig blokkeres?"
#: ../user/pm.php:235
msgid ""
"Are you really sure you want to block user %1 from sending you private "
msgstr ""
"Er du sikker p&aring; at du &oslash;nsker at blokkere %1 fra at sende dig "
"personlige meddelelser?"
#: ../user/pm.php:236
msgid "Please note that you can only block a limited amount of users."
msgstr ""
"Bem&aelig;rk venligst at du kun kan blokkere et begr&aelig;nset antal "
#: ../user/pm.php:237
msgid ""
"Once the user has been blocked you can unblock it using forum preferences "
msgstr ""
"N&aring;r brugeren er blevet blokkeret kan du gen&aring;bne adgangen igennem "
"siden med forum-indstillinger."
#: ../user/pm.php:243
msgid "Add user to filter"
msgstr "Tilf&oslash;j bruger til filter"
#: ../user/pm.php:244
msgid "No, cancel"
msgstr "Nej, afbryd"
#: ../user/pm.php:255
msgid "User %1 blocked"
msgstr "Bruger %1 er blokkeret"
#: ../user/pm.php:257
msgid "User %1 has been blocked from sending you private messages."
msgstr ""
"Brugeren %1 er blevet blokkeret fra at sende dig personlige meddelelser."
#: ../user/pm.php:258
msgid "To unblock, visit %1message board preferences%2"
msgstr "For at gen&aring;bne adgangen, bes&oslash; %1forum-indstillingerne%2"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:33 ../user/sample_index.php:68
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profiler"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
msgid ""
"%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
msgstr ""
"%1Profiler%2 lader brugere dele deres baggrund og synspunkter med andre "
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
msgid ""
"Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
"views for others to enjoy."
msgstr ""
"Udforsk mangfoldigheden blandt de andre deltagere - og bidrag med dine egne "
"synspunkter og holdninger"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
msgid ""
"If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
"to see!"
msgstr ""
"Hvis du ikke allere har gjort det kan du %1oprette din egen profil%2 "
"s&aring; andre kan se den!"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:43
msgid "User of the Day"
msgstr "Dagens Bruger"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:56
msgid "User Profile Explorer"
msgstr "Bruger-profil Visning"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:59
msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
msgstr "Se %1Brugernes Billedgalleri%2."
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
msgstr "Gennemse profiler sortered %1efter land%2."
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
msgid ""
"Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
"without pictures%2."
msgstr ""
"Gennemse profiler %1tilf&aelig;ldigt%2, %3tilf&aelig;ldigt med billeder%2, "
"or %4tilf&aelig;ldigt uden billeder%2."
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:65
msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
msgstr "Alfabetisk profilliste:"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:71
msgid "Search profile text"
msgstr "S&oslash;g i profil-teksten"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:96
msgid "No profiles"
msgstr "Ingen profiler"
#: ../user/profile_menu.php:97
msgid "No profiles matched your query."
msgstr "Ingen profiler passede med din s&oslash;gning."
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:27
msgid "Invalid vote type:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:32
msgid "Vote Recorded"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:36
msgid "Thank you"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:39
msgid "Your recommendation has been recorded."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:41
msgid "Your vote to reject this profile has been recorded."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/profile_rate.php:44
msgid "Return to profile."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/results.php:27
msgid "This feature is turned off temporarily"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/results.php:46
msgid "No computer with ID %1 found"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/results.php:52
msgid "No access"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/results.php:57
msgid "Missing user ID or host ID"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/results.php:85
msgid "No tasks to display"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/sample_index.php:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "User of the day"
msgstr "Dagens Bruger"
#: ../user/show_user.php:91
msgid "Account data for %1"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:23
msgid "Statistics and leaderboards"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:27
msgid "Statistics for %1"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:29 ../user/top_users.php:115
msgid "Top participants"
msgstr "Top deltagere"
#: ../user/stats.php:30
msgid "Top computers"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:31 ../user/team.php:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "Top teams"
msgstr "Top %1 hold"
#: ../user/stats.php:35
msgid ""
"More detailed statistics for %1 and other BOINC-based projects are available "
"at several web sites:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:38
msgid ""
"You can also get your current statistics in the form of a \"signature image"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/stats.php:41
msgid ""
"Additionally you can get your individual statistics summed across all BOINC "
"projects from several sites; see your %1home page%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:25
msgid "%1 participants may form %2teams%3"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:27
msgid ""
"You may belong to only one team. You can join or quit a team at any time."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:29
msgid "Each team has a %1founder%2 who may:"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:31
msgid "access team members' email addresses"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:32
msgid "edit the team's name and description"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:33
msgid "remove members from the team"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:34
msgid "disband a team if it has no members"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:37
msgid "To join a team, visit its team page and click %1Join this team%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:38
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find a team"
msgstr "find et hold"
#: ../user/team.php:45
msgid "All teams"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:49
msgid "%1 teams"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team.php:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a new team"
msgstr "Opret nyt emne"
#: ../user/team.php:56
msgid ""
"If you cannot find a team that is right for you, you can %1create a team%2."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team_create_action.php:27
msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team_create_action.php:32
msgid "A team named %1 already exists - try another name"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team_create_action.php:52
msgid "Could not create team - please try later."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/team_create_form.php:25 ../user/team_create_form.php:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a team"
msgstr "Opret nyt emne"
#: ../user/team_create_form.php:28
msgid ""
"You belong to %1. You must %2quit this team%3 before creating a new one."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/top_hosts.php:81
msgid "Top hosts"
msgstr "Top computere"
#: ../user/top_teams.php:104
msgid "Top %1 teams"
msgstr "Top %1 hold"
#: ../user/top_users.php:63
msgid "Participant since"
msgstr "Deltager siden"
#: ../user/user_search.php:102 ../user/user_search.php:158
msgid "Joined"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:113
msgid "Search type"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:114
msgid "User name starts with"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:115
msgid "Decreasing sign-up time"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decreasing average credit"
msgstr "L&oslash;bende gennemsnit"
#: ../user/user_search.php:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decreasing total credit"
msgstr "L&oslash;bende gennemsnit"
#: ../user/user_search.php:118
msgid "Filters"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:122
msgid "With profile?"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:127
msgid "On a team?"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:146
msgid "search string must be at least 3 characters"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:156
msgid "User names starting with"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:166
msgid "No users match your search criteria."
msgstr ""
#: ../user/user_search.php:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "User search results"
msgstr "Resultater af forum s&oslash;gning"
#: ../user/view_profile.php:27
msgid "This user has no profile"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/view_profile.php:53
msgid "Account data"
msgstr ""
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:47
msgid ""
"Your 'weak account key' lets you attach computers to your account on this "
"project, without giving the ability to log in to your account or to change "
"it in any way."
msgstr ""
"Din 'svage konton&oslash;gle' lader dig tilf&oslash;je computere til din "
"konto til dette projekt uden at give mulighed for at logge ind p&aring; "
"kontoen eller &aelig;ndre den p&aring; nogen m&aring;de."
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:48
msgid ""
"This mechanism works only with projects that have upgraded their server "
"software 7 Dec 2007 or later."
msgstr ""
"Denne mekanisme virker kun p&aring; projekter som har opgraderet deres "
"software d. 7 Dec 2007 eller senere."
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:49
msgid "Your weak account key for this project is:"
msgstr "Din svage konton&oslash;gle for dette projekt er:"
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:51
msgid ""
"To use your weak account key on a given host, find or create the 'account "
"file' for this project. This file has a name of the form "
"<b>account_PROJECT_URL.xml</b>. The account file for %1 is <b>%2</b>."
msgstr ""
"For at bruge din svage konton&oslash;gle p&aring; en given maskine skal du "
"finde eller oprette 'konto filen' for projektet. Denne fil har et filnavn "
"p&aring; formen <b>account_PROJECT_URL.xml</b>. Konto-filen for %1 er "
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:52
msgid "Create this file if needed. Set its contents to:"
msgstr ""
"Opret denne fil hvis ikke den eksisterer allerede. Indholdet skal "
#: ../user/weak_auth.php:60
msgid ""
"Your weak account key is a function of your password. If you change your "
"password, your weak account key changes, and your previous weak account key "
"becomes invalid."
msgstr ""
"Din svage konton&oslash;gle er baseret p&aring; dit password. Hvis du "
"&aelig;ndrer dit password vil din svage konton&oslash;gle ogs&aring; "
"&aelig;ndres og den tidligere n&oslash;gle holder op med at virke."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "CHARSET"
#~ msgstr "UTF-8"
#~ msgid "Resource share and graphics"
#~ msgstr "Resource-fordeling og grafik"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Provides"
#~ msgstr "Profiler"
#~ msgid "Current version"
#~ msgstr "Nuv&aelig;rende version"