. require_once("../inc/util.inc"); function show_choose($is_old) { panel(null, function() use($is_old) { if ($is_old) { echo ' '.tra('I\'m new').'   |  '.tra('I\'m a BOINC user').' '; } else { echo tra('I\'m new') .'   |  ' .tra('I\'m a BOINC user') .' '; } } ); } function show_new() { global $master_url; panel(null, function() use ($master_url) { echo '
  1. ' .tra('Read our %1 Rules and Policies %2.', '', '') .'
  2. ' .tra('Download the BOINC desktop software.') .'


    ' .tra('For Android devices, download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon App Store.') .'

  3. ' .tra('Run the installer.').'
  4. '.tra("Choose %1 from the list, or enter %2", "".PROJECT."", "$master_url").'
'; } ); } function show_old() { global $master_url; panel(null, function() use($master_url) { echo ' '; } ); } $old = get_int('old', true); page_head(tra("Join %1", PROJECT)); show_choose($old); if ($old) { show_old(); } else { show_new(); } page_tail();