"To create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain level of average "
"credit. This is to protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr "%1(e)n elkarrizketa-hari berri bat sortzeko batezbesteko kreditu kopuru jakin bat izan behar duzu. Sistemaren neurrigabeko erabilera saihesteko da horrela."
"You cannot create threads right now. Please wait before trying again. This "
"is to protect against abuse of the system."
msgstr "Oraingoz ezin duzu elkarrizketa-haririk sortu. Itxaron pixka bat berriro saiatu aurretik. Sistemaren neurrigabeko erabilera saihesteko da horrela."
" <li> Messages may not contain content that is obscene, hate-related,\n"
" sexually explicit or suggestive.\n"
" <li> No commercial advertisements.\n"
" <li> No links to web sites involving sexual content,\n"
" gambling, or intolerance of others.\n"
" <li> No messages intended to annoy or antagonize other people.\n"
" <li> No messages that are deliberately hostile, threatening, or insulting.\n"
" <li> No abusive comments involving race, religion,\n"
" nationality, gender, class or sexuality.\n"
" <li> The privileges of violators may be suspended or revoked.\n"
" <li> If your account is suspended, don't create a new one.\n"
" </ul>\n"
" "
msgstr "\n <ul>\n <li>Ez dira onartzen eduki lizunak, gorrotagarriak,\n sexualki esplizituak edo iradokitzaileak.\n <li>Iragarki komertzialik gabe.\n <li>Eduki sexualekin, xenofoboekin edo apustuen munduarekin\nharremana duten webgunetako estekarik gabe.\n <li>Inor gogaitzeko edo inoren aurka egiteko asmoa duten mezurik gabe.\n <li>Nahita idatzitako mezu erasokorrik edo iraingarririk gabe.\n <li>Arrazak, erlijioak, herritartasunak, generoak, klase sozialak\nedo sexualitateak eragindako neurrigabeko iruzkinik gabe.\n <li>Arau-hausleen pribilegioak eten edo baliogabetu daitezke.\n <li>Zure kontua bertan behera utzita badago, ez sortu berri bat.\n </ul>"
"Keep some CPUs free for other applications. Example: 75% means use 6 cores "
"on an 8-core CPU."
msgstr "Utzi libre PUZ batzuk beste aplikazioentzat. Adibidez: %75ak esan nahi du 8 nukleodun prozesadore batean 6 nukleo erabiltzen direla."
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:58
#, no-php-format
msgid "% of the CPUs"
msgstr "prozesadoreen %"
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:63
#, no-php-format
msgid ""
"Suspend/resume computing every few seconds to reduce CPU temperature and "
"energy usage. Example: 75% means compute for 3 seconds, wait for 1 second, "
"and repeat."
msgstr "Eten/berrekin konputazioa segundo gutxiro PUZaren tenperatura jaitsi eta energia-kontsumoa gutxitzeko. Adibidez: %75ek 3 segundoz prozesatzea, segundo batez itxarotea, eta berriro errepikatzea esan nahi du."
msgstr "Ordenagailua lanpetuta ez dagoenean erabili gehienez ere"
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:172
msgid "Limit the memory used by BOINC when you're not using the computer."
msgstr "Mugatu BOINCek erabil dezakeen memoria ordenagailua erabiltzen ari ez zarenean."
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:178
msgid "Leave non-GPU tasks in memory while suspended"
msgstr "Utzi GPUarenak ez diren memoriako atazak esekita"
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:179
msgid ""
"If checked, suspended tasks stay in memory, and resume with no work lost. If"
" unchecked, suspended tasks are removed from memory, and resume from their "
"last checkpoint."
msgstr "Markatuta badago, eteten diren atazak memorian jarraituko dute eta daturik galdu gabe berrekingo zaie. Markatu gabe badago, eteten diren atazak memoriatik ezabatuko dira eta azken kontrol-puntutik abiaraziz berrekingo zaie."
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:184
msgid "Page/swap file: use at most"
msgstr "Orri/truke-fitxategia: erabili gehienez ere"
#: html/inc/prefs.inc:185
msgid "Limit the swap space (page file) used by BOINC."
"New computers will use this location for computing and project preferences."
msgstr "Ordenagailu berriek kokaleku hau erabiliko dute konputaziorako eta proiektuaren hobespenetarako."
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:54
msgid "Resource share"
msgstr "Baliabide esleipena"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:55
msgid ""
"Determines the proportion of your computer's resources allocated to this "
"project. For example, if you participate in two BOINC projects with resource"
" shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your resources and the "
"second will get 2/3."
msgstr "Zure ordenagailuaren baliabideetatik proiektu honi esleitzen zaion proportzioa zehazten du. Adibidez, 100 eta 200eko baliabide banaketarekin BOINCeko bi proiektutan parte hartzen baduzu, lehenengoak baliabideen herena bereganatuko du eta bigarrenak, berriz, bi herenak."
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:63
msgid "Accelerate GPU tasks by dedicating a CPU to each one?"
msgstr "Bizkortu GPU atazak bakoitzari PUZ bana esleituz?"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:72
msgid "Use CPU"
msgstr "Erabili PUZa"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:81
msgid "Use ATI GPU"
msgstr "Erabili ATI GPUa"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:90
msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU"
msgstr "Erabili NVIDIA GPUa"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:99
msgid "Use Intel GPU"
msgstr "Erabili Intel GPUa"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:109
msgid "Run test applications?"
msgstr "Test aplikazioak exekutatu?"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:110
msgid ""
"This helps us develop applications, but may cause jobs to fail on your "
msgstr "Aplikazioak garatzen laguntzen digu honek baina lanen hutsegitean eragin dezake"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:117
msgid ""
"Emails will be sent from %1; make sure your spam filter accepts this "
msgstr "%1(e)tik bidaliko dira mezu elektronikoak; ziurtatu zure mezu baztergarrien iragazkiak helbide hau onartzen duela."
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:125
msgid "Is it OK for %1 and your team (if any) to email you?"
msgstr "%1(e)k eta zure taldeak (badago) zuri mezu elektronikoak bidaltzea baimentzen al duzu?"
#: html/inc/prefs_project.inc:132
msgid "Should %1 show your computers on its web site?"
msgstr "%1(e)k bere webgunean zure ordenagailuak bistaratu beharko al lituzke?"
"To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
"are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
msgstr "Mezu baztergarriak eragozteko, batezbesteko kreditua %1 baino gutxiago duten erabiltzaileen profilak soilik saioa hasi duten erabiltzaileei erakusten zaizkie. Barkatu eragozpenak."
#: html/inc/profile.inc:198
msgid "User is banished"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak debekua du"
#: html/inc/profile.inc:212
msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
msgstr "Ez dago profilik erabiltzailearen ID horrentzat."
"Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
"gives its founder access to your email address."
msgstr "Oharra: proiektuaren ezarpenetan 'baimendu mezu elektronikoak' aukera gaituta badago, talde batera batzean bere sortzaileari zure helbide elektronikoa atzitzeko aukera ematen dio."
msgstr "Eragiketa honek sortzailea izatea eskatzen du."
#: html/inc/team.inc:344
msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
msgstr "Eragiketa honek taldearen administratzaile-pribilegioak izatea eskatzen du"
#: html/inc/team.inc:466
msgid ""
"WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon"
" be overwritten. Edit the %1 BOINC-wide team %2 instead."
msgstr "OHARRA: BOINC-wide talde bat da hau. Hemen aldaketak egiten badituzu, berehala gainidatziak izango dira. Editatu bere ordez %1 BOINC-wide taldea %2."
#: html/inc/team.inc:472
msgid ""
"%1 Privacy note %2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource"
" share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
msgstr "%1 Pribatutasun oharra %2: talde bat sortzen baduzu, zure proiektuaren hobespenak (partekatutako baliabideak, grafikoen hobespenak) edonorentzat ikusgai egongo dira."
#: html/inc/team.inc:476
msgid "Team name, text version"
msgstr "Taldearen izena, testu bertsioan"
#: html/inc/team.inc:477
msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
msgstr "Ez erabili HTML etiketarik."
#: html/inc/team.inc:480
msgid "Team name, HTML version"
msgstr "Taldearen izena, HTML bertsioan"
#: html/inc/team.inc:482 html/inc/team.inc:492
msgid "You may use %1 limited HTML tags %2."
msgstr "%1 HTML etiketa aukera murriztua %2 erabil dezakezu."
#: html/inc/team.inc:483
msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
msgstr "HTMLa ezagutzen ez baduzu, utzi eremua bete gabe."
#: html/inc/team.inc:486
msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
msgstr "Taldearen web-orriaren URLa, baldin badago"
#: html/inc/team.inc:486
msgid "without \"http://\""
msgstr "\"http://\" gabe"
#: html/inc/team.inc:487
msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
msgstr "URL hau esteka moduan jarriko da webgune honetan taldeak duen orrian."
#: html/inc/team.inc:490
msgid "Description of team"
msgstr "Taldearen deskribapena"
#: html/inc/team.inc:506
msgid "Accept new members?"
msgstr "Kide berriak onartu?"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:24
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Enpresa"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:25
msgid "Primary school"
msgstr "Lehen hezkuntza"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:26
msgid "Secondary school"
msgstr "Bigarren hezkuntza"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:27
msgid "Junior college"
msgstr "Prestatze-ikasketak"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:28
msgid "University or department"
msgstr "Unibertsitatea edo saila"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:29
msgid "Government agency"
msgstr "Gobernu agentzia"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:30
msgid "Non-profit organization"
msgstr "Irabazi asmorik gabeko erakundea"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:31
msgid "National"
msgstr "Nazionala"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:32
msgid "Local/regional"
msgstr "Tokikoa/eskualdekoa"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:33
msgid "Computer type"
msgstr "Ordenagailu mota"
#: html/inc/team_types.inc:34
msgid "Social/political/religious"
msgstr "Soziala/politikoa/erlijiosoa"
#: html/inc/uotd.inc:30
msgid "User profile"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-profila"
#: html/inc/user.inc:122
msgid "Projects in which you are participating"
msgstr "Parte hartzen ari zareneko proiektuak"
#: html/inc/user.inc:124
msgid "Projects in which %1 is participating"
msgstr "%1 parte hartzen ari deneko proiektuak"
#: html/inc/user.inc:129
msgid "Click for user page"
msgstr "Klik egin erabiltzailearen orria ikusteko"
"%1 currently has the following applications. When you participate in %1, "
"tasks for one or more of these applications will be assigned to your "
"computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your "
"computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything."
msgstr "%1(e)k ondorengo aplikazioak ditu une honetan. %1(e)n parte hartzen duzunean, aplikazio hauetako baten edo gehiagoren atazak zure ordenagailuari esleituko zaizkio. Aplikazioaren uneko bertsioa zure ordenagailuan deskargatuko da. Automatikoki egiten da; ez duzu ezer egin beharrik."
#: html/user/apps.php:55
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Plataforma"
#: html/user/apps.php:56
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Bertsioa"
#: html/user/apps.php:58
msgid "Average computing"
msgstr "Batez besteko konputazioa"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:23
msgid "BBCode tags"
msgstr "BBCode etiketak"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:25
msgid ""
"BBCode tags let you format text in your profile and message-board postings.\n"
"It's similar to HTML, but simpler. The tags start with a [ (where you would\n"
"have used %1 in HTML) and end with ] (where you would have used %2 in\n"
msgstr "Zure profileko testuari zein foroetako mezuei formatua eman ahal diezu BBCode etiketen bidez.\nHTMLaren antzekoa da, baina sinpleagoa. Etiketak hasten dira [ (HTMLan %1 erabiliko\nzenuen lekuan) eta amaitzen dira ] (HTMLan %2 erabiliko zenuen \nlekuan)."
#: html/user/bbcode.php:31
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Adibideak"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:32
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Lodia"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:33
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Etzana"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:34
msgid "Underline"
msgstr "Azpimarratua"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:35
msgid "Strikethrough"
msgstr "Marratua"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:36
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Goi-indizeduna"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:37
msgid "Big text"
msgstr "Testu handia"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:38
msgid "Red text"
msgstr "Testu gorria"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:39
msgid "link to website"
msgstr "webgunera doan esteka"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:40
msgid "Quoted text"
msgstr "Testua aipu marken artean"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:40
msgid "use for quoted blocks of text"
msgstr "erabili aipu artean dagoen testu blokeetan"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:41
msgid "use to display an image"
msgstr "erabili irudi bat bistaratzeko"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:42
msgid "Code snippet here"
msgstr "Kode txatala hemen"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:42
msgid "use to display some code"
msgstr "erabili kode pixka bat bistaratzeko"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:43
msgid "Pre-formatted text"
msgstr "Aurreformateatutako testua"
#: html/user/bbcode.php:43
msgid "use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"
msgstr "erabili aurreformateatutako testua (normalean tarte bakarrekoa) bistaratzeko"
"If you would like include a picture with your profile, click the \"Browse\" "
"button and select a JPEG or PNG file. Please select images of %1 or less."
msgstr "Zure profilean argazki bat jarri nahi baduzu, klik egin \"Arakatu\" botoian eta aukeratu JPEG edo PNG fitxategi bat. Aukeratu %1 edo gutxiagoko irudiak."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:92
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:95
msgid "Select the language in which your profile is written:"
msgstr "Aukeratu zure profila zein hizkuntzan idatzi den:"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:107
msgid "Submit profile"
msgstr "Bidali profila"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:113
msgid "Create/edit profile"
msgstr "Sortu/editatu profila"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:135
msgid "The format of your uploaded image is not supported."
msgstr "Ez da onartzen kargatu duzun irudiaren formatua."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:164
msgid ""
"Your %1 profile %2 lets you share your opinions and background with the %3 "
msgstr "Zure %1 profilak %2 zure iritziak eta historia %3 komunitatearekin partekatzea ahalbidetzen dizu."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:208
msgid "Your ReCaptcha response was not correct. Please try again."
msgstr "Zure reCAPTCHA erantzuna ez da zuzena. Saiatu berriro."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:217
msgid ""
"Your first response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr "Zure lehenengo erantzuna mezu baztergarri gisa markatu du spam-en aurkako Akismet sistemak. Aldatu testua eta saiatu berriro."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:225
msgid ""
"Your second response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. "
"Please modify your text and try again."
msgstr "Zure bigarren erantzuna mezu baztergarri gisa markatu du spam-en aurkako Akismet sistemak. Aldatu testua eta saiatu berriro."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:241
msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
msgstr "Zure profilaren bidalketa hutsik zegoen."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:282
msgid "Could not update the profile: database error"
msgstr "Ezin izan da profila eguneratu: errorea datu-basean"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:298
msgid "Could not create the profile: database error"
msgstr "Ezin izan da profila sortu: errorea datu-basean"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:303
msgid "Profile saved"
msgstr "Profila gordeta"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:305
msgid ""
"Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
msgstr "Zorionak! Zure profila zuzen gehitu da gure datu-basean."
#: html/user/create_profile.php:308
msgid "View your profile"
msgstr "Ikusi zure profila"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:318
msgid "Create a profile"
msgstr "Sortu profila"
#: html/user/create_profile.php:346
msgid ""
"To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or"
" edit a profile. We apologize for this inconvenience."
msgstr "Mezu baztergarriak eragozteko, beharrezkoa da %1(e)ko batezbesteko kreditua edo gehiago profil bat sortzeko edo editatzeko. Barkatu eragozpenak."
#: html/user/delete_account_confirm.php:29
#: html/user/delete_account_request.php:28
msgid "This feature is disabled. Please contact the project administrator."
" to see the donation amount equivalent in different currencies\n"
" (please note that the rates are only estimates\n"
" and the actual amount may differ)."
msgstr "Dohaintza egiteko, zehaztu kopurua beheko eremuan.\nPayPal-ek askotariko dibisak onartzen ditu\n(dolar kanadarra, euroa, libera esterlina, dolar estatubatuarra,\nyen-a, dolar australiarra, dolar zeelandaberritarra,\nfranko suitzarra, dolar hongkongdarra, dolar singapurtarra, koroa suediarra,\nkoroa danimarkarra, zloty poloniarra, koroa norvegiarra,\nforint hungariarra, koroa txekiarra).\nBarneko moneta-bihurgailua erabil dezakezu\ndohaintzaren kopurua moneta ezberdinetan zenbatekoa den ikusteko\n(kontu izan tasa horiek zenbatespenak baino ez direla\neta benetako uneko tasa ezberdina izan daitekeela)."
"Select this if you dont want your name and account number displayed in\n"
"donator lists.<br>If not checked, you will be recorded as user ID %1"
msgstr "Aukeratu hau zure izena eta kontu-zenbakia dohaintza-emaileen zerrendan\nagertzea nahi ez baduzu.<br> Markatzen ez baduzu, %1 erabiltzailearen IDarekin erregistratuta geldituko zara"
#: html/user/donations.php:323
msgid "To assign the donation with your user ID, please log in."
msgstr "Dohaintza erabiltzaile IDarekin erregistratu nahi baduzu saioa hasi behar duzu."
#: html/user/donations.php:327
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Jarraitu"
#: html/user/donations.php:328
msgid "Donations are accepted through"
msgstr "Honen bidez egindako dohaintzak onartzen dira"
#: html/user/download_network.php:25
msgid "Download BOINC add-on software"
msgstr "Jaitsi BOINCen gehigarriak"
#: html/user/download_network.php:28
msgid "You can download applications in several categories."
msgstr "Kategoria ezberdinetako aplikazioak jaitsi ditzakezu."
#: html/user/download_network.php:31
msgid ""
"These applications are not endorsed by %1 and you use them at your own risk."
msgstr "Aplikazio hauek ez dute %1(e)n onespenik eta ondorioz, zeure ardurapean erabili beharko dituzu."
#: html/user/download_network.php:33
msgid ""
"We do not provide instructions for installing these applications.\n"
"However, the author may have provided some help on installing or uninstalling the application. \n"
"If this is not enough you should contact the author."
msgstr "Ez dugu programa hauen instalazio-argibiderik ematen.\nHala ere, agian egileak programa instalatzeko edo desinstalatzeko nolabaiteko laguntza emango zuen.\nNahikoa ez bada egilearekin jarri beharko zara harremanetan."
#: html/user/download_network.php:36
msgid "Instructions for installing and running BOINC are %1 here %2."
msgstr "BOINC instalatu eta exekutatzeko argibideak dituzu %1 hemen %2."
#: html/user/download_network.php:38
msgid "This list is managed centrally at %1 the BOINC website %2."
msgstr "Zerrenda hau %1 BOINCen webgunetik %2 kudeatzen da."
msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name@domain'"
msgstr "'izena@domeinua' itxura duen baliozko helbide bat izan behar da"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:33
msgid "Confirm reset"
msgstr "Berretsi berrezartzea"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:34
msgid ""
"This action will erase any changes you have made in your community "
"preferences. To cancel, click your browser's Back button."
msgstr "Ekintza honekin ezabatu egingo da zure komunitate-hobespenetan egin duzun edozein aldaketa. Uzteko, klik egin zure web-arakatzaileko Atzera botoian."
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:38
msgid "Reset preferences"
msgstr "Berrezarri hobespenak"
#. Not the right kind of file
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:95
msgid "Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported."
msgstr "Akatsa: fitxategi mota desegokia, PNG eta JPEG onartzen dira soilik."
msgstr "Egunero bidaliko den mezu elektroniko bakar baten bidez"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:65
msgid "Message-board identity"
msgstr "Foroko identitatea"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:66
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar-a"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:67
msgid "An image representing you on the message boards."
msgstr "Foroetan ordezkatuko zaituen irudi bat."
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:68
msgid "Format: JPG or PNG. Size: at most 4 KB, 100x100 pixels"
msgstr "Formatua: JPG edo PNG. Tamaina: gehienez ere 4 KB, 100x100 pixel"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:70
msgid "Don't use an avatar"
msgstr "Ez erabili avatar-ik"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:72
msgid "Use a Globally Recognized Avatar provided by %1"
msgstr "Erabili mundu guztiak ezagutzen duen %1(r)en avatar-a"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:74
msgid "Use this uploaded avatar:"
msgstr "Erabili kargatutako avatar hau:"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:77
msgid "Avatar preview"
msgstr "Avatar-aren aurrebista"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:77
msgid "This is how your avatar will look"
msgstr "Honela agertuko da zure avatar-a"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:86
msgid "Signature for message board posts"
msgstr "Foroko mezuetan erabiltzeko sinadura"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:89
msgid ""
"Check out %1 various free services %2\n"
"<br> providing dynamic 'signature images'\n"
"<br> showing your latest credit info, project news, etc."
msgstr "Begiratu %1 hainbat doako zerbitzu %2\n<br> eman 'sinadura irudi' dinamikoak\n<br> erakutsi zure kredituari buruzko azkenak, proiektuko azken berriak, etab."
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:93
msgid "Attach signature by default"
msgstr "Atxiki sinadura lehenespenez"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:96
msgid "Signature preview"
msgstr "Sinaduraren aurrebista"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:97
msgid "This is how your signature will look in the forums"
msgstr "Honela agertuko da foroetan zure sinadura"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:115
msgid "Message display"
msgstr "Mezuen bistaratzea"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:117
msgid "What to display"
msgstr "Zer bistaratu"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:118
msgid "Hide avatar images"
msgstr "Ezkutatu avatar irudiak"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:119
msgid "Hide signatures"
msgstr "Ezkutatu sinadurak"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:120
msgid "Show images as links"
msgstr "Erakutsi irudiak esteka moduan"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:121
msgid "Open links in new window/tab"
msgstr "Ireki estekak leiho/fitxa berrian"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:122
msgid "Highlight special users"
msgstr "Nabarmendu erabiltzaile bereziak"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:123
msgid "Display this many messages per page"
msgstr "Bistaratu honenbeste mezu orriko"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:127
msgid "How to sort"
msgstr "Nola ordenatu"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:128
msgid "Threads:"
msgstr "Elkarrizketa-hariak:"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:128
msgid "Posts:"
msgstr "Mezuak:"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:129
msgid "Jump to first new post in thread automatically"
msgstr "Jauzi egin elkarrizketa-harian lehenengo mezu berrira"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:130
msgid "Don't move sticky posts to top"
msgstr "Ez mugitu gorantz eranskina duten mezuak"
#. ------------ Message filtering -----------
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:137
msgid "Message filtering"
msgstr "Mezuen iragazpena"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:153
msgid "Filtered users"
msgstr "Iragazitako erabiltzaileak"
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:154
msgid "Ignore message board posts and private messages from these users."
msgstr "Ez ikusi egin erabiltzaile hauen foroko mezuei eta mezu pribatuei."
#: html/user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:156
msgid "User ID (For instance: 123456789)"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen IDa (adibidez: 123456789)"
"A tasks's <b>server state</b> indicates whether the task has been sent to a "
"computer, and if so whether the computer has finished it. Possible values "
msgstr "Ataza baten <b>zerbitzari-egoerak</b> ataza ordenagailu bati esleitu zaion aditzera ematen du eta hala bada, ordenagailuak berau burutu duen ala ez adierazten du. Balio posibleak:"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:35
msgid ""
"The task is not ready to send (for example, because its input files are "
msgstr "Ataza ez dago bidaltzeko prest (adibidez, sarrerako fitxategiak eskuragarri ez daudelako)"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:38
msgid "The task is ready to send, but hasn't been sent yet."
msgstr "Ataza bidaltzeko prest dago, baina oraindik ez da bidali."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:40
msgid "In Progress"
msgstr "Martxan"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:41
msgid "The task has been sent; waiting for completion."
msgstr "Ataza bidali da; bidalketa osatzeko itxaroten."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:44
msgid ""
"The task has been sent to a computer and either it has timed out or the "
"computer has reported its completion."
msgstr "Ataza ordenagailu batera bidali da eta, edo denboraz kanpo gelditu da edo ordenagailuak jakinarazi du ataza burutu duela."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:49
msgid "Outcomes"
msgstr "Emaitzak"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:52
msgid ""
"A tasks's <b>outcome</b> is defined if its server state is <b>over</b>. "
"Possible values are:"
msgstr "Ataza baten <b>emaitza</b> zehazten da bere zerbitzari-egoera <b>amaituta</b> bada. Balio posibleak:"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:57
msgid ""
"The task was sent to a computer, but the computer has not yet completed the "
"work and reported the outcome."
msgstr "Ataza ordenagailu batera bidalita dago baina ordenagailuak ez du oraindik lana burutu eta emaitza bidali."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:60
msgid "A computer completed and reported the task successfully."
msgstr "Ordenagailu batek burutu du ataza eta bidali du emaitza."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:63
msgid ""
"The server wasn't able to send the task to a computer (perhaps because its "
"resource requirements were too large)"
msgstr "Zerbitzariak ezin izan du bidali ataza ordenagailu batera (beharbada baliabide asko eskatzen dituelako)"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:65
msgid "Client error"
msgstr "Errorea bezeroan"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:66
msgid "The task was sent to a computer and an error occurred."
msgstr "Ataza ordenagailu batera bidali da eta akatsa gertatu da."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:69
msgid ""
"The task was sent to a computer and no reply was received within the time "
msgstr "Ataza ordenagailu batera bidali da eta ez da erantzunik jaso denbora-muga baino lehen."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:72
msgid ""
"The task wasn't sent to a computer because enough other tasks were completed"
" for this workunit."
msgstr "Ataza ez da ordenagailu batera bidali lan-unitate honentzat bestela ere behar adina ataza burutu direlako."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:75
msgid ""
"The task was reported but could not be validated, typically because the "
"output files were lost on the server."
msgstr "Atazaren emaitzaren berri eman da baina ezin izan da balioztatu. Irteerako fitxategiak zerbitzarian galdu direlako izan ohi da normalean."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:80
msgid "Client states"
msgstr "Bezeroaren egoerak"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:81
msgid ""
"A result's <b>client state</b> indicates the stage of processing at which an"
" error occurred."
msgstr "Emaitza baten <b>bezeroaren egoerak</b> errorea prozesaketaren zein fasetan gertatu den adierazten du."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:86
msgid "The computer has not yet completed the task."
msgstr "Ordenagailuak ez du oraindik ataza burutu."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:89
msgid "The computer completed the task successfully."
msgstr "Ordenagailuak zuzen burutu du ataza."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:92
msgid "The computer couldn't download the application or input files."
msgstr "Ordenagailuak ezin izan du aplikazioa edo sarrerako fitxategiak jaitsi."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:95
msgid "An error occurred during computation."
msgstr "Errore bat gertatu da prozesaketan."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:98
msgid "The computer couldn't upload the output files."
msgstr "Ordenagailuak ezin izan ditu irteerako fitxategiak kargatu."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:103
msgid "Time reported and deadline"
msgstr "Jakinarazitako ordua eta epemuga"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:106
msgid ""
"A task's <b>Time reported or deadline</b> field depends on whether the task "
"has been reported yet:"
msgstr "Ataza baten <b>Jakinarazitako ordua edo epemuga</b> eremua atazaren emaitza bidali izanaren baitan dago:"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:110
msgid "Already reported"
msgstr "Dagoeneko bidalita"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:110
msgid "The date/time it was reported"
msgstr "Bidali deneko data/ordua"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:111
msgid "Not reported yet, deadline in the future"
msgstr "Oraindik ez da bidali, epemuga igarotzeke"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:112
msgid "Deadline, shown in green."
msgstr "Epemuga, orlegi kolorez."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:114
msgid "Not reported yet, deadline in the past"
msgstr "Oraindik ez da bidali, epemuga igarota"
#: html/user/explain_state.php:115
msgid "Deadline, shown in red."
msgstr "Epemuga, gorri kolorez."
#: html/user/explain_state.php:120
msgid "Unknown field"
msgstr "Eremu ezezaguna"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:28
msgid "Sending emails"
msgstr "Mezu elektronikoak bidaltzen"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:43
msgid "failed to send email to %1: %2"
msgstr "ezin izan da mezu elektronikoa bidali %1(r)i: %2"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:48
msgid "failed to send email to %1"
msgstr "ezin izan da mezu elektronikoa bidali %1(r)i"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:51
msgid "email sent successfully to %1"
msgstr "mezu elektronikoa zuzen bidali zaio %1(r)i"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:55
msgid "Thanks for telling your friends about %1"
msgstr "Eskerrik asko zure lagunei %1(r)i buruz hitz egiteagatik"
#: html/user/ffmail_action.php:57
msgid ""
"You forgot to enter email addresses; Please %1 return to the form %2 and "
"enter them."
msgstr "Helbide elektronikoak sartzea ahaztu zaizu; %1 itzuli inprimakira %2 eta sar itzazu."
#: html/user/ffmail_form.php:33
msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
msgstr "Hitz egin zure lagunei %1(r)i buruz"
#: html/user/ffmail_form.php:49
msgid ""
"Use this form to send email messages to people you think might be interested"
" in %1."
msgstr "Erabili inprimaki hau %1(e)n interesaturik egon daitekeela iruditzen zaizun jendeari mezu elektronikoak bidaltzeko."
"Are you sure you want to banish %1 ?<br/>This will prevent %1 from posting "
"for chosen time period.<br/>It should be done only if %1 has consistently "
"exhibited trollish behavior."
msgstr "Ziur al zaude %1 kanporatu nahi duzula?<br/>Aukeratutako denbora-tartean %1(e)k mezuak idaztea ekidingo duzu.<br/>%1(e)n jokabide zirikatzailea luzaroan etenik gabe mantendu bada soilik egin beharko litzateke ."
#: html/user/forum_banishment_vote.php:64
msgid ""
"Select the reason category, optionally write a longer description of why the"
" user should be banished."
msgstr "Aukeratu arrazoi-kategoria, nahi izanez gero eman azalpen xeheago bat erabiltzailea blokeatzeko beharraren arrazoiaz."
msgid "Optional explanation %1 This is included in email to user.%2"
msgstr "Aukerako azalpena %1 Erabiltzaileari bidalitako mezuan sartuta dago hau.%2"
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:38
msgid "not authorized"
msgstr "baimenik gabe"
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:41
msgid "Moderate thread '%1'"
msgstr "Moderatu '%1' elkarrizketa-haria"
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:54
msgid ""
"Select the reason category, or write a longer description of why you're "
"hiding or locking the thread; then press OK."
msgstr "Aukeratu arrazoi-kategoria edo eman azalpen xeheago bat elkarrizketa-haria ezkutatzearen edo blokeatzearen arrazoiaz; gero sakatu 'Onartu'."
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:78
msgid "Current forum"
msgstr "Oraingo foroa"
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:79
msgid "Destination forum"
msgstr "Helburu-foroa"
#: html/user/forum_moderate_thread.php:83
msgid "New title:"
msgstr "Izenburu berria:"
#: html/user/forum_post.php:44
msgid ""
"Only project admins may create a thread here. However, you may reply to "
"existing threads."
msgstr "Proiektuaren administratzaileek soilik sor dezakete elkarrizketa-haria hemen. Hala ere, oraingo elkarrizketa-harietan erantzuna eman dezakezu."
#: html/user/forum_post.php:64
msgid ""
"Your message was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please "
"modify your text and try again."
msgstr "Zure mezua baztergarri gisa markatu du spam-en aurkako Akismet sistemak. Aldatu testua eta saiatu berriro."
#: html/user/forum_post.php:78
msgid "Create new thread"
msgstr "Sortu elkarrizketa-hari berria"
#: html/user/forum_post.php:111
msgid "Create a new thread"
msgstr "Sortu elkarrizketa-hari berri bat"
#: html/user/forum_post.php:116
msgid "Remember to add a title"
msgstr "Gogoratu izenburu bat gehitzeaz"
#: html/user/forum_post.php:141
msgid "Show this item as a Notice in the BOINC Manager"
msgstr "Erakutsi hau ohar bezala BOINC Manager-en"
#: html/user/forum_post.php:141
msgid "Do so only for items likely to be of interest to all volunteers."
msgstr "Egin hori bolondres guztien interesekoak izan daitezkeenekin."
#: html/user/forum_rate.php:57
msgid "You need more average or total credit to rate a post."
msgstr "Batezbesteko edo guztizko kreditu gehiago behar duzu mezu bat baloratzeko."
msgid "You need more average or total credit to report a post."
msgstr "Batezbesteko edo guztizko kreditu gehiago behar duzu mezu bat salatzeko."
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:70
msgid "Report Registered"
msgstr "Salaketa erregistratuta"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:71
msgid "Your report has been recorded. Thanks for your input."
msgstr "Zure salaketa jaso da. Eskerrik asko zure sarreragatik."
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:72
msgid ""
"A moderator will now look at your report and decide what will happen - this "
"may take a little while, so please be patient"
msgstr "Moderatzaile batek zure salaketa aztertuko du eta zer egin erabakiko du - denbora apur bat eraman dezake honek, beraz pazientzia izan"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:76
msgid "Report a forum post"
msgstr "Salatu foroko mezu bat"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:78
msgid ""
"Before reporting this post, consider using the +/- rating system instead. If"
" enough users rate a post negatively it will eventually be hidden.<br />You "
"can find the rating system at the bottom of the post."
msgstr "Mezu hau salatu aurretik kontuan hartu +/- balorazio sistema erabiltzeko aukera dagoela. Behar adina erabiltzailek mezu bat negatiboki baloratzen badute ezabatu egingo da.<br />Mezuaren behealdean aurki dezakezu balorazio sistema."
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:90
msgid "Report post"
msgstr "Salatu mezua"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:93
msgid ""
"Why do you find the post offensive: %1 Please include enough information so "
"that a person that has not yet read the thread will quickly be able to "
"identify the issue. %2"
msgstr "Zergatik jo duzu mezua iraingarritzat: %1 Eman behar adina informazio, elkarrizketa-haria oraindik irakurri ez duen batek arazoa zein den berehala jakin dezan. %2"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:104
msgid "Report not registered"
msgstr "Salaketa erregistratu gabe"
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:105
msgid "Your report could not be recorded. Please wait a while and try again."
msgstr "Zure salaketa ezin izan da jaso. Itxaron pixka bat eta saiatu berriro."
#: html/user/forum_report_post.php:106
msgid ""
"If this is not a temporary error, please report it to the project "
msgstr "Errore iragankorra ez bada, jakinarazi proiektuaren garatzaileei."
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:38
msgid "%1 RSS feed"
msgstr "%1 RSS jarioa"
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:39
msgid "This message board is available as an RSS feed."
msgstr "Foro hau RSS jario moduan erabilgarri dago."
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:41
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Aukerak:"
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:45
msgid "Include only posts by user ID %1 (default: all users)."
msgstr "Gehitu soilik %1 erabiltzaile IDaren mezuak (lehenetsitakoa: erabiltzaile guztiak)."
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:47
msgid "Include only posts from the last %1 days (default: 30)."
msgstr "Gehitu soilik azken %1 egunetako mezuak (lehenetsitakoa: 30)."
#: html/user/forum_rss.php:49
msgid "Threads only: %1 (Include only the first post of every thread)"
msgstr "Elkarrizketa-hariak: %1 (Elkarrizketa-hari bakoitzeko lehenengo mezua soilik gehitu)"
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:143
msgid "Forum search results"
msgstr "Foroan egindako bilaketaren emaitzak"
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:177
msgid "Thread titles matching your query:"
msgstr "Zure bilaketarekin bat datozen elkarrizketa-harien izenburuak:"
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:196
msgid "Messages matching your query:"
msgstr "Zure bilaketarekin bat datozen mezuak:"
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:219
msgid ""
"Sorry, couldn't find anything matching your search query. You can try to "
"broaden your search by using less words (or less specific words)."
msgstr "Barkatu, ezin izan da zure bilaketarekin bat datorren ezer aurkitu. Bilaketa-eremua zabal dezakezu hitz gutxiago erabiliz (edo zehaztasun gutxiagoko hitzak erabiliz)."
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:221
msgid "You can also %1 try the same search on Google. %2"
msgstr "%1 Bilaketa bera Google-n %2 ere proba dezakezu."
#: html/user/forum_search_action.php:226
msgid "Perform another search"
msgstr "Egin beste bilaketa bat"
#: html/user/forum_search.php:29
msgid "Forum search"
msgstr "Bilaketa foroan"
#: html/user/forum_search.php:33
msgid "Search query"
msgstr "Bilaketa kontsulta"
#: html/user/forum_search.php:34
msgid "Search for keywords:"
msgstr "Bilatu gako-hitz bidez:"
#: html/user/forum_search.php:35
msgid "Posts that contain all the specified words will be displayed"
msgstr "Zehaztutako hitzak dituzten mezuak bistaratuko dira"
"The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different "
"platforms. Relative speeds, measured by average elapsed time of tasks, are "
"shown in parentheses."
msgstr "Ondorengo zerrendetan plataforma desberdinetarako GPU modelo emankorrenak zeintzuk diren erakusten da. Abiadura erlatiboak, atazek behar izan duten batez besteko denborarekin kalkulatuak, parentesi artean ageri dira."
msgstr "Ez daukagu ordenagailu horretako erregistrorik."
#: html/user/host_delete.php:38
msgid ""
"You can not delete our record of this computer because our database still "
"contains work for it. You must wait a few days until the work for this "
"computer has been deleted from the project database."
msgstr "Ezin duzu ordenagailu honen erregistroa ezabatu gure datu-basean oraindik ere beretzako lana agertzen delako. Egun batzuk itxaron beharko duzu ordenagailu honentzako lana proiektuaren datu-basetik ezabatzen den arte."
"Sometimes BOINC assigns separate identities to the same computer by mistake."
" You can correct this by merging old identities with the newest one."
msgstr "Batzuetan BOINCek identitate ezberdinak esleitzen dizkio ordenagailu bati nahi gabe. Identitate zaharrak eta berriak bateratuz zuzen dezakezu hau."
#: html/user/host_edit_form.php:56
msgid "No hosts are eligible for merging with this one."
msgstr "Ez dago ordenagailu honekin bateratzeko hauta daitekeen ordenagailurik."
"This user has chosen not to show information about his or her computers."
msgstr "Bere ordenagailuei buruzko informazioa ez erakustea aukeratu du erabiltzaile honek."
#: html/user/hosts_user.php:64
msgid "Your computers"
msgstr "Zure ordenagailuak"
#: html/user/host_update_credit.php:27
msgid "Updating computer credit"
msgstr "Ordenagailuaren kreditua eguneratzen"
#: html/user/host_update_credit.php:37
msgid "Host credit updated"
msgstr "Ordenagailuaren kreditua eguneratuta"
#: html/user/host_venue_action.php:41
msgid "Host venue updated"
msgstr "Ordenagailuaren lekua eguneratuta"
#: html/user/host_venue_action.php:43
msgid "none"
msgstr "inor ez"
#: html/user/host_venue_action.php:46
msgid "The venue of this host has been set to %1."
msgstr "Ordenagailu honen lekua %1(a)n ezarri da."
#: html/user/host_venue_action.php:48
msgid ""
"This change will take effect the next time the host communicates with this "
msgstr "Ordenagailua proiektu honekin komunikatzen den hurrengoan gauzatuko da aldaketa hau."
#: html/user/host_venue_action.php:50
msgid "Return to host page"
msgstr "Itzuli orri nagusira"
#: html/user/html.php:23
msgid "Allowed HTML tags"
msgstr "Baimendutako HTML etiketak"
#: html/user/html.php:25
msgid "The following HTML tags are allowed in team descriptions:"
msgstr "Ondorengo HTML etiketak onartzen dira taldeen deskribapenetan:"
#: html/user/html.php:27
msgid "bold"
msgstr "lodia"
#: html/user/html.php:28
msgid "italics"
msgstr "etzana"
#: html/user/html.php:29
msgid "hyperlink"
msgstr "hiperesteka"
#: html/user/html.php:30
msgid "paragraph"
msgstr "paragrafoa"
#: html/user/html.php:31
msgid "break"
msgstr "jauzia"
#: html/user/html.php:32
msgid "preformatted"
msgstr "aurreformateatuta"
#: html/user/html.php:33
msgid ""
"image; height cannot exceed 450 pixels. Please do not link to images without"
" permission of the web site where the image is hosted."
msgstr "irudia; altuerak ezin ditu 450 pixel gainditu. Ez estekarik egin irudietara, irudi horiek ostatatuta daudeneko wegunearen baimenik gabe."
#: html/user/html.php:35
msgid "You can also use ampersand notation for special characters."
msgstr "Ampersan notazioa ere erabil dezakezu karaktere berezientzat."
#: html/user/info.php:24
msgid "Rules and policies"
msgstr "Arauak eta gidalerroak"
#: html/user/info.php:35
msgid "Run %1 only on authorized computers"
msgstr "Exekutatu %1 soilik baimendutako ordenagailuetan"
#: html/user/info.php:36
msgid ""
"Run %1 only on computers that you own, or for which you have obtained the "
"owner's permission. Some companies and schools have policies that prohibit "
"using their computers for projects such as %1."
msgstr "Exekutatu %1 soilik zeure ordenagailuetan edo jabearen baimena duzun ordenagailuetan. Hainbat enpresek eta ikastetxek beraien ordenagailuetan %1 bezalako proiektuak exekutatzeko debekua ezarrita dute."
#: html/user/info.php:38
msgid "How %1 will use your computer"
msgstr "Nola erabiliko du %1(e)k zure ordenagailua"
#: html/user/info.php:39
msgid ""
"When you run %1 on your computer, it will use part of the computer's CPU "
"power, disk space, and network bandwidth. You can control how much of your "
"resources are used by %1, and when it uses them."
msgstr "Zure ordenagailuan %1 exekutatzen duzunean, PUZaren erabileran hainbesteko bat, disko-edukieraren zati bat eta sareko banda-zabaleraren parte bat erabiliko ditu. %1(e)k erabiltzen duen baliabide kopurua eta baliabide horiek noiz erabiliko diren kontrola dezakezu."
#: html/user/info.php:40
msgid ""
"The work done by your computer contributes to the goals of %1, as described "
"on its web site. The application programs may change from time to time."
msgstr "Zure ordenagailuak egindako lanak %1(r)en helburuak lortzen laguntzen du, bere webgunean azaltzen den moduan. Programak noizean behin alda daitezke."
#: html/user/info.php:42
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Pribatutasun politika"
#: html/user/info.php:43
msgid ""
"Your account on %1 is identified by a name that you choose. This name may be"
" shown on the %1 web site, along with a summary of the work your computer "
"has done for %1. If you want to be anonymous, choose a name that doesn't "
"reveal your identity."
msgstr "%1(e)ko zure kontua zuk aukeratutako izen batekin identifikatzen da. Izen hau %1(r)en webgunean bistara daiteke, zure ordenagailuak %1(r)entzat eginiko lanen laburpenarekin batera. Anonimotasuna nahi baduzu, aukeratu zu benetan nor zaren aditzera emango ez duen izen bat."
#: html/user/info.php:44
msgid ""
"If you participate in %1, information about your computer (such as its "
"processor type, amount of memory, etc.) will be recorded by %1 and used to "
"decide what type of work to assign to your computer. This information will "
"also be shown on %1's web site. Nothing that reveals your computer's "
"location (e.g. its domain name or network address) will be shown."
msgstr "%1(e)n parte hartzen baduzu, zure ordenagailuari buruzko informazioa (hala nola prozesadore mota, memoria kopurua, etab.) gordeko du %1(e)k eta zure ordenagailuari jarri beharreko lan mota erabakitzeko erabiliko da. Informazio hau %1(r)en webgunean ere erakusgai egongo da. Zure ordenagailuaren kokapena ezagutaraztera eman dezakeen ezer (adib. domeinu-izena edo sareko helbidea) ez da erakutsiko."
#: html/user/info.php:45
msgid ""
"To participate in %1, you must give an address where you receive email. This"
" address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. "
"%1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
msgstr "%1(e)n parte hartzeko helbide elektroniko bat zehaztu behar duzu mezuak jasotzeko. Helbide hau ez da erakusgai egongo %1(e)n webgunean eta ez da partekatuko beste erakundeekin. %1(e)k aldizka buletinak bidal diezazkizuke. Hala ere nahi duzunean desaktiba dezakezu bidalketa."
#: html/user/info.php:46
msgid ""
"Private messages sent on the %1 web site are visible only to the sender and "
"recipient. %1 does not examine or police the content of private messages. "
"If you receive unwanted private messages from another %1 user, you may add "
"them to your %2 message filter %3. This will prevent you from seeing any "
"public or private messages from that user."
msgstr "%1(r)en webgunean bidaltzen diren mezu pribatuak soilik bidaltzaileak eta hartzaileak ikus ditzakete. %1(e)k ez ditu mezu pribatuetako edukiak aztertzen edo kontrolatzen. %1(e)ko beste erabiltzaile batengandik nahi ez dituzun mezuak jasotzen badituzu %2 mezu-iragazkian %3 gehi dezakezu berau. Horrela ez dituzu gehiago erabiltzaile horren mezu publikoak edo pribatuak ikusiko."
#: html/user/info.php:47
msgid ""
"If you use our web site forums you must follow the %2 posting guidelines %3."
" Messages posted to the %1 forums are visible to everyone, including non-"
"members. By posting to the forums, you are granting irrevocable license for"
" anyone to view and copy your posts."
msgstr "Gure webguneko foroak erabiltzen badituzu %2 argitaratze jarraibideak %3 aintzat hartu beharko dituzu. %1 foroetan idatzitako mezuak denentzat daude ikusgai, baita kide ez direnentzat ere. Foroetan mezuak idaztean zure mezuak ikusi eta kopiatzeko baimena ematen diozu edonori."
#: html/user/info.php:48
msgid "Is it safe to run %1?"
msgstr "Segurua al da %1 exekutatzea?"
#: html/user/info.php:49
msgid ""
"Any time you download a program through the Internet you are taking a "
"chance: the program might have dangerous errors, or the download server "
"might have been hacked. %1 has made efforts to minimize these risks. We have"
" tested our applications carefully. Our servers are behind a firewall and "
"are configured for high security. To ensure the integrity of program "
"downloads, all executable files are digitally signed on a secure computer "
"not connected to the Internet."
msgstr "Internet bidez programa bat jaisten duzun bakoitzean arriskatu egiten duzu: programak errore arriskutsuak eduki ditzake edo agian zerbitzaria hackeatuta dago. %1(e)k eginahalak egin ditu arrisku hauek txikiagotzeko. Arreta handiz probatu ditugu gure programak. Gure zerbitzariak suebaki bidez babestuta eta segurtasun maila altua eskaintzeko konfiguratuta daude. Deskargatzerakoan programen osotasuna bermatzeko, fitxategi exekutagarri guztiak digitalki sinatu dira Internetera konektatuta ez dagoen ordenagailu seguru batean."
#: html/user/info.php:50
msgid ""
"The applications run by %1 may cause some computers to overheat. If this "
"happens, stop running %1 or use a %2 utility program %3 that limits CPU "
msgstr "%1(e)k exekutatutako aplikazioek gainberotzea eragin dezakete ordenagailu batzuetan. Hori gertatuz gero, gelditu %1(e)n exekuzioa edo erabili PUZaren erabilera muga dezakeen %2 zerbitzu-programaren bat %3."
#: html/user/info.php:51
msgid ""
"%1 was developed by %2. BOINC was developed at the University of California."
msgstr "%2(e)k garatu zuen %2. Kaliforniako Unibertsitatean garatu zuten BOINC."
#: html/user/info.php:53
msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Erantzunkizunak"
#: html/user/info.php:54
msgid ""
"%1 and %2 assume no liability for damage to your computer, loss of data, or "
"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in "
msgstr "%1(e)k eta %2(e)k ez dute inolako erantzunkizunik euren gain hartzen %1(e)n parte hartzeagatik ordenagailua matxuratzen bazaizu, datuak galtzen badituzu edo ezein gertaeragatik."
#: html/user/info.php:56
msgid "Other BOINC projects"
msgstr "Beste BOINC proiektuak"
#: html/user/info.php:57
msgid ""
"Other projects use the same platform, BOINC, as %1. You may want to consider"
" participating in one or more of these projects. By doing so, your computer "
"will do useful work even when %1 has no work available for it."
msgstr "Beste proiektuek plataforma bera erabiltzen dute (BOINC) %1 bezala. Zeure esku dago proiektu horietako batean edo gehiagotan parte hartzeko erabakia. Parte hartuz, zure ordenagailuak lan baliagarria burutuko du, baita %1(e)k lana eskuragai ez duenean ere."
#: html/user/info.php:58
msgid ""
"These other projects are not associated with %1, and we cannot vouch for "
"their security practices or the nature of their research. Join them at your "
"own risk."
msgstr "Beste proiektu hauek ez dute zerikusirik %1(r)ekin eta ez gara euren segurtasun mailaren edo ikerketa motaren erantzule izango. Zeure ardurapean batu proiektura."
msgid "Or you can select a language from the following menu:"
msgstr "Edo hizkuntza aukera dezakezu ondorengo menuan:"
#: html/user/language_select.php:85
msgid ""
"Translations are done by volunteers. If your native language is missing or "
"incomplete, %1 you can help translate %2."
msgstr "Itzulpenak, bolondresek egiten dituzte. Zure berezko hizkuntza falta bada edo osatugabe badago, %1 itzultzen lagundu dezakezu %2."
#: html/user/login_form.php:59
msgid "or %1 create an account %2."
msgstr "edo %1 sortu kontu bat %2."
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:31
msgid "Processing %1"
msgstr "%1 prozesatzen"
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:43
msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
msgstr "Bateratu %1 %2(r)ekin"
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:72
msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
msgstr "Itzuli zure ordenagailuen zerrendara"
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:76
msgid ""
"This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
" <p>\n"
" For each domain name, it will merge all older computers\n"
" having that name with the newest computer having that name.\n"
" Incompatible computers will not be merged.\n"
" <p>"
msgstr "Eragiketa honek ordenagailuak bateratzen ditu beraien domeinu-izenan oinarrituz.\n <p>\n Domeinu-izen bakoitzarentzat, izen hori duten ordenagailu zaharrak\n berrienekin bateratuko ditu.\n Bateragarriak ez diren ordenagailuak ez dira bateratuko.\n <p>"
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:82
msgid "Go ahead and do this"
msgstr "Aurrera jo eta egin hau"
#: html/user/merge_by_name.php:83
msgid "Return to the list of computers"
msgstr "Itzuli ordenagailuen zerrendara"
#: html/user/moderation.php:28
msgid ""
"Our message boards are moderated. Posts are subject to the following rules:"
msgstr "Gure foroak moderatuta daude. Mezuak ondorengo arauei loturik daude:"
#: html/user/moderation.php:31
msgid ""
"If you think a post violates any of the rules, you can notify moderators by "
"clicking the red X below the post and filling out the form."
msgstr "Mezu batek arauetakoren bat urratzen duela baderitzozu, moderatzaileei jakinarazi diezaiekezu mezuaren behealdean dagoen X gorrian klik eginez eta inprimakia betez."
#: html/user/moderation.php:33
msgid ""
"This moderation policy is set by the %1 project. If you have comments about"
" the policy or its enforcement, email %2."
msgstr "Moderazio-gidalerro hau %1 proiektuak ezartzen du. Politikari edo bere ezarpenari buruzko iruzkinik baduzu, bidali mezu elektronikoa %2(e)ra."
" will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
" or you issue the %2 Update %3 command from the BOINC Manager."
msgstr "Zure hobespenak eguneratu dira, eta\n zure ordenagailua %1(r)ekin komunikatzen denean gauzatuko dira\n edo BOINC Manager-eko %2 Eguneratu %3 agindua erabiltzen duzunean."
"Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
" will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
" or you issue the %2 Update %3 command from the BOINC Manager."
msgstr "Zure lehenetsitako hobespenak berrezarri dira, eta\n zure ordenagailua %1(r)ekin komunikatzen denean gauzatuko dira\n edo BOINC Manager-eko %2 Eguneratu %3 agindua erabiltzen duzunean. "
#: html/user/prefs_remove.php:46
msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
msgstr "Berretsi hobespenen ezabaketa"
#: html/user/prefs_remove.php:49
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude %2(r)entzako zure %1 hobespen bereiziak ezabatu nahi dituzula?"
#: html/user/prefs_remove.php:53
msgid "Remove preferences"
msgstr "Kendu hobespenak"
#: html/user/prefs_remove.php:55
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
#: html/user/profile_menu.php:37
msgid ""
"%1 Profiles %2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
msgstr "%1 Profilek %2 historia eta iritziak %3 komunitatearekin partekatzea ahalbidetzen dute."
#: html/user/profile_menu.php:38
msgid ""
"Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
"views for others to enjoy."
msgstr "Begiratu zure lagun bolondresen aniztasuna eta eman zeure ikuspegia besteei."
#: html/user/profile_menu.php:39
msgid ""
"If you haven't already, you can %1 create your own user profile %2 for "
"others to see!"
msgstr "Oraindik ez baduzu egin, %1 zeure erabiltzaile-profila sor dezakezu %2 eta besteek ikusiko dute!"
msgstr "Jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin. Ezin izan da aurreko helbide elektronikora leheneratu beste kontu batean helbide elektroniko gisa erabiltzen ari direlako."
msgstr "Gehitu edo kendu taldearen administratzaileak"
#: html/user/team_admins.php:43
msgid "You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:"
msgstr "Taldekideak aukera ditzakezu 'Taldearen Administratzaile' bezala. Taldearen administratzaileek ahal dute:"
#: html/user/team_admins.php:45
msgid "Edit team information (name, URL, description, country)"
msgstr "Editatu taldearen informazioa (izena, URLa, deskribapena, herrialdea)"
#: html/user/team_admins.php:46
msgid "View the team's join/quit history"
msgstr "Begiratu taldera batu / taldetik irten direnen erregistroa"
#: html/user/team_admins.php:47
msgid "Send messages to the team"
msgstr "Bidali mezuak taldeari"
#: html/user/team_admins.php:48
msgid ""
"Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation"
" events and red X reports)"
msgstr "Moderatu taldearen foroa, baldin badago (administratzaileek helbide elektroniko bidez jasotzen dituzte moderazio-gertaeren jakinarazpenak eta X txosten gorriak)"
"Team member %1 requested this team's foundership on %2, but left the team, "
"thus canceling the request."
msgstr "%1 taldekideak talde honen sortzaile gradua eskatu zuen %2(a)n, baina taldea utzi zuen, eskaera bertan behera utziz."
#: html/user/team_change_founder_form.php:51
msgid ""
"Team member %1 has requested this team's foundership. This may be because "
"you left the team or haven't had contact with the team for a long time."
msgstr "%1 taldekideak talde honen sortzaile gradua eskatu du. Taldea utzi zenuelako edo denbora luzez beraiekin harremanik izan ez duzulako izan daiteke."
#: html/user/team_change_founder_form.php:57
msgid "decline request"
msgstr "ezetsi eskaera"
#: html/user/team_change_founder_form.php:60
msgid ""
"If you don't decline the request by %1, %2 will have the option of assuming team foundership.<br /><br />\n"
" To accept the request, assign foundership to %3 using the form below."
msgstr "%1(e)rako eskaerari uko egiten ez badiozu, %2(e)k taldearen sortzaile gradua bere gain hartzeko aukera izango du.<br /><br />\n Eskaera onartzeko, esleitu sortzaile gradua %3(r)i beheko inprimakian."
#: html/user/team_change_founder_form.php:68
msgid "No transfer request is pending."
msgstr "Ez dago transferentzia eskaerarik egiteke."
#: html/user/team_change_founder_form.php:71
msgid ""
"To assign foundership of this team to another member, check the box next to "
"member name and click %1 Change founder %2 below."
msgstr "Talde honen sortzaile gradua beste kide bati esleitzeko, markatu kidearen izenaren ondoan dagoen laukia eta sakatu %1 Aldatu sortzailea %2 behean."
msgid "You may create a message board for use by %1."
msgstr "%1(e)k erabiliko duen foro bat sor dezakezu."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:33
msgid "Only team members will be able to post."
msgstr "Taldekideek soilik bidali ahal izango dituzte mezuak."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:34
msgid "At your option, only members will be able to read."
msgstr "Zure nahierara, kideek irakurri ahal izango dute soilik."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:35
msgid "You and your Team Admins will have moderator privileges."
msgstr "Zuk eta zure taldearen administratzaileek moderatzaile-pribilegioak izango dituzue."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:42
msgid "Create a message board for %1"
msgstr "Sortu foro bat %1(r)entzat"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:50
msgid "Team already has a message board"
msgstr "Taldeak badu foroa dagoeneko"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:61
msgid "Team Message Board"
msgstr "Taldearen foroa"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:78
msgid "Minimum time between posts (seconds)"
msgstr "Gutxieneko denbora-tartea mezuen artean (segundoak)"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:81
msgid "Minimum total credit to post"
msgstr "Mezua bidali ahal izateko gutxieneko kreditua"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:84
msgid "Minimum average credit to post"
msgstr "Mezua bidali ahal izateko gutxieneko batezbesteko kreditua"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:87
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Bidali"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:97
msgid "Remove your team's message board."
msgstr "Kendu zure taldearen foroa."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:105
msgid "Really remove message board?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude foroa kendu nahi duzula?"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:106
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove your team's message board? All threads and "
"posts will be permanently removed. (You may, however, create a new message "
"board later)."
msgstr "Ziur al zaude zure taldearen foroa kendu nahi duzula? Elkarrizketa-hari eta mezu guztiak betiko ezabatuko dira. (Hala ere gero foro berri bat sortu ahal izango duzu )."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:108
msgid "Yes - remove message board"
msgstr "Bai - kendu foroa"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:129
msgid "Message board removed"
msgstr "Foroa kenduta"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:132
msgid ""
"Your team's message board has been removed. You may now %1 create a new one "
msgstr "Zure taldearen foroa kendu da. %1 foro berri bat sortu %2 dezakezu orain."
#: html/user/team_forum.php:151
msgid "Team Message Board Updated"
msgstr "Taldearen foroa eguneratuta"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:152
msgid "Update successful"
msgstr "Eguneratzea zuzen burutu da"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:155
msgid "Update failed"
msgstr "Eguneratzeak huts egin du"
#: html/user/team_forum.php:162
msgid "Team has no forum"
msgstr "Taldeak ez du fororik"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:38
msgid "You must be a member of a team to access this page."
msgstr "Talde bateko kide izan behar zara orri honetan sartzeko."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:100
msgid "Requesting foundership of %1"
msgstr "%1(r)en sortzaile gradua eskatzen"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:108
msgid ""
"The current founder has been notified of your request by email and private message.<br /><br />\n"
" If the founder does not respond within 60 days you will be allowed to become the founder."
msgstr "Zure eskaeraren berri eman zaio mezu elektroniko eta mezu pribatu bidez une honetan sortzailea denari.<br /><br />\nSortzaileak 60 egunen buruan erantzuten ez badu, sortzaile bilakatu ahal izango zara."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:112
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:127
msgid "Foundership request not allowed now"
msgstr "Ez da onartzen oraindik sortzaile graduaren eskaera egitea"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:119
msgid "Assumed foundership of %1"
msgstr "%1(r)en sortzaile gradua onartu zuen"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:121
msgid ""
"Congratulations, you are now the founder of team %1. Go to %2 Your Account "
"page %3 to find the Team Admin options."
msgstr "Zorionak, %1 taldearen sortzailea zara orain. Joan %2 Zure Kontuaren orrira %3 taldearen administratzaile-aukerak begiratzeko."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:134
msgid "Decline founder change request"
msgstr "Ezetsi sortzailea aldatzeko eskaera"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:141
msgid "The foundership request from %1 has been declined."
msgstr "%1(e)k egindako sortzaile graduaren eskaera ezetsi da."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:144
msgid "There were no foundership requests."
msgstr "Sortzaile graduaren eskaerarik ez zen egon."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:148
msgid "undefined action %1"
msgstr "%1 zehaztugabeko ekintza"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:151
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:85
msgid "Return to team page"
msgstr "Itzuli taldearen orrira"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:30
msgid "You need to be a member of a team to access this page."
msgstr "Talde bateko kide izan behar zara orri honetan sartzeko."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:33
msgid "Request foundership of %1"
msgstr "Eskatu %1(r)en sortzaile gradua"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:40
msgid "You are now founder of team %1."
msgstr "%1 taldearen sortzailea zara orain."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:46
msgid "You requested the foundership of %1 on %2."
msgstr "%1(r)en sortzaile gradua eskatu zenuen %2(a)n."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:49
msgid ""
"60 days have elapsed since your request, and the founder has not responded. "
"You may now assume foundership by clicking here:"
msgstr "60 egun igaro dira eskaera egin zenuenetik eta sortzaileak ez du erantzun. Sortzaile gradua onar dezakezu hemen klik eginez:"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:52
msgid "Assume foundership"
msgstr "Onartu sortzaile gradua"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:56
msgid ""
"The founder was notified of your request. If he/she does not respond by %1 "
"you will be given an option to become founder."
msgstr "Zure eskaeraren berri eman zaio sortzaileari. %1(e)rako erantzuten ez badu zuk izango duzu sortzaile izateko aukera."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:62
msgid ""
"If the team founder is not active and you want to assume the role of founder, click the button below. The current founder will be sent an email detailing your request, and will be able to transfer foundership to you or to decline your request. If the founder does not respond in 60 days, you will be allowed to become the founder.<br /><br />\n"
" Are you sure you want to request foundership?"
msgstr "Taldearen sortzailea aktibo ez badago eta sortzailearen funtzioa zeure gain hartu nahi baduzu, klik egin beheko botoian. Une honetan sortzailea denak mezu elektroniko bat jasoko du zure eskaerarekin, eta sortzaile gradua eman ahalko dizu edo eskaera ezetsi. Sortzaileak 60 egunetan erantzuten ez badu, sortzaile bilakatu ahal izango zara.<br /><br />\nZiur al zaude sortzaile gradua eskatu nahi duzula?"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:67
msgid "Request foundership"
msgstr "Eskatu sortzaile gradua"
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:76
msgid "Founder change has already been requested by %1 on %2."
msgstr "%1(e)k egina du dagoeneko sortzailea aldatzeko eskaera %2(a)n."
#: html/user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:79
msgid ""
"A foundership change was requested during the last 90 days, so new requests "
"are not allowed. Please try again later."
msgstr "Azken 90 egunetan sortzaile aldaketa bat gauzatu da, beraz ez dira eskaera berriak onartzen. Saiatu berriro beranduago."
"If you cannot find a team that is right for you, you can %1 create a team "
msgstr "Zuretzako aproposa izan daitekeen talderik aurkitzen ez baduzu, %1 talde bat sor dezakezu %2."
#: html/user/team_quit_action.php:34
msgid "Unable to quit team"
msgstr "Ezin da taldea utzi"
#: html/user/team_quit_action.php:35
msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
msgstr "Taldea ez da existitzen edo ez zara bertako kide."
#: html/user/team_quit_form.php:33
msgid "Quit %1"
msgstr "Itxi %1"
#: html/user/team_quit_form.php:34
msgid ""
"<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
" <ul>\n"
" <li>If you quit a team, you may rejoin later, or join any other team you desire\n"
" <li>Quitting a team does not affect your personal credit statistics in any way.\n"
" </ul>"
msgstr "<strong>Mesedez, kontuan hartu talde bat utzi aurretik:</strong>\n <ul>\n <li>Talde bat uzten baduzu, gero berriro ere batu zaitezke bertara, edo nahi duzun beste edozein taldera\n <li>Talde bat uzteak ez du inolako eraginik zeure kreditu estatistikengan.\n </ul>"
#: html/user/team_quit_form.php:42
msgid "Quit Team"
msgstr "Utzi taldea"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:33
msgid "Removing users from %1"
msgstr "%1(e)ko erabiltzaileak kentzen"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:41
msgid "%1 is not a member of %2"
msgstr "%1 ez da %2(e)ko kide"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:44
msgid "%1 has been removed"
msgstr "%1 kendu da"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:34
msgid "Remove members from %1"
msgstr "Kendu kideak %1(e)tik"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42
msgid "Remove?"
msgstr "Ezabatu?"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:43
msgid "Name (ID)"
msgstr "Izena (IDa)"
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:68
msgid "No members are eligible for removal."
msgstr "Ez dago kiderik ezabatzeko aukeratuta."
#: html/user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:71
msgid "Remove users"
msgstr "Kendu erabiltzaileak"
#: html/user/team_search.php:76
msgid "Team name"
msgstr "Taldearen izena"
#: html/user/team_search.php:79
msgid "Validated?"
msgstr "Balioztatuta?"
#: html/user/team_search.php:115
msgid "Team search results"
msgstr "Talde bilaketaren emaitzak"
#: html/user/team_search.php:117
msgid "No teams were found matching your criteria. Try another search."
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu zure bilaketarekin bat datorren talderik. Egin beste bilaketa bat."
#: html/user/team_search.php:119
msgid "Or you can %1 create a new team %2."
msgstr "Edo %1 talde berri bat sor dezakezu %2."
#: html/user/team_search.php:123
msgid ""
"The following teams match one or more of your search criteria.\n"
" To join a team, click its name to go to the team page,\n"
" then click %1 Join this team %2."
msgstr "Ondorengo taldeak bat datoz zure bilaketa-irizpideetako batekin edo gehiagorekin.\n Talde batera batzeko, klik egin bere izenean eta joan taldearen orrira,\n gero klik egin %1 Batu talde honetara %2."
#: html/user/team_search.php:130
msgid "Change your search"
msgstr "Aldatu zure bilaketa"
#: html/user/team_search.php:204
msgid ""
"You can team up with other people with similar interests, or from the same "
"country, company, or school."
msgstr "Antzeko interesak dituen jendearekin edo herrialde, enpresa zein eskola bereko jendearekin elkar zaitezke."
#: html/user/team_search.php:206
msgid "Use this form to find teams that might be right for you."
msgstr "Erabili inprimaki hau aproposak izan dakizkizuken taldeak aurkitzeko."
#: html/user/team_search.php:211
msgid "%1 I'm not interested %2 in joining a team right now."
msgstr "Une honetan talde batera batzeko %1 interesik ez dut %2."
#. Now display what we've got (either gotten from cache or from DB)
"You can access your account either by using your email address and password,\n"
" or by using an assigned 'account key'.\n"
" Your account key is:"
msgstr "Zure kontuan sar zaitezke zure helbide elektronikoa eta pasahitza\n edo kontuaren gako bat erabiliz.\n Zure kontuaren gakoa:"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:57
msgid "This key can be used to:"
msgstr "Gako hau honetarako erabil daiteke:"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:59
msgid "log in to your account on the web"
msgstr "hasi saioa zure kontuan webean"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:61
msgid ""
"to attach a computer to your account without using the BOINC Manager.\n"
" To do so, install BOINC,\n"
" create a file named %1 in the BOINC\n"
" data directory, and set its contents to:"
msgstr "ordenagailu bat zure kontuarekin sinkronizatzeko BOINC Manager erabili gabe.\n Horretarako, instalatu BOINC,\n sortu %1 izeneko fitxategia BOINCen datuak\n gordetzen diren karpetan eta finkatu honela bere edukia:"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:73
msgid "Weak account key"
msgstr "Kontuaren gakoa ahula da"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:74
msgid ""
"Your 'weak account key' can be used to attach computers to your account\n"
" as described above, but cannot be used to log in to your account or change it in any way.\n"
" If you want to attach untrusted or insecure computers to your account,\n"
" do so using your weak account key.\n"
" Your weak account key is:"
msgstr "Zure 'kontuaren gako ahula' erabil daiteke ordenagailuak zure kontuarekin sinkronizatzeko,\n goian azaltzen den moduan, baina ezin da erabili zure kontuan saioa hasteko edo kontua edozein modutan aldatzeko.\n Fidagarriak edo seguruak ez diren ordenagailuak zure kontuarekin sinkronizatu nahi badituzu,\n erabili gako ahula.\n Zure kontuaren gako ahula:"
#: html/user/weak_auth.php:81
msgid ""
"If you change your password, your weak account key changes, and your "
"previous weak account key becomes invalid."
msgstr "Zure pasahitza aldatzen baduzu gako ahula ere aldatu egiten da eta aurrekoa baliogabetzen da."
"Tell us about yourself. You could tell us where you're from, your age, "
"occupation, hobbies, or anything else about yourself."
msgstr "Aurkez iezaguzu zeure burua. Kontaiguzu adibidez nongoa zaren, adina, lanbidea, zaletasunak, edo zuri buruzko beste edozer."
#: html/project.sample/project.inc:183
msgid "Your opinions about %1"
msgstr "%1(r)i buruzko zure iritziak"
#: html/project.sample/project.inc:187
msgid ""
"Tell us your thoughts about %1<ol>\n"
" <li>Why do you run %1?\n"
" <li>What are your views about the project?\n"
" <li>Any suggestions?\n"
" </ol>"
msgstr "Emaiguzu %1(r)i buruz duzun iritzia<ol>\n <li>Zergatik parte hartzen duzu %1(e)n?\n <li>Zein da proiektuari buruz duzun iritzia?\n <li>Iradokizunik?\n </ol>"