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#!/usr/bin/env python
print "add is deprecated. Use xadd instead.\n"
raise SystemExit
# $Id$
#XXX TODO: add app should modify config.xml to add application-specific daemons
add items to the BOINC database -- command-line interface. See also ``xadd``.
add project --name=yah --long_name="YETI @ home"
add platform --name=c64 [ --user_friendly_name="Commodore 64" ]
add core_version --platform=c64 --version_num=717
[--message="Message"] [--message_priority="Priority"]
add app --name=YetiApp [--min_version=716]
add app_version --app=YetiApp --platform=c64 --version_num=717
[--signature_file=/tmp/sig_file2]] ...
add user --name="Carl Sagan" --email_addr=""
[--country=Estonia --postal_code=94703
add work --name="/path/ap_20031026.23987.28452.wu"
[--rsc_fpops_est=3000000] [--rsc_fpops_bound=5000000]
[--rsc_memory_bound=20000000] [--rsc_disk_bound=10000000]
[--delay_bound=14days | --delay_bound=1209600]
[--sequence 4] (unimplemented)
infile1 [infile2] ...
add workunit (TODO)
add result (TODO) '''
import boinc_path_config
from Boinc import database, db_mid, configxml
from Boinc.util import *
from Boinc.add_util import *
import sys, os, getopt
def ambiguous_lookup(string, dict):
results = []
string = string.replace('_','')
for key in dict:
k = key.replace('_','')
if k == string:
return [dict[key]]
if k.startswith(string):
return results
def lookup_object_to_add(name_of_object_to_add):
name_of_object_to_add = name_of_object_to_add.strip().lower()
possible_objects = ambiguous_lookup(name_of_object_to_add, add_objects)
if len(possible_objects) == 0:
raise SystemExit("No such object '%s' to add"%name_of_object_to_add)
if len(possible_objects) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, "Object name '%s' matches multiple objects:"%name_of_object_to_add
for object in possible_objects:
print " ",
raise SystemExit(1)
return possible_objects[0]
def parse_global_options(args):
# raise SystemExit('todo')
def dv(object,arg):
if arg in object.default_values:
return ' --%s [%s]' %(arg, object.default_values[arg])
return ' --%s' %arg
def help_object(object, msg=None):
if msg:
print >>sys.stderr, "add:", msg
print >>sys.stderr, "Syntax: add %s"
for arg in object.args:
print >>sys.stderr, dv(object,arg)
print >>sys.stderr, " Optional:"
for arg in object.optional_args:
print >>sys.stderr, dv(object,arg)
raise SystemExit
def commandline_add_object(add_object, args):
parsed_opts, placement_args = \
getopt.getopt(args, '',
map(lambda s: s+'=',
add_object.args + add_object.optional_args))
if placement_args:
raise getopt.GetoptError('Unknown args '+' '.join(placement_args))
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
help_object(add_object, e)
untranslated_args_dict = {}
for arg,value in parsed_opts:
if not arg.startswith('--'):
raise Exception('internal error: arg should start with "--"')
untranslated_args_dict[arg[2:]] = value
do_add_object(add_object, untranslated_args_dict)
except AddObjectException, e:
help_object(add_object, e)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print >>sys.stderr, """Syntax: add <object_to_add> <options...>
Adds an object to the BOINC database.
Objects to add:"""
for object in sorted_keys(objects_to_add):
print >>sys.stderr, " ", object
print >>sys.stderr, """
Global options:
--config=config.xml Path to configuration file.
--skip_old Ignore database objects that already exist
These override config.xml:
--db_name Database name
--db_password Database password
--db_user Database user
For command-line help on a particular object, use add <object> without further
raise SystemExit(1)
add_object = lookup_object_to_add(sys.argv[1])
args = sys.argv[2:]
config = configxml.default_config()
commandline_add_object(add_object, args)