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This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id$
# The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
@ -32,28 +34,17 @@
# add app_version
# -app_name x -platform_name y -version a
# -download_dir d -download_url e
# -exec_dir b
# [ -exec_files file1 file2 ... ]
# [ -signed_exec_files file1 sign1 file2 sign2 ... ]
# -exec_file file1 [ -signature_file signature1 ]
# -exec_file file2 [ -signature_file signature2 ]
# file1 is the main programs. signature files should be created on another
# machine but for testing purposes add.py will sign for you (for a real
# project you should never store the private key on the networked server)
# create DB record
# copy exec to data directory
# add user -email_addr x -name y -authenticator a
# [ -global_prefs_file y ]
# int version, retval, nexec_files;
# double nbytes;
# bool signed_exec_files;
# char buf[256], md5_cksum[64];
# char *db_name=0, *db_passwd=0, *app_name=0, *platform_name=0;
# char *project_short_name=0, *project_long_name=0;
# char* user_friendly_name=0;
# char* exec_dir=0, *exec_files[10], *signature_files[10];
# char *email_addr=0, *user_name=0, *authenticator=0;
# char *global_prefs_file=0, *download_dir, *download_url;
# char* code_sign_keyfile=0;
# char *message=0, *message_priority=0;
import sys, getopt
import sys, getopt, md5
import database, db_mid
from util import *
@ -67,20 +58,23 @@ CREATE_TIME = ['?create_time', time.time()]
# [ 'arg', default_value ]
list_objects_to_add = [
[ database.Project, 'name', '?long_name' ],
[ database.App, 'name', 'min_version', CREATE_TIME],
[ XAppVersion, 'app', 'platform', 'version_num',
'signed_exec_file', 'exec_file', 'signature_file'
[ database.Platform, 'name', 'user_friendly_name', CREATE_TIME ],
[ XCoreVersion, 'platform', 'version_num', 'exec_file',
['?message',''], ['?message_priority',''],
[ database.App, 'name', 'min_version', CREATE_TIME],
[ XAppVersion, 'app', 'platform', 'version_num', 'exec_file', '?signature_file'
[ database.User, 'name', 'email_addr', 'authenticator',
['?country','United States'], ['?postal_code','94703'],
'?global_prefs', '?global_prefs_file'
[ database.Workunit, 'zzzz' ],
# [ database.Workunit, 'zzzz' ],
def translate_arg(arg, value,args_dict):
most_recent_exec_file = None
def translate_arg(object, arg, value, args_dict):
'''Translate various arguments'''
database_table = None
@ -93,9 +87,17 @@ def translate_arg(arg, value,args_dict):
if arg == 'global_prefs_file':
return ('global_prefs', open(value).read())
if arg == 'exec_file' or arg == 'signed_exec_file' or arg == 'signature_file':
return (None,None)
if object.DatabaseObject == XAppVersion:
# 'add app_version' accepts multiple '-exec_file's with
# '-signature_file' applying to the most recent exec_file
if arg == 'exec_file':
# since this is required, set it to None so that argument checker
# knows we got one; we'll delete it later.
return (arg,None)
if arg == 'signature_file':
args_dict['signature_files'][most_recent_exec_file] = value
return (None,None)
return (arg,value)
@ -115,48 +117,50 @@ def translate_database_arg(database_table, arg, value):
raise SystemExit('Too many %s match "%s"'%(arg,value))
return results[0]
class XCoreVersion(database.CoreVersion):
def __init__(**kwargs):
exec_file = kwargs['exec_file']
del kwargs['exec_file']
kwargs['xml_doc'] = process_executable_file(exec_file)
class XAppVersion(database.AppVersion):
def __init__(**kwargs):
n_signed_file = 0
signed_exec_file = kwargs['signed_exec_files']
exec_file = kwargs['exec_files']
del kwargs['signed_exec_files']
signature_files = kwargs['signature_files']
exec_files = kwargs['exec_files']
if not exec_files:
raise Exception('internal error: no exec_files - should have caught this earlier')
del kwargs['signature_files']
del kwargs['exec_files']
for file in signed_exec_files:
signature_text = signature_files[n_signed_file].read()
n_signed_file += 1
kwargs['xml_doc'] = process_executable_file(file, signature_text)
for file in exec_files:
signature_text = sign_executable(file)
kwargs['xml_doc'] = process_executable_file(file, signature_text)
del kwargs['exec_file']
xml_doc = ''
for exec_file in exec_files
signature_file = signature_files.get(exec_file)
if signature_file:
signature_text = open(signature_file).read()
signature_text = sign_executable(exec_file)
xml_doc += process_executable_file(exec_file, signature_text)
self.xml_doc += '''<app_version>
<version_num>%d</version_num>''' %(self.name, self.version_num)
xml_doc += ('<app_version>\n'+
' <app_name>%s</app_name>\n'+
' <version_num>%d</version_num>\n') %(
self.name, self.version_num)
first = True
for file in exec_files+signed_exec_files:
for exec_file in exec_files:
xml_doc += (' <file_ref>\n'+
' <file_name>%s</filename>\n') %(
if first:
m = ' <main_program/>\n'
self.xml_doc += '''
%s </file_ref>'''%(os.path.basename(file), m)
xml_doc += ' <main_program/>\n'
xml_doc += ' </file_ref>\n'
first = False
# for (i=0; i<nexec_files; i++) {
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <file_ref>\n"
# " <file_name>%s</file_name>\n"
# "%s"
# " </file_ref>\n",
# exec_files[i],
# i?"":" <main_program/>\n"
# );
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, longbuf);
# }
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, "</app_version>\n");
xml_doc += '</app_version>\n'
kwargs['xml_doc'] = xml_doc
def ambiguous_lookup(string, dict):
@ -207,67 +211,21 @@ def add_object(object, args):
if not arg.startswith('--'):
raise Exception('internal error: arg should start with "--"')
arg = arg[2:]
(arg,value) = translate_arg(arg,value,args_dict)
(arg,value) = translate_arg(object,arg,value,args_dict)
if not arg: continue
args_dict[arg] = value
for arg in object.args:
if not arg in args_dict:
help_object(object, 'required argument --%s not given'%arg)
print '### adding %s %s'%(object.name, args_dict)
object = apply(object.DatabaseObject, [], args_dict)
print "Done"
def code_sign_file(executable_path):
'''Returns signed text for executable'''
return os.popen('code_sign_file '+executable_path).read()
# void add_app_version() {
# char path[256];
# char longbuf[MAX_BLOB_SIZE];
# int i;
# strcpy(app_version.xml_doc, "");
# // copy executables to download directory and sign them
# //
# for (i=0; i<nexec_files; i++) {
# if (signed_exec_files) {
# read_filename(signature_files[i], signature_text);
# } else {
# sprintf(path, "%s/%s", exec_dir, exec_files[i]);
# sign_executable(path, signature_text);
# }
# retval = process_executable_file(
# exec_files[i], signature_text, app_version.xml_doc
# );
# if (retval) {
# fprintf(stderr, "process_executable_file(): %d\n", retval);
# exit(1);
# }
# }
# for (i=0; i<nexec_files; i++) {
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <file_ref>\n"
# " <file_name>%s</file_name>\n"
# "%s"
# " </file_ref>\n",
# exec_files[i],
# i?"":" <main_program/>\n"
# );
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, longbuf);
# }
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, "</app_version>\n");
# app_version.create_time = time(0);
# retval = app_version.insert();
# if (retval) {
# boinc_db_print_error("app_version.insert()");
# return;
# }
# }
print 'Signing', executable_path
return os.popen('sign_executable %s %s'%(executable_path,config.config.code_sign_key)).read()
class Dict:
@ -335,170 +293,41 @@ parse_global_options(args)
add_object(possible_objects[0], args)
# // copy executable file to the download dir, generate XML
# //
# static int process_executable_file(
# char* filename, char* signature_text, char* xml_doc
# ) {
# char longbuf[MAX_BLOB_SIZE];
# char path[256];
def md5_file(path):
"""Return a 16-digit MD5 hex digest of a file's contents"""
return md5.new(open(path).read()).hexdigest()
# sprintf(path, "%s/%s", exec_dir, filename);
# sprintf(
# buf,
# "cp %s %s/%s",
# path, download_dir, filename
# );
# retval = system(buf);
# if (retval) {
# printf("failed: %s\n", buf);
# return retval;
# }
def file_size(path):
"""Return the size of a file"""
f = open(path)
return f.tell()
# retval = md5_file(path, md5_cksum, nbytes);
# if (retval) return retval;
def process_executable_file(file, signature_text=None):
'''Handle a new executable file to be added to the database.
# // generate the XML doc directly.
# // TODO: use a template, as in create_work (??)
# //
# sprintf(longbuf,
# "<file_info>\n"
# " <name>%s</name>\n"
# " <url>%s/%s</url>\n"
# " <executable/>\n",
# filename,
# download_url, filename
# );
# strcat(xml_doc, longbuf);
# if (signature_text) {
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <file_signature>\n%s"
# " </file_signature>\n",
# signature_text
# );
# } else {
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <md5_cksum>%s</md5_cksum>\n",
# md5_cksum
# );
# }
# strcat(xml_doc, longbuf);
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <nbytes>%f</nbytes>\n"
# "</file_info>\n",
# nbytes
# );
# strcat(xml_doc, longbuf);
# return 0;
# }
1. Copy file to download_dir if necessary.
2. Return <file_info> XML.
- if signature_text specified, include it; else generate md5sum.
# void add_core_version() {
# DB_CORE_VERSION core_version;
# DB_PLATFORM platform;
file_dir, file_base = os.path.split(file)
target_path = os.path.join(config.config.download_dir, file_base)
if file_dir != config.config.download_dir:
print "Copying %s to %s"%(file_base, config.config.download_dir)
shutil.copy(file, target_path)
# core_version.clear();
# sprintf(buf, "where name='%s'", platform_name);
# retval = platform.lookup(buf);
# if (retval) {
# fprintf(stderr, "add_core_version(): can't find platform %s\n", platform_name);
# boinc_db_print_error("platform.lookup()");
# return;
# }
# core_version.platformid = platform.id;
# core_version.version_num = version;
# if (message) strcpy(core_version.message, message);
# if (message_priority) strcpy(core_version.message, message_priority);
# if (nexec_files != 1) {
# fprintf(stderr, "add_core_version(): multiple files not allowed\n");
# return;
# }
# strcpy(core_version.xml_doc, "");
# process_executable_file(exec_files[0], NULL, core_version.xml_doc);
# core_version.create_time = time(0);
# retval = core_version.insert();
# if (retval) {
# boinc_db_print_error("core_version.insert()");
# }
# }
xml = '''<file_info>
''' %(file_base,
os.path.join(config.config.download_url, file_base))
# void add_app_version() {
# char path[256];
# char longbuf[MAX_BLOB_SIZE];
# char signature_text[1024];
# int i;
# DB_APP app;
# DB_APP_VERSION app_version;
# DB_PLATFORM platform;
if signature_text:
xml += ' <file_signature>\n%s </file_signature>\n'%signature_text
xml += ' <md5_cksum>%s</md5_cksum>\n' % md5_file(target_path)
# app_version.clear();
# if (!app_name) {
# fprintf( stderr, "Application name not specified.\n" );
# exit(1);
# }
# sprintf(buf, "where name='%s'", app_name);
# retval = app.lookup(buf);
# if (retval) {
# fprintf(stderr, "add_app_version(): can't find app %s\n", app_name);
# boinc_db_print_error("app.lookup()");
# return;
# }
# app_version.appid = app.id;
# sprintf(buf, "where name='%s'", platform_name);
# retval = platform.lookup(buf);
# if (retval) {
# fprintf(stderr, "add_app_version(): can't find platform %s\n", platform_name);
# boinc_db_print_error("platform.lookup()");
# return;
# }
# app_version.platformid = platform.id;
# app_version.version_num = version;
# strcpy(app_version.xml_doc, "");
# // copy executables to download directory and sign them
# //
# for (i=0; i<nexec_files; i++) {
# if (signed_exec_files) {
# read_filename(signature_files[i], signature_text);
# } else {
# sprintf(path, "%s/%s", exec_dir, exec_files[i]);
# sign_executable(path, signature_text);
# }
# retval = process_executable_file(
# exec_files[i], signature_text, app_version.xml_doc
# );
# if (retval) {
# fprintf(stderr, "process_executable_file(): %d\n", retval);
# exit(1);
# }
# }
# sprintf(longbuf,
# "<app_version>\n"
# " <app_name>%s</app_name>\n"
# " <version_num>%d</version_num>\n",
# app_name,
# version
# );
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, longbuf);
# for (i=0; i<nexec_files; i++) {
# sprintf(longbuf,
# " <file_ref>\n"
# " <file_name>%s</file_name>\n"
# "%s"
# " </file_ref>\n",
# exec_files[i],
# i?"":" <main_program/>\n"
# );
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, longbuf);
# }
# strcat(app_version.xml_doc, "</app_version>\n");
# app_version.create_time = time(0);
# retval = app_version.insert();
# if (retval) {
# boinc_db_print_error("app_version.insert()");
# return;
# }
# }
xml += ' <nbytes>%f</nbytes>\n</file_info>\n' % file_size(target_path)
return xml
Reference in New Issue