2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( " ../inc/db.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/forum.inc " );
require_once ( " ../inc/util.inc " );
db_init ();
$user = get_logged_in_user ();
$user = getForumPreferences ( $user );
page_head ( " Edit message board preferences " );
start_table ();
row2 ( " Reset preferences<br><font size=-2>Use this button to reset preferences to the defaults</font> " ,
" <form method=post action= \" edit_forum_preferences_action.php \" ><input type= \" submit \" value= \" Reset preferences \" ></form> " );
echo " <form method= \" post \" action= \" edit_forum_preferences_action.php \" enctype= \" multipart/form-data \" > " ;
if ( $user -> avatar_type == 0 ){
$zero_select = " checked=true " ;
} elseif ( $user -> avatar_type == 1 ){
$one_select = " checked=true " ;
$avatar_url = $user -> avatar ;
} elseif ( $user -> avatar_type == 2 ){
$two_select = " checked=true " ;
row2 ( " Avatar<br><font size=-2>The virtual representation of you on the message boards<br/>Note: Forced size of 100x100 pixels<br>format: jpg/png - size: at most 4k</font> " ,
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
< table >
< tr >< td >< input type = \ " radio \" name= \" avatar_select \" value= \" 0 \" " . $zero_select . " >Don't use an avatar</td><td></td></tr>
<!--< tr >< td >< input type = \ " radio \" name= \" avatar_select \" value= \" 1 \" " . $one_select . " >Use external avatar:</td><td><input name= \" avatar_url \" size=30 value= \" " . $avatar_url . " \" '></td></tr>-->
< tr >< td >< input type = \ " radio \" name= \" avatar_select \" value= \" 2 \" " . $two_select . " >Use this uploaded avatar: <input type= \" file \" name= \" picture \" ></td><td></td></tr>
</ table >
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
if ( $user -> avatar != " " ){
row2 ( " Avatar preview<br><font size=-2>This is how your avatar will look</font> " ,
" <img src= \" " . $user -> avatar . " \" width= \" 100 \" height= \" 100 \" > " );
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
row2 ( " Sort styles<br><font size=-2>How to sort the replies in the message board and Q&A areas</font> " ,
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
< table >
< tr >< td > Message threadlist :</ td >< td > " .select_from_array( " forum_sort " , $forum_sort_styles , getSortStyle( $user , " forum " )). " </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Message posts :</ td >< td > " .select_from_array( " thread_sort " , $thread_sort_styles , getSortStyle( $user , " thread " )). " </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Q & amp ; A questionlist :</ td >< td > " .select_from_array( " faq_sort " , $faq_sort_styles , getSortStyle( $user , " faq " )). " </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Q & amp ; A questions :</ td >< td > " .select_from_array( " answer_sort " , $answer_sort_styles , getSortStyle( $user , " answer " )). " </ td ></ tr >
</ table > "
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
if ( $user -> link_popup == 1 ){ $forum_link_externally = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $forum_link_externally = " " ;}
if ( $user -> images_as_links == 1 ){ $forum_image_as_link = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $forum_image_as_link = " " ;}
if ( $user -> hide_avatars == 1 ){ $forum_hide_avatars = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $forum_hide_avatars = " " ;}
2004-10-10 03:04:29 +00:00
if ( $user -> hide_signatures == 1 ){ $forum_hide_signatures = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $forum_hide_signatures = " " ;}
if ( $user -> jump_to_unread == 1 ){ $forum_jump_to_unread = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $forum_jump_to_unread = " " ;}
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
2004-10-10 03:04:29 +00:00
row2 ( " Display and Behavior " .
" <br><font size=-2>How to treat links, images and signatures in the forum<br>and how to act on unread posts</font> " ,
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" forum_link_externally \" " . $forum_link_externally . " > Open links in new window/tab<br>
< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" forum_images_as_links \" " . $forum_image_as_link . " > Show images as links<br>
< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" forum_hide_avatars \" " . $forum_hide_avatars . " > Hide avatar images<br>
2004-10-10 03:04:29 +00:00
< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" forum_hide_signatures \" " . $forum_hide_signatures . " > Hide signatures<br>---<br>
< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" forum_jump_to_unread \" " . $forum_jump_to_unread . " > Jump to first new post in thread automatically<br>
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
if ( $user -> no_signature_by_default == 0 ){ $enable_signature = " checked= \" true \" " ;} else { $enable_signature = " " ;}
row2 ( " Signature for message boards " .
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
" <br><a href=html.php><font size=-2>May contain HTML tags</font></a><font size=-2><br>Max length (including newlines) is 254 chars. " ,
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
2004-09-14 21:29:52 +00:00
< textarea name = signature rows = 4 cols = 50 > " .stripslashes( $user->signature ). " </ textarea >
< br >< input type = \ " checkbox \" name= \" signature_enable \" " . $enable_signature . " > Attach signature by default "
2004-09-04 23:37:49 +00:00
if ( $user -> signature != " " ){
row2 ( " Signature preview " .
" <br><font size=-2>This is how your signature will look in the forums</font> " ,
sanitize_html ( stripslashes ( $user -> signature ))
row2 ( " " , " <input type=submit value='Update info'> " );
end_table ();
echo " </form> \n " ;
page_tail ();