Use this button to reset preferences to the defaults", "
"); echo "
"; if ($user->avatar_type==0){ $zero_select="checked=true"; } elseif($user->avatar_type==1){ $one_select="checked=true"; $avatar_url=$user->avatar; } elseif($user->avatar_type==2){ $two_select="checked=true"; } row2("Avatar
The virtual representation of you on the message boards
Note: Forced size of 100x100 pixels
format: jpg/png - size: at most 4k
", "
Don't use an avatar
Use this uploaded avatar:
" ); if ($user->avatar!=""){ row2("Avatar preview
This is how your avatar will look", "avatar."\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">"); } row2("Sort styles
How to sort the replies in the message board and Q&A areas", "
Message threadlist:".select_from_array("forum_sort", $forum_sort_styles, getSortStyle($user,"forum"))."
Message posts:".select_from_array("thread_sort", $thread_sort_styles, getSortStyle($user,"thread"))."
Q&A questionlist:".select_from_array("faq_sort", $faq_sort_styles, getSortStyle($user,"faq"))."
Q&A questions:".select_from_array("answer_sort", $answer_sort_styles, getSortStyle($user,"answer"))."
" ); if ($user->link_popup==1){$forum_link_externally="checked=\"true\"";} else {$forum_link_externally="";} if ($user->images_as_links==1){$forum_image_as_link="checked=\"true\"";} else {$forum_image_as_link="";} if ($user->hide_avatars==1){$forum_hide_avatars="checked=\"true\"";} else {$forum_hide_avatars="";} if ($user->hide_signatures==1){$forum_hide_signatures="checked=\"true\"";} else {$forum_hide_signatures="";} if ($user->jump_to_unread==1){$forum_jump_to_unread="checked=\"true\"";} else {$forum_jump_to_unread="";} row2("Display and Behavior". "
How to treat links, images and signatures in the forum
and how to act on unread posts
", " Open links in new window/tab
Show images as links
Hide avatar images
Hide signatures
Jump to first new post in thread automatically
" ); if ($user->no_signature_by_default==0){$enable_signature="checked=\"true\"";} else {$enable_signature="";} row2("Signature for message boards". "
May contain HTML tags
Max length (including newlines) is 254 chars.", "
Attach signature by default" ); if ($user->signature!=""){ row2("Signature preview". "
This is how your signature will look in the forums", sanitize_html(stripslashes($user->signature)) ); } row2("", ""); end_table(); echo "\n"; page_tail(); ?>