
156 lines
4.0 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SyntaxDefinition name="SharpLua" extensions=".slua;.lua" xmlns="http://icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/syntaxdefinition/2008">
<!-- The named colors 'Comment' and 'String' are used in SharpDevelop to detect if a line is inside a multiline string/comment -->
<Color name="Comment" foreground="Green" exampleText="-- comment" />
<Color name="String" foreground="Blue" />
<Color name="Punctuation" />
<Color name="MethodCall" foreground="MidnightBlue" fontWeight="bold"/>
<Color name="NumberLiteral" foreground="DarkBlue"/>
<Color name="NilKeyword" fontWeight="bold"/>
<Color name="Keywords" fontWeight="bold" foreground="Blue" />
<Color name="GotoKeywords" foreground="Navy" />
<Color name="Visibility" fontWeight="bold" foreground="Blue"/>
<Color name="TrueFalse" fontWeight="bold" foreground="DarkCyan" />
<RuleSet name="CommentMarkerSet">
<Keywords fontWeight="bold" foreground="Red">
<Keywords fontWeight="bold" foreground="#E0E000">
<!-- This is the main ruleset. -->
<Span color="Comment">
<Begin color="XmlDoc/DocComment">---</Begin>
<Import ruleSet="XmlDoc/DocCommentSet"/>
<Import ruleSet="CommentMarkerSet"/>
<Span color="Comment" ruleSet="CommentMarkerSet" multiline="true">
<Span color="Comment" ruleSet="CommentMarkerSet">
<Span color="String">
<!-- span for escape sequences -->
<Span begin="\\" end="."/>
<Span color="String">
<!-- span for escape sequences -->
<Span begin="\\" end="."/>
<Span color="String" multiline="true">
<Begin color="String">\[[=]*\[</Begin>
<Keywords color="TrueFalse">
<Keywords color="Keywords">
<Keywords color="GotoKeywords">
<Keywords color="Visibility">
<Keywords color="NilKeyword">
<!-- Mark previous rule-->
<Rule color="MethodCall">
[\d\w_]+ # an identifier
(?=\s*\() # followed by (
<Rule color="MethodCall">
[\d\w_]+ # an identifier
(?=\s*\") # followed by "
<Rule color="MethodCall">
[\d\w_]+ # an identifier
(?=\s*\') # followed by '
<Rule color="MethodCall">
[\d\w_]+ # an identifier
(?=\s*\{) # followed by {
<Rule color="MethodCall">
[\d\w_]+ # an identifier
(?=\s*\[) # followed by [
<!-- Digits -->
<Rule color="NumberLiteral">
\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ # hex number
( \b\d+(\.[0-9]+)? #number with optional floating point
| \.[0-9]+ #or just starting with floating point
([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? # optional exponent
<Rule color="Punctuation">