TODO FIXME HACK UNDONE --- --\[[=]*\[ \][=]*] -- " " ' ' \[[=]*\[ \][=]*] true false and break do else elseif end false for function if in local not or repeat return then true until while using break return local nil \b [\d\w_]+ # an identifier (?=\s*\() # followed by ( \b [\d\w_]+ # an identifier (?=\s*\") # followed by " \b [\d\w_]+ # an identifier (?=\s*\') # followed by ' \b [\d\w_]+ # an identifier (?=\s*\{) # followed by { \b [\d\w_]+ # an identifier (?=\s*\[) # followed by [ \b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ # hex number | ( \b\d+(\.[0-9]+)? #number with optional floating point | \.[0-9]+ #or just starting with floating point ) ([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? # optional exponent [?,.;()\[\]{}+\-/%*<>^+~!|&]+