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What is ShadowFox?

ShadowFox is a collection of userChrome.css and userContent.css tweaks to supplement and expand the dark theme provided by Mozilla.

What modifications does ShadowFox make?

All modifications can be split into two categories: (1) Changes to the user interface (userChrome.css) and (2) Changes to webpages (userContent.css).

userChrome tweaks

Modification to the following items have been made to match the Firefox dark theme:

  • Sidebar
  • Library
  • Smart bar and search bar drop downs
  • Context menus
  • Menus accesssed from the nav bar
  • Customization page
  • Tab line and secure connection icon
  • About Firefox dialog box
  • Status panels
  • Remove white flash on page load
  • Findbar

userContent tweaks

about: pages

All about: pages have been styled (e.g. about:addons, about:preferences, about:config, about:profiles etc.)


The following webpages have been styled to match the dark theme:

  • view-source pages
  • manifest.json pages
  • Dierectory listing pages (file:///)

Webextension Tweaks

Tweaks for the following webextensions have been made:

  • Tree Style Tabs - preferences page and context menus
  • Stylus - preferences page and sidebar
  • Multiple Tabs Handler - preferences page
  • Dark Mode - preferences page
  • Violentmonkey - Settings, text editor and popup
  • uBlockOrigin - Popup and Settings
  • uBO-Scope - Popup
  • Decentraleyes - Popup and settings
  • HTTPSEverywhere - Popup

What do the changes look like?

Here are just a few examples:

Context Menus and Sidebar about: pages
dark_menus dark_menus
view-source: pages Mozilla Addon Store
dark_menus dark_menus

How do I install/modify ShadowFox

Please see here.

Keeping up-to-date with Changes

To help stay notified of all the changes made to this repository, please see the changelog.

Looking for more information or experiencing problems?

Please take a look through the wiki and Issues (both open and closed). If you can't find what you need, don't hesitate to open up a new issue.

Have a feature request?

Please read through the current issues and search old ones. If it doesn't already exist, feel free to ask!


I welcome any contributions and would be excited to have a team of people helping with this project. If you are uncomfortable making pull requests, you can simply open up an issue and attach any code you would like included.