The .BOS freeing funtions, others that are close to them in the typical
#include order, and the ending picture functions.
Part of P0198, funded by Lmocinemod and Ember2528.
Common sense: Entity backgrounds always go into slot X, missile sprites
into slot Y, and wave sprites into slot Z
ZUN: "Nah, let's set aside two slots, and bosses can just freely use
them as they want 🎺"
Part of P0165, funded by Ember2528.
Functions with 12 parameters are hard to describe, y'know. Looking
forward to decompiling these giant expressions for the actual
boss↔orb collision parameter passed to this function…
Oh well, at least we're now totally ready for some boss code next
year. 😌
Completes P0131, funded by Yanga.
And we're right back to things not being nice. Because yeah, why
shouldn't these three distinct rendering functions be part of a single
function, selected by magic numbers?
Or why shouldn't the 16×16 wrapper around a 32×32 set of graphics
functions be used to handle backgrounds for 16×8 sprites, resulting in
needlessly complex parameter calculations that lead to sloppy code?
Part of P0131, funded by Yanga.
And with that, TH01 is pushed over the 50% completion mark! 🎉
This time, it's only YuugenMagan who gets no own copy. Giant RE% gains
from all these calls, but let's hope I don't regret already decompiling
this one for all bosses. It's not quite at the beginning of SinGyoku's,
Mima's, and Elis' code segment, after all…
Part of P0130, funded by Yanga.