Right, PC-98 hardware only supports 4 bits per RGB component, for a
total of 4,096 possible colors. The 8-bit RGB color values we've been
seeing throughout the later games are a master.lib extension, to allow
for more toning precision. Which TH01, with all its NIH syndrome,
doesn't use.
And yup, that means templates in the most basic header files… Since
that would have meant renaming *everything* to compile as C++, I simply
made these types exclusive to C++ code, thcrap style.
Part of P0066, funded by Keyblade Wiedling Neko and Splashman.
Meh, can't overload arithmetic operators that take a Subpixel without
generating a needless load and store, even with -Z. But heck, slightly
uglifying subpixel/subpixel arithmetic is exactly the right trade-off.
Completes P0061, funded by Touhou Patch Center.