*Still* no need for the classic `if(ptr) { delete[] ptr; ptr = NULL }`
macro, because who cares about dangling pointers anyway, right?
Part of P0123, funded by Yanga.
All this CPU time spent optimizing the unblitting mask, yet the code
still ends up glitching if the two sprites are more than 2 horizontal
bytes away. So, Reimu's slide speed can only be as high as 8 pixels per
frame, before this function fails to unblit the previous sprite and
leaves little Reimu parts in VRAM.
Part of P0123, funded by Yanga.
"Let's add a row to the offset, and then subtract it again" :zunpet:
This could only *possibly* have been intended as a DoS attack against a
future manual decompilation, right?
Part of P0123, funded by Yanga.