diff --git a/Research/Borland C++ decompilation.md b/Research/Borland C++ decompilation.md
index b31a865f..c85cf952 100644
--- a/Research/Borland C++ decompilation.md
+++ b/Research/Borland C++ decompilation.md
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ where the scalar-type variable is declared in relation to them.
| `ADD [m8], imm8` | Only achievable through a C++ method operating on a member? |
| `MOV AL, [m8]`
`ADD AL, imm8`
`MOV [m8], AL` | Opposite; *not* an inlined function |
| `CWD`
`SAR AX, 1` | `AX / 2`, `AX` is *int* |
+| `MOV [new_var], AX`
`SUB AX, DX` | `abs(AX)`, defined in ``. `AX` is *int* |
### Arithmetic on a register *after* assigning it to a variable?
diff --git a/th01/main/boss/entity.cpp b/th01/main/boss/entity.cpp
index ced77f99..6d8a79e8 100644
--- a/th01/main/boss/entity.cpp
+++ b/th01/main/boss/entity.cpp
@@ -528,3 +528,32 @@ void CBossEntity::sloppy_unput() const
egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(cur_left, cur_top, (vram_w * BYTE_DOTS), h);
+void CBossEntity::move_lock_unput_and_put_8(
+ int, int delta_x, int delta_y, int lock_frames
+ if(move_lock_frame == 0) {
+ move(delta_x, delta_y);
+ int unput_left = (prev_delta_x > 0)
+ ? ((prev_left / BYTE_DOTS) * BYTE_DOTS)
+ : (((cur_left / BYTE_DOTS) * BYTE_DOTS) + (vram_w * BYTE_DOTS));
+ egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(unput_left, prev_top, 8, h);
+ int unput_top = (cur_top > prev_top)
+ ? prev_top
+ : (cur_top + h);
+ egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16(
+ prev_left, unput_top, (vram_w << 3), abs(cur_top - prev_top)
+ );
+ unput_and_put_8(cur_left, cur_top, bos_image);
+ move_lock_frame = 1;
+ } else if(move_lock_frame >= lock_frames) {
+ move_lock_frame = 0;
+ } else {
+ move_lock_frame++;
+ }
diff --git a/th01/main/boss/entity.hpp b/th01/main/boss/entity.hpp
index ebc0c551..3bc528f0 100644
--- a/th01/main/boss/entity.hpp
+++ b/th01/main/boss/entity.hpp
@@ -112,6 +112,31 @@ public:
/// Movement
/// --------
+ void move(const int &delta_x, const int &delta_y) {
+ prev_delta_x = delta_x;
+ prev_delta_y = delta_y;
+ prev_left = cur_left;
+ prev_top = cur_top;
+ cur_left += prev_delta_x;
+ if(move_clamp.left > cur_left) {
+ cur_left = move_clamp.left;
+ }
+ if(move_clamp.right < cur_left) {
+ cur_left = move_clamp.right;
+ }
+ cur_top += prev_delta_y;
+ if(cur_top < move_clamp.top) {
+ cur_top = move_clamp.top;
+ }
+ if(cur_top > move_clamp.bottom) {
+ cur_top = move_clamp.bottom;
+ }
+ }
// Sets [cur_left], [cur_top], [unknown], and the [move_clamp] area.
void pos_set(
int left,
@@ -122,5 +147,11 @@ public:
int move_clamp_top,
int move_clamp_bottom
+ // (Just read the actual function code, it's impossible to summarize
+ // without spelling every single line here.)
+ void move_lock_unput_and_put_8(
+ int unused, int delta_x, int delta_y, int lock_frames
+ );
/// --------
diff --git a/th01_reiiden.asm b/th01_reiiden.asm
index 27937ff6..137e02a7 100644
--- a/th01_reiiden.asm
+++ b/th01_reiiden.asm
@@ -8880,6 +8880,7 @@ main_21_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
extern @CBossEntity@unput_and_put_8$xqiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@wave_put$xqiiiiii:proc
extern @CBossEntity@pos_set$qiiiiiii:proc
+ extern @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii:proc
main_21_TEXT ends
main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
@@ -8887,158 +8888,6 @@ main_21__TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
;org 4
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_DATA, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
-; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
-; Attributes: bp-based frame
-sub_16733 proc far
-var_6 = word ptr -6
-var_4 = word ptr -4
-var_2 = word ptr -2
-arg_0 = dword ptr 6
-arg_6 = word ptr 0Ch
-arg_8 = word ptr 0Eh
-arg_A = word ptr 10h
- enter 6, 0
- push si
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- cmp word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 0
- jnz loc_1687F
- mov ax, [bp+arg_6]
- mov es:[bx+1Eh], ax
- mov ax, [bp+arg_8]
- mov es:[bx+1Ch], ax
- push es
- mov si, word ptr [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[si]
- pop es
- mov es:[bx+4], ax
- mov es, word ptr [bp+arg_0+2]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- mov es:[bx+6], ax
- mov ax, es:[bx+1Eh]
- add es:[bx], ax
- mov ax, es:[bx+0Ch]
- cmp ax, es:[bx]
- jle short loc_1677E
- mov es:[bx], ax
- jmp short $+2
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+0Eh]
- cmp ax, es:[bx]
- jge short loc_1678F
- mov es:[bx], ax
- jmp short $+2
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+1Ch]
- add es:[bx+2], ax
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- cmp ax, es:[bx+10h]
- jge short loc_167AE
- mov ax, es:[bx+10h]
- mov es:[bx+2], ax
- jmp short $+2
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- cmp ax, es:[bx+12h]
- jle short loc_167C5
- mov ax, es:[bx+12h]
- mov es:[bx+2], ax
- jmp short $+2
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Eh], 0
- jle short loc_167DE
- mov ax, es:[bx+4]
- mov bx, 8
- cwd
- idiv bx
- shl ax, 3
- jmp short loc_167F9
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx]
- mov bx, 8
- cwd
- idiv bx
- shl ax, 3
- mov bx, word ptr [bp+arg_0]
- mov dx, es:[bx+8]
- shl dx, 3
- add ax, dx
- mov [bp+var_2], ax
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16 c, ax, word ptr es:[bx+6], 8, word ptr es:[bx+0Ah]
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- cmp ax, es:[bx+6]
- jle short loc_16825
- mov ax, es:[bx+6]
- jmp short loc_16830
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- add ax, es:[bx+0Ah]
- mov [bp+var_4], ax
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2]
- sub ax, es:[bx+6]
- mov [bp+var_6], ax
- cwd
- xor ax, dx
- sub ax, dx
- push ax
- mov ax, es:[bx+8]
- shl ax, 3
- push ax
- push [bp+var_4]
- push word ptr es:[bx+4]
- call _egc_copy_rect_1_to_0_16
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- call @CBossEntity@unput_and_put_8$xqiii stdcall, bx, word ptr [bp+arg_0+2], word ptr es:[bx], word ptr es:[bx+2], word ptr es:[bx+24h]
- add sp, 12h
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 1
- jmp short loc_1689A
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- mov ax, es:[bx+2Ch]
- cmp ax, [bp+arg_A]
- jl short loc_16893
- mov word ptr es:[bx+2Ch], 0
- jmp short loc_1689A
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- les bx, [bp+arg_0]
- inc word ptr es:[bx+2Ch]
- pop si
- leave
- retf
-sub_16733 endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
; Attributes: bp-based frame
@@ -15200,33 +15049,12 @@ var_2 = word ptr -2
inc word_3A6CA
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_0
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_1
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_2
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_3
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_0, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_1, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_2, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_3, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 30h
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_4
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_4, ds, large 0 or (0 shl 16), large 0 or (3 shl 16)
call sub_1B58F
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 28h ; '('
@@ -15567,16 +15395,8 @@ loc_1BEC0:
jnz loc_1C02D
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_west
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_east
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@@ -15780,16 +15600,8 @@ loc_1C0CA:
jnz loc_1C3EB
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southwest
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southeast
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_southwest.BE_cur_left.x
add ax, 32
@@ -16169,16 +15981,8 @@ loc_1C493:
inc word_39E04
inc x_39E06
dec angle_39E16
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_west
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_east
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@@ -16499,16 +16303,8 @@ loc_1C7E4:
jnz loc_1CB08
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southwest
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southeast
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 18h
mov ax, eye_southwest.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
@@ -16843,12 +16639,7 @@ loc_1CB3E:
jnz loc_1D036
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_north
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
cmp word_3A6CA, 1Eh
jl short loc_1CB88
cmp word_39E08, 0
@@ -17291,33 +17082,12 @@ loc_1D08C:
jnz loc_1D852
inc word_3A6CA
inc word_39E04
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_west
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_east
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southwest
- call sub_16733
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southeast
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 30h
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_north
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov ax, eye_west.BE_cur_left
add ax, 32
sub ax, _player_left
@@ -18126,12 +17896,7 @@ loc_1D8D5:
and ax, 1
cmp ax, 1
jnz short loc_1D90D
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_west
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@@ -18139,12 +17904,7 @@ loc_1D90D:
and ax, 2
cmp ax, 2
jnz short loc_1D92E
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_east
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@@ -18152,12 +17912,7 @@ loc_1D92E:
and ax, 4
cmp ax, 4
jnz short loc_1D94F
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southwest
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@@ -18165,12 +17920,7 @@ loc_1D94F:
and ax, 8
cmp ax, 8
jnz short loc_1D970
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southeast
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, byte ptr word_39E14
@@ -18178,12 +17928,7 @@ loc_1D970:
and ax, 10h
cmp ax, 10h
jnz short loc_1D991
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_north
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
cmp word_35B54, 0
@@ -18764,12 +18509,7 @@ arg_8 = dword ptr 0Eh
jnz short loc_1E037
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_west
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_west, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@@ -18784,12 +18524,7 @@ loc_1E037:
jnz short loc_1E064
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_east
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_east, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@@ -18804,12 +18539,7 @@ loc_1E064:
jnz short loc_1E091
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southwest
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southwest, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@@ -18824,12 +18554,7 @@ loc_1E091:
jnz short loc_1E0BE
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_southeast
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_southeast, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
mov al, [bp+arg_0]
@@ -18844,12 +18569,7 @@ loc_1E0BE:
jnz short loc_1E0EB
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset eye_north
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset eye_north, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
les bx, [bp+arg_8]
@@ -28029,12 +27749,7 @@ var_2 = byte ptr -2
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset singyoku_sphere
- call sub_16733
- add sp, 0Ch
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii c, offset singyoku_sphere, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
inc word_3A37F
mov ax, word_3A37F
@@ -28678,26 +28393,26 @@ sub_235FD endp
; Attributes: bp-based frame
-sub_23629 proc near
+_kikuri_soul_move_and_render proc near
@@image_new = word ptr -2
-arg_0 = word ptr 4
-arg_2 = word ptr 6
+@@delta_y = word ptr 4
+@@delta_x = word ptr 6
@@soul = word ptr 8
enter 2, 0
push si
mov si, [bp+@@soul]
- push 1
- push [bp+arg_0]
- push [bp+arg_2]
- push 0
+ push 1 ; lock_frames
+ push [bp+@@delta_y] ; delta_y
+ push [bp+@@delta_x] ; delta_x
+ push 0 ; unused
mov ax, si
imul ax, size CBossEntity
add ax, offset _kikuri_souls
- push ds
- push ax
- call sub_16733
+ push ds ; this (segment)
+ push ax ; this (offset)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 0Ch
@@ -28729,7 +28444,7 @@ loc_23689:
pop si
retn 6
-sub_23629 endp
+_kikuri_soul_move_and_render endp
; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
@@ -28835,17 +28550,17 @@ loc_2371D:
cmp byte ptr [si+5A1Fh], 0
jz short loc_23764
mov bx, si
- imul bx, 32h
+ imul bx, size CBossEntity
cmp _kikuri_tears[bx].BE_cur_top, 384
jg short loc_2374E
- push 10008h
- pushd 0
+ push 8 or (1 shl 16) ; (delta_y) or (lock_frames)
+ pushd 0 or (0 shl 16) ; (unused) or (delta_x)
mov ax, si
imul ax, size CBossEntity
add ax, offset _kikuri_tears
- push ds
- push ax
- call sub_16733
+ push ds ; this (segment)
+ push ax ; this (offset)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
jmp short loc_23764
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -29698,12 +29413,8 @@ loc_23F62:
idiv bx
or dx, dx
jnz short loc_23F99
- pushd 0FFFCh
- push 0FFFDh
- call sub_23629
- push 10004h
- push 0FFFDh
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, -3, large (-4 and 0FFFFh) or (0 shl 16)
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, -3, large ( 4 and 0FFFFh) or (1 shl 16)
cmp kikuri_soul_0.BE_cur_top, 96
jge short loc_23F99
mov ax, 1
@@ -29731,12 +29442,8 @@ var_6 = byte ptr -6
enter 8, 0
push si
- pushd 0
- push 0
- call sub_23629
- push 10000h
- push 0
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, 0, large 0 or (0 shl 16)
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, 0, large 0 or (1 shl 16)
push 3C0046h
push 500064h
push ss
@@ -29851,16 +29558,13 @@ loc_24092:
sar eax, 8
mov di, ax
call sub_23715
- push 0
- push si
- push di
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, di, si, 0
push 1
mov ax, si
neg ax
push ax
push di
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render
pop di
pop si
pop bp
@@ -29966,16 +29670,13 @@ loc_2419B:
sar eax, 8
mov di, ax
call sub_23715
- push 0
- push si
- push di
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render stdcall, di, si, 0
push 1
mov ax, si
neg ax
push ax
push di
- call sub_23629
+ call _kikuri_soul_move_and_render
pop di
pop si
pop bp
@@ -36585,11 +36286,7 @@ loc_280D6:
call _egc_wave_unput
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_move_lock_frame, 0
mov elis_still_or_wave.BE_bos_image, 0
- push 30000h
- pushd 0
- push ds
- push offset elis_still_or_wave
- call sub_16733
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii stdcall, offset elis_still_or_wave, ds, large 0, large 0 or (3 shl 16)
add sp, 1Ah
jmp short loc_28158
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -36921,9 +36618,9 @@ loc_2846F:
mov word_35D4C, 1
push 1
push ds
- push offset word_3A77B
+ push offset elis_bat_move_delta_y
push ds
- push offset word_3A77D
+ push offset elis_bat_move_delta_x
push ds
push offset word_35D4C
call sub_27B67
@@ -36947,13 +36644,13 @@ loc_284B3:
mov elis_attack.BE_cur_top, ax
cmp word_35D4C, 0
jz short loc_28539
- push 2
- push word_3A77B
- push word_3A77D
- push 0
- push ds
- push offset elis_bat
- call sub_16733
+ push 2 ; lock_frames
+ push elis_bat_move_delta_y ; delta_y
+ push elis_bat_move_delta_x ; delta_x
+ push 0 ; unused
+ push ds ; this (segment)
+ push offset elis_bat ; this (offset)
+ call @CBossEntity@move_lock_unput_and_put_8$qiiii
add sp, 0Ch
mov ax, word_3A6CA
mov bx, 9
@@ -36988,9 +36685,9 @@ loc_28525:
push 0
push ds
- push offset word_3A77B
+ push offset elis_bat_move_delta_y
push ds
- push offset word_3A77D
+ push offset elis_bat_move_delta_x
push ds
push offset word_35D4C
call sub_27B67
@@ -50355,8 +50052,8 @@ word_3A773 dw ?
word_3A775 dw ?
word_3A777 dw ?
word_3A779 dw ?
-word_3A77B dw ?
-word_3A77D dw ?
+elis_bat_move_delta_y dw ?
+elis_bat_move_delta_x dw ?
byte_3A77F db ?
word_3A780 dw ?
db 1050 dup (?)