[Reverse-engineering] [th05] Custom entity structure
On the surface, TH05 uses one single 26-byte structure for
• the Stage 2 starfield,
• Alice's puppets,
• curve bullet heads,
• Mai's snowballs and Yuki's fireballs,
• Yumeko's knives,
• and Shinki's 32×32 bullets.
But looking closer, it turns out that the fields of all these have very
different semantics, and in some cases, even different types. uth05win
treated all of those as distinct structures, and we're going to do the
same, merely overlaying the pointers onto the same generic array.
Part of P0078, funded by iruleatgames and -Tom-.
2020-02-25 21:02:44 +00:00
custom_t struc
db 26 dup (?)
custom_t ends
2020-02-26 21:24:36 +00:00
; Stage 2 star particles
; ----------------------
s2particle_t struc
flag db ?
S2P_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
zoom dw ?
dw 5 dup (?)
s2particle_t ends
s2particles equ <_custom_entities>
; ----------------------
2020-02-26 19:48:02 +00:00
; Alice's puppets
; ---------------
puppet_t struc
flag db ?
PUPPET_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
phase_frame dw ?
radius_motion label word
radius_gather label word
dw ?
PUPPET_patnum dw ?
PUPPET_hp_cur dw ? ; _cur to avoid a collision with PUPPET_HP
PUPPET_damage_this_frame dw ?
dw ?
puppet_t ends
puppets equ <_custom_entities>
puppet0 equ <puppets[0 * size puppet_t]>
puppet1 equ <puppets[1 * size puppet_t]>
; ---------------
2020-02-26 22:37:53 +00:00
; Curve bullets
; -------------
curvebullet_template_t struc
db ?
CBTMPL_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
CBTMPL_age dw ?
dw ?
CBTMPL_col dw ?
dd ?
CBTMPL_speed db ?
db ?
curvebullet_template_t ends
curvebullet_head_t struc
flag db ?
CBH_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
CBH_age dw ?
dw ?
CBH_sprite dw ?
dd ?
CBH_speed db ?
db ?
curvebullet_head_t ends
curvebullet_template equ <_custom_entities>
curvebullet_heads equ <_custom_entities[1 * size curvebullet_head_t]>
; -------------
2020-02-27 20:06:35 +00:00
; Mai's and Yuki's 32×32 balls
; ----------------------------
B4BALL_W = 32
B4BALL_H = 32
b4ball_t struc
flag db ?
B4B_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
B4B_age dw ?
B4B_revenge dw ?
B4B_patnum_tiny_base dw ?
B4B_hp dw ?
B4B_damaged_this_frame dw ?
B4B_speed db ?
db ?
b4ball_t ends
b4ball_template equ <_custom_entities>
b4balls equ <_custom_entities[1 * size b4ball_t]>
; ------------------------------
2020-02-28 13:23:02 +00:00
; Yumeko's knives
; ---------------
KNIFE_W = 32
KNIFE_H = 32
knife_t struc
flag db ?
KNIFE_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
twirl_time dw ?
dw ?
KNIFE_patnum_tiny dw ?
KNIFE_decay_frames dw ?
dw ?
KNIFE_speed db ?
db ?
knife_t ends
knife_template equ <_custom_entities>
knives equ <_custom_entities[1 * size knife_t]>
; ---------------
2020-02-28 21:40:34 +00:00
; Shinki's 32×32 balls
; --------------------
B6BALL_W = 32
B6BALL_H = 32
b6ball_t struc
flag db ?
B6B_angle db ?
pos motion_t <?>
B6B_age dw ?
cloud_radius dw ?
B6B_patnum_tiny dw ?
B6B_decay_frames dw ?
dw ?
B6B_speed db ?
db ?
b6ball_t ends
b6ball_template equ <_custom_entities>
b6balls equ <_custom_entities[1 * size b6ball_t]>
; --------------------
[Reverse-engineering] [th05] Custom entity structure
On the surface, TH05 uses one single 26-byte structure for
• the Stage 2 starfield,
• Alice's puppets,
• curve bullet heads,
• Mai's snowballs and Yuki's fireballs,
• Yumeko's knives,
• and Shinki's 32×32 bullets.
But looking closer, it turns out that the fields of all these have very
different semantics, and in some cases, even different types. uth05win
treated all of those as distinct structures, and we're going to do the
same, merely overlaying the pointers onto the same generic array.
Part of P0078, funded by iruleatgames and -Tom-.
2020-02-25 21:02:44 +00:00
public _custom_entities
2020-02-28 21:40:34 +00:00
_custom_entities custom_t (CUSTOM_COUNT + 1) dup (<?>)