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Supported Ciphers
Adding your own checker
Adding your own ciphers
Checkers, explained
Ciphey's Repos, explained
Common Issues & Their Solutions
Common things you may want to do
Extending Ciphey
Importing Ciphey
Running Ciphey for Contributors
Searchers, explained
Supported Ciphers
Tagging System
Testing your cracker decoder
The Settings File
Things to check before submitting a PR
What to check before a pull request
Supported Ciphers
SkeletalDemise edited this page 2020-11-24 00:40:41 -08:00
Ciphey currently supports 51 encryptions, encodings, compression methods, and hashes.
Basic Encryptions
- Caesar Cipher
- ROT47 (up to ROT94 with the ROT47 alphabet)
- ASCII shift (up to ROT127 with the full ASCII alphabet)
- Vigenère Cipher
- Affine Cipher
- Binary Substitution Cipher (XY-Cipher)
- Baconian Cipher (both variants)
- Soundex
- Transposition Cipher
- Pig Latin
Modern Day Cryptography
- Repeating-key XOR
- Single XOR
Why do you have a lot of decoders?
- Base2 (Binary)
- Base8 (Octal)
- Base10 (Decimal)
- Base16 (Hexadecimal)
- Base32
- Base58 Bitcoin
- Base58 Flickr (release candidate stage)
- Base58 Ripple
- Base62
- Base64
- Base64 URL (release candidate stage)
- Base69
- Base85
- Z85 (release candidate stage)
- ASCII Base85
- Base91
- Base65536 (release candidate stage)
- Reversed text
- Morse Code
- DNA codons (release candidate stage)
- Atbash
- Standard Galactic Alphabet (aka Minecraft Enchanting Language)
- Leetspeak
- Baudot ITA2
- URL encoding
- SMS Multi-tap
- DMTF (release candidate stage)
- A1Z26 (release candidate stage)
- Prisoner's Tap Code
- UUencode
- Braille (Grade 1)
Esoteric Languages (EsoLang)
- Brainfuck
Compression Methods
- GZip
NOTE: Hashes are turned off right now due to some bugs with external services we cannot control.
Ciphey supports 272 hashes.
- MD5
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
- SHA-384
- SHA-512
What Ciphers are going to be implemented next?
Current ciphers in the works
This is based on pull requests / support given in the Discord chat.
- Ook
- Playfair
- Vigenere (but in Python)
Join our Discord
List of Supported Ciphers/Encodings/Hashes